Chapter 55

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"Um... Are you sure about this?!" My stutter had returned when Revali motioned me to get on his back. He was supposed to fly me up to Divine Beast Vah Medoh, but I wasn't even sure if I would be allowed inside the large machine. I slowly got on Revali back as I thought up various scenarios. The navy-colored Rito chuckled at my uncertainties.

"Do not worry your pretty little head. Something tells me you'll be allowed on Medoh. Worst case scenario, Medoh puts up its barrier and I'll fly you back to Flight Range. Now, if your done caterwauling, let's go!" Without any warning, Revali activated his gale, and broke the sound barrier while doing so. I gripped the breast plate on his chest, shutting my (E/C)-colored eyes so tight that I could only see blackness, "Hey stupid girl, look around! I'm not always going to fly you around, you know!!" And I did. The beauty of the sky truly took my breath away. I have seen this scenery before, but it felt so new. I drew my gaze to Revali's Divine Beast, which drew closure and closure. The structure of Vah Medoh was exactly the same as in the game, except for the moss and little flowers. The Divine Beast was completely spotless. Revali landed at the entrance.

I looked at the area around me in complete awe. "Revali, this is amazing! I would have never guessed it would be so... so thrilling!!" I yelled as the wind started to pick up, "Everything is so pretty..." I cooed softly, not expecting Revali to hear me through the intense gusts; However, he did hear this as he lightly took my arm.

"There is more to see. Come along." He spoke, before leading me into the Divine Beast. Everything was exactly the same, minus all of Ganon's Malice. A large air draft divided the incline that lead to the main room. Unlike most of the Divine Beasts, Medoh was more open planned. Once at the edge, I looked down at the ribcage window that I was always so interested with. Medoh was only Divine Beast with actual windows. Sparkles shined brightly in my eyes, as I tried to look at absolutely everything at once. Revali noticed this and became confident and honored. After all, Medoh was an extension of the petty Rito's pride, "You like it?" he asked, looking away with a pleased smirk.

"It's incredible, Revali. I've never seen anything like it. Thank you!" My answer brought a covered blush to Revali's cheeks. It was a polite thing to say, and it was nothing special, but it still stuck to Revali. He hadn't felt this happy in a long time, "So, what do you want to do? It is your Divine Beast, after all."

"How about, I give you the rest of the tour." Classic Revali. Always sarcastic. I took his feathered hand as he continued to show me around. As he did this, there was a couple thoughts circling around my skull. Why was I allowed in the Divine Beast, and what guaranteed my access? Was Revali the key, or was it something completely different? If Revali was the key to my ability to get inside, then how did Revali get said access? What determines whether someone is allowed to go in a Divine Beast or not? Obviously, the only lead I had was the honor of being named a Champion, but I'm not one of the Princess's Champions. So how did I bypass Medoh? Does this connect with the Lord of the Mountain? 'No,' I thought, 'The Lord of the Mountain has nothing to do with the Divine Beasts.' The question still remained. 'Perhaps, the Divine Beasts have feelings like normal people. And they can trust anyone they seem fit. Then what about the whole Yiga Clan incident?' I shook my cranking brain out of its deep thoughts, before going back to the real world.

"Hey Revali, how do you control Vah Medoh?" I asked, hoping his answer would put my questioning self to rest. He thought about my question for a bit.

"I guess, Vah Medoh just knows what I'm thinking. I can move it in any way I want without batting an eye. It just... happens. That is such an odd question (Y/N), what brought it on?" Revali's answer didn't give me any clarification in the slightest. It just gave me more questions.

"Um... no reason! I-I'm just curious is all!!" I stammered, looking at the sandstone-like ground, feeling slightly embarrassed for asking such a strange question.

"Now, I have a question. What are you planning to do after you leave Rito Village? Are you going to continue your search for you device? You said something about going to Zora's Domain, but I can't think of one reason for you to go." Revali queried softly, looking away from me just the same as I did before. I took a moment to think.

"I have a lot of luminous stones in my bag, and I know that the Zora use them to build onto their home, so I thought selling it to them would be the most profitable. Also, it's a big area. My switch could be anywhere! So, it is best to spend some time looking in an area so vast and mountainous. If it is not there, then... I guess, I'll check the main spots. It is all I could really do right now, besides pray." I responded, continuing to stare at the floor.

"(Y/N)," Revali yelled sternly, making me jump a little. I stood there frozen, scared for my life. Revali was being serious, but what about? Had I done something wrong? Was he upset about my pessimism? Revali walked toward me, before he stood over my figure, "You're not telling me something. What happened to you while I wasn't around?" My mind drifted to the Yiga Clan. I soon became a stuttering mess.

"W-W-Well... Um... you see, I-I was..." Revali's expression did not falter, "Okay, promise you won't get mad?" He nodded slowly, before I continued, "After my visit to Gerudo Town, Urbosa told me that something strange fell from the sky around the same time I appeared in this world, so I thought she was referring to my switch. I went out into the deep desert and... well... I may or may not have been captured by the Yiga Clan..."

"You frustrating, insufferable, intolerable, agonizing, excruciatingly horrendous idiot! What were you thinking?! What was going through that thick skull of yours, huh?!! You could have gotten yourself killed!! What did they do to you?!!" He screamed, shaking my shoulders vigorously, attempting to get any sort of answer.

"Uh... At first, I was captured because I was knocked unconscious by a Molduga." Before Revali could interrupt me, I continued, "And then, I was tried for putting their Master in intense danger, because I was trying to escape." I again interrupted the interrupter, "Then they figured out that I saw a hundred years in the future, so I was forced to be their seer. I didn't tell them anything important, but I was still forced to give away some information." As Revali was about to open his shaking mouth, I continued, "Finally, I accidently said something, which made their Master... um... want to marry me..." There was a moment of silence, "And then I escaped." At this point Revali was shaking with fury. He calmed down and held his head in his hands, muttering strange things under his breath. I couldn't make anything out.

"That's it..." He muttered, "You are not going anywhere for another week, you hear me?! Understand that death was practically breathing down your neck! I can't even begin to comprehend how furious I am with you right now!! How could you be so reckless?! You should be lucky that I care about you so much!!!" His yelling made me flinch greatly. I knew I did something wrong, and I was willing to openly admit to it.

"Sorry Revali, I didn't mean to. It just... kind of happened. It won't happen again, I promise." Tears threatened to fall from my eyes, as the atmosphere went quiet, "Um... If it makes you feel better, I thought about you the whole time. You... were my haven, Revali. Every time I felt scared, I wished I was back in your arms, so... I hope you will forgive me." Shutting my eyes, I expected more scolding, but I felt a warm embrace instead.

"Never let that happen again, you hear me!" He breathed, running his feathered fingers through my hair. I nodded and continued to hug him. This felt nice. I finally told him, but then I remembered that he told me that I wasn't allowed to leave the village for another week.


'I wish I was there to protect you... I wish I knew you were in danger...'

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