Chapter 103

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I rode through the night, feeling a little tired and weary, however, I powered through. Coming the way I came; I took a right once at the Great Plateau. Everything was still in ruin, but I wasn't expecting it to be any different. I passed the Gatepost Town Ruins with gusto, before continuing on my merry way. I rode passed the Coliseum before making it to Outskirt Stable, there I took a short break before continuing to Satori Mountain. I got off my new horse once more when I was at the foot of the mountain. It looked the same as it always had. Climbing up, I entered the newly grown apple orchard. I had my work cut out for me, as I started to dig up some spots that I assumed my bag was buried at. Eventually, the spot I hadn't touched started to glow a blueish color. Then a faded light shined behind my figure. The Lord of the Mountain, along with several Blupees gazed at my still figure. Not knowing what else to do, I turned to face the Lord, before kneeling down, and bowing my head out of respect.

"Thank you," I told the awe inducing creature, "Thank you for letting me station my belongings on your mountain." I stated before starting to dig up my backpack. My hands were covered in mud and dirt. Sweat rolled down my chin, as I continued to dig. When I saw familiar fabric, I felt it tenderly, before unearthing it from the ground. A blue light encompassed it for a moment before it faded away. The bag looked the same as I left it. Looking over to the Lord of the Mountain with a smile, I told the Lord, "And thank you, for leaving it in such pristine condition." It still had everything I had left inside. All my supplies. All my clothes. And even all the ore that I mined, though there wasn't enough in there for anything. My weapons were intact. Revali's Kite Shield... Revali's Feathered Edge... All of it was undamaged, bringing a smile to my features. And every part of this situation seemed... normal for once. I would have shed some tears, however, there was no time.

The Lord of the Mountain slowly approached my right side, signaling for me to look at the creature. The grand looking horse looked the same as he always had, however there was a certain kindness in his demeanor. Slinging the bag over my shoulder, I placed down the wooden one on the grass covered ground. Grabbing an apple from one of the trees, I handed it out to the Lord of the Mountain. The being took it with a little hesitation. 'I guess ancient beings don't really need to eat, huh?' I asked myself mentally, giggling slightly.

I left Satori Mountain without another thought. I bid the Lord of the Mountain a quick farewell, before heading to Hateno Village. If I knew Link as well as I did, then Link should be getting distracted left and right, mainly with Hateno Tower. My new horse sprinted back through the Dueling Peaks and across Ash Swamp and Blatchery Plain. Nearing Fort Hateno, I slowed down a ways to witness the past carnage. Guardians lined the perimeter as I flinched at my own thoughts. I was glad that I didn't witness one of Hyrule's final stands. I continued to run along the road, digging through my bag to find a torch. It was worn out, but still usable. I continued past the Cliffs of Quince and along Fir River. Once the tower was in view, I witnessed a small figure climbing up. 'There he is... At least I know where he is now...' I thought, before continuing my journey to Hateno Village. The two usual girls weren't being attacked and all seemed peaceful. Dawn approached on the land, and the sun started to rise. Coming close to the gate, I stopped for the gentleman that was pointing a pitchfork at my face.

"Who are you?! Be on your way, you... suspicious woman!" Thadd yelled out, continuing to point his pitchfork at me.

"I'm a traveler, good sir." I told, not feeling too offended about his distrust in me. He lowered his farming weapon, before looking me up and down.

"Hrm? You certainly do appear to be a Hylian like the rest of us... Hylians are generally good folk, so... Sorry for getting all worked up... You're free to go. We're just a waypoint on your winding road, huh? Ah, the life of a traveler~ Well, you can get most things you need at the general store, and the inn is just back there." He stepped aside allowing me to go through, however, I quickly diverted from the road and toward the Ancient Furnace. Not knowing how to feel about the blue flame, I decided to not think too much about my task. Atop my horse, I lit my torch and started trotting into town. With every lantern following my path, I lit it and continued on my merry way. I opted to not speak to anyone and just go up to the Tech Lab. Lighting the fire in the furnace, I gazed at the flame for a while, before walking toward the door. Hesitantly, I opened it to reveal the same old lab from before. Instead of multiple researchers working around one another, there only stationed a young girl, and an older gentleman. Walking up to the girl, I spoke.

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