Chapter 35

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Gerudo Town is located in the Gerudo Desert and is southwest of Hyrule Castle. The village is the hometown of many Gerudo all over the kingdom. Gerudo Town is headed by Chief Urbosa and soon her future descendent Riju. Men are not allowed inside, only women are permitted to enter. Despite this, Gerudo Town has become the largest trading hub in Hyrule. The town has existed since before the Great Calamity and is defended by Gerudo Soldiers. Ganon had originally took the form of a Gerudo in one of his many past lives.

I woke up the next morning feeling rejuvenated. It was like I haven't slept for weeks, which was certainly not true. As I packed my things, I overheard a woman crying. I would have ignored it, deeming it to be none of my business, but something inside me wanted to help in any way I could. I walked out of the stable and went to see what was going on. There she was. A Gerudo woman was crying next to the cooking pot as her friend consoled her.

"Excuse me? I know it is none of my business, but would you mind telling me what's the matter?"

"Sav'otta, traveler." Her friend greeted, getting up from her seat to talk to me, "We were robbed last night... again. Lately bandits known as the Yiga Clan have been robbing every merchant blind. Have you ever been to Gerudo Town, traveler?" I shook my head, knowing that I was spewing a white lie. She nodded and hummed in contentment, "We have been mining for rubies and diamonds for months. We came back with a great haul, but the Yiga Clan stole everything we have mined. Aisha and I are distraught at the moment, so if you could leave us be, that would be great."

"But Miss, I have a bunch of ore in my bag to sell. I can give you some if-" Before I could speak another word or frantically dig my hands into my ore filled bag, the Gerudo stopped me.

"We couldn't take your hard work. We, Gerudo, have too much pride to do that. Your heart is in the right place vai, but we cannot take your much deserved effort. Farewell, little vai." With that, her and Aisha started to walk through the canyon once more. Putting the bag over my shoulders once again, I wondered if I did the right thing. Such a transgression had occurred. The Yiga Clan just stole the effort of those two women, but why? That other Gerudo did say that the Yiga Clan are blocking the trade routes... Without thinking more about it, I journeyed into the desert.

The only question to go through my head was, 'Why is Hyrule so bipolar with their weather. One moment you're freezing, and then the next moment, you're burning to a crisp!' The desert was very different than the rest of Hyrule. Usually, the landscapes had more to them, but the desert felt empty and barren. The occasional cactus was in sight, but I did not dare to leave the trail. Once told to Link, the desert is a dangerous place and should be tread with extreme caution.

Upon reaching Gerudo Town, I forgot about the heat as I gazed at the sandstone walls in awe. I passed the guards with ease, which made me let out an unknown breath of air. Gerudo Town was even more beautiful when seen in first person. The settlement was truly an oasis in the sands. I wondered what to do first. 'The sun is still pretty high in the sky, so maybe I should sell my wares before going to the inn... I probably should start asking around for my switch too. I'm running out of time.' A sigh escaped my lips before I went into Starlight Memories, the jewelry shop. Walking in, I saw two women arguing with one another.

"What do you mean that my earnings aren't ready yet?! I have given you two months!!"

"I am sorry, Ina. None of my gem harvesters have come back with any of the things I need to fix your earnings. In fact, not one of them has come back with anything! Please understand?"

"I understand Kaira, but I was supposed to leave Gerudo Town to find a suitable voe. I guess... I won't be able to go yet... and I hope for a miracle. Sav'orq." With that, the woman known as Ina walked out the door, I was standing in. Before I could be pushed out of the way, I moved to the closest corner of the room, letting the disappointed Gerudo leave in peace. The Gerudo known as Kaira turned to look at me with a distressed expression.

"Sorry you had to see that, vai. And if you're here for jewelry, you are out of luck, so please go." She explained briefly, walking behind the back corner; However, instead of following her orders, I walked up to the counter and gathered all the courage to speak to her.

"A-Actually, that isn't what I am here for," Kaira looked at me with curiosity, wanting me to continue whatever I had to say. I grabbed my bag and spilled the contents on the counter. Gemstones of all kinds sat before the store owner as tears pricked the edges of her green eyes, "I want to sell these. I was told that I could get a hefty profit here..."

"How much is here?" The Gerudo asked in astonishment. I thought for a moment, before silently counting the amount.

"Thirty seven diamonds, eighty sapphires, sixty four rubies, and twenty five topazes. I also have luminous stone and a couple of ambers and flints, but I am saving those just in case." I smiled, happy that this is a rewarding situation for the both of us.

"Okay... That will be fifty seven thousand-two hundred forty rupees. Is it a deal, my dear vai?" I nodded as she gave me the largest bag of rupees I have ever seen. Putting the bag back with my belongings, I was about to leave before the Gerudo stopped me, "Before you go! I must make something for you. After all, you just saved my business, so it is the least I could do!"

"Oh, you don't have to do that if you don't want to-" I replied, before getting interrupted.

"Don't worry, I want to! So? Is there anything specific you want me to make you? Anything at all, you just say the word." She asked, picking up her hammer and pair of tongs. Losing my voice for a moment, I pondered what I should have the nice Gerudo woman make me. 'I don't need anything fancy, so I don't need any of her jewelry...' Something then came to my head. A whistle. Since my youth, I have never been able to whistle on purpose. It made things worse when I came here. Who knew whistling could be so important?

"Um... This is embarrassing, but could you make me... a whistle?" I queried, tilting my head down in shame. Kaira was taken aback at first before she started to giggle. 'How humiliating!' I thought to myself, wanting to die once more. Kaira soon calmed down.

"No problem! Actually, I have one made already. It's kind of old and I would clean the thing before using it, but I think it will suit you well." She put down her tools and turned to a drawer. Pulling open almost every single one, she finally found what she was looking for. The whistle had nothing special to it. No precious stones. No intricate design. It was just a plain, old whistle. I was happy with its blandness, however. If I lose it, I wouldn't feel as bad. One thing did bother me however, and that was the lack of a string. Taking out some twine from my bag, I drew the waxy string through the small hole and tied the two opposing ends into a tight knot. I put my new necklace around my neck. Something about this seemed so familiar. This whistle was so familiar, but I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"Thank you. I'll be taking my leave now." I bid farewell before walking out of the store. A smile was drawn on my face and nothing could change my attitude... Except for Princess Zelda. As I looked to the center of the main street, there was the scholarly Princess along with two holy looking women. Before I could let the Princess see me, I ran toward Fashion Passion and ducked behind the wall. I didn't dare look to see if Zelda saw me or not. Once I knew she was gone, I breathed a heavy sigh of relief and walked out normally. 'It's still so hot...' I complained internally, trying to comprehend any type of solution.

"Excuse me, little vai, are you going to buy something?" A feminine voice asked sarcastically. I looked to the speaker to see an older Gerudo woman. She looked middle aged.

"Oh! Um... Y-yes." I answered looking at the selection she had. In the game, Link bought his Gerudo clothes from an 'outside source,' so he didn't get to choose a color. All of the outfits the Gerudo woman had were all similar to one another. I decided to pick an outfit in (F/C). I looked very similar to the blond hero's future getup, except the veil in the back is longer and had more accents. I grabbed out my new bag of rupees and set out six hundred, "Will that be enough?" I asked. The woman nodded before I left the woman's stall; However, I bumped into someone the moment I turned around, "Oop, sorry about that. I wasn't... looking... where I was... going..." I saw the royal blue dress that belonged to Zelda. I looked up slowly, to see a smiling Zelda with two of her maidens behind her. 'I am so dead...'

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