Chapter 4

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A dream. I was staying over at my friend's place. There were four of us. I drifted off to sleep while everyone was talking and watching TV. In my dream, I was still at my friend's house. The only difference was that there were nails sticking out of the walls everywhere. There was also someone I didn't recognize. The person I didn't recognize told a joke, and everyone laughed. I woke up to the sound of everyone laughing at something that happened on the TV. So, the laughing was not part of the dream. It was the noise that woke me up. I wonder who that person was, and how they knew to tell a joke at that exact moment.


My heavy eyelids were forced open when I heard the friendly banter of the people around me. Opening my tired eyes, I noticed that I was outside, near the fire from the previous night. It was still lit, as the colors of the fire danced with the wind. Red, blue, orange, and yellow. I looked up from the fire, to see the two people that were talking a little while ago. A man and a woman conversed and bickered playfully with one another. Their pointed ears poked through their plainly colored hair as they did so. Behind them, was even more movement. Carriages and carts rushed by one another, as they made their way to their unknown destination. I had no idea this road would be so filled! There were no cars, no modern technology. I was still in Hyrule. A more recognizable frown crossed over my features before I turned away and looked at the fire once more. It was so warm; However, I knew I couldn't stay long. Trying to find any determination, I sat there, waiting. I didn't know how long I sat there for, but eventually, I stood up and walked over to the stable man. The same one that kicked me out the night before.

"E-Excuse me?" I stuttered. He looked up from his book and stared at me wide-eyed before looking back to his book, "You wouldn't happen to have an extra horse for me to use, would you? I am in a rush to get to Hyrule Castle." The man rubbed his chin before staring me dead in the eye. I swallowed as he did so.

"Nope. Sorry lady, but I can't just give you a horse. It's under the rules and regulations a stable man must follow." I glared at him since I had nothing else to say. Looking behind me to see the bustling road of horse drawn carriages and people, I tried to think of a solution. 'It probably wouldn't be hard to take one of these people's horses,' I wondered, looking back at the man, 'Nah... that wouldn't be a good idea. Somebody is bound to see.' After a moment of thought, I remembered a nearby herd of wild horses. East of Whistling Hill! I looked at the top, before looking back at the man. I bid him a pleasant farewell, with a small wave. Having lived in a city my whole life, I knew how to get through a busy street. I jumped on the back of one of the wagons, waiting for an opportunity to get closure to the left side of the road. As another wagon was about to pass, I jumped on the back of it and leaped to the other side of the street. A small breeze picked up, which sent the bottom of my dress everywhere it could. My hair doing the exact same. No longer caring about the people behind me, I walked up the hill. Reaching the top, a horse wasn't in sight. A tiny frown crossed over my face, but as I turned around, I heard soft neighing a little ways down the hill. Looking in the direction, I saw a herd of wild horses!

Four steeds frolicked in the tall grass of Whistling Hill. One was an orange and white spotted horse with a vibrant carrot colored mane. The second was a black horse with white splotches and a long, elegant black mane. A brilliant blue horse with a sky-blue mane stood next to the other two; However, the fourth horse caught my eye. Standing a little further away from the other horses, was a beautiful (H/C) horse with a long (H/C) mane. This specific horse would always be one of my mounts whenever I played Breath of the Wild. Taking a step toward the fourth horse, I scared the herd and then they ran off down the hill.

'Damnit!' I cursed mentally, 'I forgot I had to sneak up to them. How to actually do that is the real challenge. I guess crouching down would be a good place to start.' Making my way down the hill I saw the horse I wanted was all alone. This was my chance! Getting behind them, I made my way closure until the distance was obsolete. Mounting the steed, they started to freak out. Soothing them was ten times harder than the game made it out to be. Nevertheless, I persisted and managed to calm them down.

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