Chapter 5

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The day was sunny and warm, as the light breeze flung my dress and hair about. The traffic had dialed down quite a bit, so Angus and I road, side by side without having to speed up for other people. We went about our own pace. Even though the day had beckoned me to relax and become one with it, I still found myself worrying. Angus had just paid for (H/N)'s needs, and he was heavily insisting on giving me a bag filled with rupees. I kept denying him, but his pestering continued for a long time. Castle Town's gate was in sight, yet the man's assertive manner persisted.

"Come on. It's obvious that you don't have anything (Y/N). Just take the rupees, buy some clothes and supplies, and then go to the castle. Besides, they won't let you in with you just wearing a white dress, with no shoes, bag, or... really anything for that matter." Angus countered, which finally made me give into his kindness. Snatching the leather bag from him, I held it with a small scowl. Looking away from him, I muttered a small thank you, hoping he wouldn't hear me. Angus heard me loud and clear, "You are welcome, my beautiful lady!" He grinned, as we approached the large gate. Two guards stood right next to the heavy metal doors, watching for anyone suspicious. Their cold attitude disappeared once they saw Angus approach. The two guards came running up to Angus with large smiles on their faces.

"Look-y hear Aziel, Angus got em selves a girl. A pretty one too! Where did ya meet the young lass?" A small blushed shadowed over my cheeks as I looked away from the guards. Angus chuckled a little before answering his friends.

"She is nothing of the sort, Thyme. She is just a friend I ran into while at Riverside Stable. She said that she wants to enjoy Castle Town and get an audience with His Majesty." Angus explained, looking to Thyme and the other guard, apparently named Aziel. They looked over at me, but I turned away before they could look at my beet red face anymore.

"So... you two aren't courting one another?" Aziel asked. Angus and I shook our heads in unison as the two cooky knights looked at the both of us. Both sighed a breath of relief before laughing at one another, "Thank goodness Angus! It would be really embarrassing if you got someone before us. Did you tell her that you were the top of your class? Or that you trained under that Link-fella for two years?"

"Aziel! I wasn't going to tell (Y/N) that!!" Angus blurted, but it piqued my interest. 'Link...' I thought to myself, 'I didn't know he trained other knights. I probably should play it safe and pretend to not know who Link is. After all, Angus is under the impression that I am not from Hyrule. Besides, this is a good time to ask about when I am.' The thought of Link being of age to be a knight unsettled me. It only means that I do not have a lot of time to find a way to defeat Calamity Ganon. If Link is already Princess Zelda's knight than I have about a year to think of a plan. Time was not on my side.

"Who's Link, if I may ask..." I queried shyly, hoping they'd believe my terrible lying skills. Thyme and Aziel looked at Angus before laughing like I was some comedian; However, they stopped snickering when they realized that Angus and I weren't laughing.

"Ya seriously don't know who Link is? Have ya been sleeping under a rock for the past couple of years?! Ta humor ya, I'll tell ya anyway. A couple years ago, this Link-fella came with the Captain of the Royal Guard. Link came from Hateno Village, which is really funny considering that their so distant from here kingdom. Anyhow, he was a natural born prodigy, as em fancy people call im. He outshined the lot of us! He moved through em ranks like it was a game of hoppy scotch. I heard that he's being promoted to the Princess's Bodyguard soon, after they find em Champions." So, Link wasn't Zelda's knight yet! Which meant that I had more time!! I tried my best to act natural, "He's also a handsome looking guy. Not as handsome as me though and he also don't talk much. Angus here was under his special training for a couple years, but Link didn't even notice his presence. So long story short, Link is the personification of em story book knights that save em Princesses from towers."

"Thanks for telling me! I am from another... kingdom... And I don't know Hyrule well." I thanked kindly, bowing my head a little with gratitude. Thyme looked at me with a little scowl and squinted eyes.

"Well, if you're such a far-off lass, then prove you are not from Hyrule! Go on! Do it!! Dazzle me!!!" Pulling back my hair to reveal my ears, Thyme yelped loudly before covering his mouth and looking away, "O-Okay fine. Well... um... have fun in Castle Town, Miss (Y/N)!" Not another moment later, I road inside the gates to only gasp at the beauty that surrounded me. In the game, Castle Town was in ruins, nothing but a shadow of what the players imagined it would looked like. But it was right in front of me! And it was beautiful! The circular road that once looked worn and used was far newer and more pristine. The cobblestone almost glowed from the sun's rays. But the road wasn't the only thing holding my attention. The housing was not torn down! Each flagstone house had a brightly colored blue roof with clear windows to gaze into. Some of the homes were transformed into businesses. The streets were busy with people going about their daily lives. Every one of them looked so hardworking, yet content with their everyday existences. 'What a way to live...' I thought, almost saying it out loud. The smaller flagpoles stood up from the ground, showing the royal emblem proudly with the colors of red, yellow, and blue. The Central Square sat not too far away, with vendors from far off places. Beyond the large fountain, I saw the beautifully built castle. To Hyrule, Hyrule Castle was its centerpiece. Seeing the castle in person sent excited butterflies through my stomach and heart as a strange smile formed on my face.

"Are you okay (Y/N)?" Angus questioned nervously, not knowing what to really say to me. I looked over at him and gave him a large, closed eye smile.

"Yeah! I just never seen Hyrule Castle or Castle Town before, but it is exactly what I thought it would be... It's absolutely outstanding!!" Stars formed in my eyes the more I talked. Even though my bad thoughts and memories lingered in my head like a parasite, I could only smile at the scenery before me.

"Wow, I wasn't expecting you to like Castle Town so much. Usually, people say that it looks a lot like their home country's palaces and the town that sits below. Does your country not have a main capital or something?" Angus's head tilted a little to the side. 'Crap!' I thought to myself, 'I forgot that I didn't tell him which country I was from... I don't know any countries in this world! Crap!! Crap!!! What do I tell him?!'

"W-W-Well... I come from a country that mostly works through agriculture, so... I never really see castles or cities as amazing as this..." Lying through my teeth again. I made note of my fib of coming from an undeveloped country. Angus gave me a confused expression before smiling at me again.

"Oh! So, you come from Greyham then. I never met someone from their before. Man! You journeyed a long way from your country, didn't you? That's kind of cool, you know, to be from so far away. But I thought they had pointed ears over there." Angus stated as more sweat ran down my forehead. At this point, we stopped our horses in the middle of the road. Various curses were thrown at us, but I couldn't really hear them. My heart was louder.

"L-Look... um... I lied."

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