Chapter 134

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Racing across the bridges, we entered the Slippery Falcon to find a blue Rito girl, staring at the merchandise. Link was the first to approach. "Yah yah! I bought some goat butter!" Cree cheered to herself, holding the butter fondly. Taking the initiative, I stooped to one knee, before speaking to her.

"Cree, don't you have rehearsal with your other sisters?" I spoke softly, just the same as I had one hundred years before. The young girl's eyes widened, as she stared into mine. She was unsure of what I meant for a moment.

"... Huh? Rehearsal? Oh, yeah! I forgot! If I give you this goat butter, will you make some salmon meunière for Genli? She should be in the kitchen. She said she won't sing until she's eaten. Our older sister Notts is probably practicing her songs somewhere up high. Kotts left to catch some hearty salmon. She's probably fishing at the pond near the entrance to the village." The girl gifted me the butter, before I gave it to the blond Hero.

"Let's split up for now. Link, you go try to find Notts. I'll go find Kotts." The knight agreed, before climbing the stairs.

"Miss?" I hummed in affirmation, before she continued, "How did you know my name? I don't think we ever met before." Getting back on one knee, I gave her a kind smile.

"I've met with your father in Hyrule before. He told me about all of his beautiful children. He loves you all very much." The girl's eyes widened, before, she flew off toward Warbler's Nest to keep her youngest sister company.

Going the opposite direction of Link, I exited Rito Village once more and toward the island with ponds. Upon getting there small giggles filled my ears along with the splashing of water. There was Kotts. "Hiyah! HIYAH! I'm fishing for hearty salmon!" After a moment, she noticed my presence, "... Huh? What are you doing here?"

"Kheel sent me. You have rehearsal with her remember?" I spoke, making the girl think for a moment.

"What? Rehearsal? Ah! I totally forgot! I was too focused on catching these fish. Kheel's going to kill me! Please take this hearty salmon and go make some salmon meunière for Genli. Hopefully she'll feel like singing after she has some." After that, the girl took off into the sky, presumably heading to Warbler's Nest. 'Time to meet back up with Link.' I thought, breathing out a sigh. My eyes trailed to the sky and then to Vah Medoh. I couldn't see Revali's ghost, but I could feel his presence from the Divine Beast. 'I'm happy that you are finally at peace.' Meeting Link halfway, I gifted his the hearty salmon.

"Alright... we have goat butter, hearty salmon, and Tabantha wheat. Is that all we need?" I nodded, before we continued forward. "I talked to Amali. She was relieved that her daughter was safe, though, she still wanted her home as soon as possible." Upon making it back to the kitchen, the green ball of feathers look even more angry.

"Hurry! Hurry! I NEED salmon meunière in my belly! I know Kheel wants me to practice singing with her, but I just can't. Not until I get my salmon meunière! My sisters already left to get salmon meunière ingredients. I told them I wouldn't sing until I get it. I didn't expect them to actually make it for me, though! I don't want to practice singing... but I really do want some yummy salmon meunière. What is taking my sisters so long? I thought they were just going to the Slippery Falcon." Link visibly rolled his eyes, before expertly putting ingredients in the pot. Genli sniffed in all of the incredible scents emitting from the dish, " That amazing smell... Could it be? Sa... Sa... Salmon meunière?!" Link dished the meal onto a slab of wood as the little girl started to jump around in excitement, "You're going to let me have some, right? Right?!" Link stared from the dish, to me, and then to the small child.

"No, it's all mine!" He taunted, before I hit him on the back of the head.

"Link, be nice!" I warned, as he huffed.

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