Chapter 115

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Making it across the maw, I stopped the blond near the Guardian. Of course, after I dealt with the Chuchus. "Okay Link. There is a Guardian Stalker nearby. Follow my lead, alright?" The blond took the moment to stare after it. He was met with one, that was for sure. This was probably one of the many Guardians that annoyed me. Well... all of them did, but the two in the volcano really annoyed me. Can't you fall in the lava already?! On that note, how did Goron's get passed them? Hm? It made no sense. Honestly, I hated almost everything about this place, but a Divine Beast and good ore were here, so who cares honestly? Skirting around the Guardian, I found myself almost falling a few times. Luckily and successfully, we got past the killer machine because of Link. Going into the cave, Link dealt with all the enemies, as I broke all the ore I could find. Sapphires, Rubies, Topaz, all those wonderful money makers.

"So... what is Death Mountain like?" The blond queried, as I glanced over at him.

I tried to think of the right words, before answering a quick, "I'm not actually sure if you'll like it or not. It really depends." I answered briefly, deciding to keep the conversation going. Even if it was going to be one-sided for a little while. "The first time I came through Death Mountain, I almost died by falling to lava! I was saved by a really cool Goron though. I think you'll really like the Gorons though. They're so friendly. Way friendlier than the Rito." Link stared over his shoulder for a brief moment, before I continued, "The shrines are super fun too, because they're all like... fire and lava themed. Side quests are pretty cool too, but... there are a few you might not enjoy too much. Oh! Another thing is that the kids are kind of mean, but they're just like that because they haven't seen Hylians in long time."

"Why haven't they?" Link queried, as stopped. I wondered if I should tell him or not.

"Do you see the smoke coming from Death Mountain? It's black with ash. The rundown of it is that Vah Rudania has made the volcano extremely active. It goes off every now and then. Who would want to be near the volcano when it's like that? So, Goron City isn't the most popular destination right now. In fact, no where is. But you already knew that." He nodded, "But trust me. This place is beautiful when you get past the lava, burning, and enclosing death without Vah Rudania."

Getting to the second checkpoint, I stopped Link for a moment. Pulling out my helmet, I gifted it to Link. "That's a Goron Helmet. It'll protect you from the fire. Just in case though... drink this. It'll make you fireproof for a little more than seven minutes. Don't drink it until you feel burning."

Getting up on the rocks, we chugged the potion quickly before we continued forward. The moment, the Guardian spotted us, Link grabbed hold of me before using his Revali's Gale. We flew through the air, as I attached myself to him like a koala. The landing was pretty rough, but he managed to get near Eldin Tower. Activating it, I was busy dealing with the Fire Lizalfos. About the time I was breaking open metal boxes, with gloves of course, I was salvaging everything I could. Lastly, I opened the chest to get five shock arrows. Offering them to Link, he told me to keep them for the time being. We continued on our merry way. "(Y/N)? What is that?" Staring at the foot sprint in ash I smiled 'Dodango tracks... I can't believe it's still there.'

"It's probably Vah Rudania's old tracks. Nothing to worry about... I'm sure." I attempted to comfort, however, this concerned Link a little further. Good thing there wasn't a Dodango anywhere. Following the path, Link went to conquer Qua Raym Shrine on Goronbi Lake before we continued. Making it near Gortram Cliff, a Igneo Talus slept. Shushing Link a little, I approached the rock, before making a bunch of noise next to it. The moment, it stood tall, I shot it with one of my ice arrows, before it became a regular old rock Talus. Jumping on top, I hit the ore right, left, and center, before it finally turned to fog. Collecting all the ore, Link started to climb the cliff. "You know... this cliff didn't use to be hear. It was a nice slope." Making it to the top, I started to scavenge the area for lizards.

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