Chapter 94

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Diary Entry #57

262 days

How many times have I written in this notebook? About fifty seven times. Yet I am no closure to finding my switch anywhere. On the bright side, Link invited me to head with him to Castle Town and have a drink. Wholeheartedly, I accepted his kind offer, knowing that it wasn't a daily occurrence to have a drink with the legendary hero. Now we are on our way to Castle Town.

Passing over the Bridge of Hylia, I look upon the glistening waters, instantly feeling better. My tears are dry, and a soft smile is painted on my face. The Great Plateau can be seen from the bridge, as well as Scout's Hill and the garrison that stood upon it with great pride and dignity. Thinking sad thoughts, I stop myself from writing them. Is it censorship? I hardly think so. After all, these malice ridden thoughts are lurking in my head, so why would I be trying to hide it?

In any case, I apologized to Link for my odd behavior that early morning. I didn't mean to explode at the Goddess statue; However, I couldn't bottle it in anymore. I managed to not pop my lid when I was alone on Mount Lanayru, so why did I lose it while Revali and Link were there? As I feel tears well up in my eyes, I decide to stop writing.

Signing off for now!

"Are you writing in your diary, (Y/N)?" Link asked, taking his eyes off the empty dirt road. Placing my book away, I took hold of the reigns once more, before giving him a small grin. I nodded, knowing that if I spoke, the tears in my eyes would start to fall down my cheeks. Link returned a brief smile before facing forward.

"So... are we going through Gatepost Town, or are we going to take the short cut?" I queried, before Link thought for a moment. He answered a brief, 'Gatepost Town' before we came up on the intersection. Turning left, we continued on our merry way. "Going back to Castle Town should be fun. I haven't been there in months. I would say that so much has changed, but I know nothing has." Link didn't answer, due to there being no reason to do so. Unlike most, Link respected my space, which I appreciated. Upon entering the military ridden area, I glanced up at the Great Plateau's walls. I didn't really have anything to think about such a wall; However, I was amazed by the idea that Guardians made it through anyway. In Gatepost Town, our peace was interrupted.

"(Y/N)!" A familiar voice called out, before I turned to the voice. A familiar, handsome male rode toward me with a large smile drawn on his features.

"Angus! What are you doing here?! Wait! Don't answer that!! That was a stupid question, wasn't it?" Stopping (H/N) movements, I looked at Angus with a flustered smile. Link stopped right next to me as he gazed at Angus with great confusion. It was painfully evident that Link had no idea who my friend was.

"No, it was a cute question, (Y/N)." As a result of Angus's words, a soft blush painted over my cheeks, "What are you doing near the Outpost? Who's you friend?" At that time, Link pulled his hood over his head, so no one would recognize him. At first, I didn't know why he hide himself away, but some part of it made enough sense for me to ignore it and pass it off as normal.

"I'm sure you know Link. He's Princess Zelda's escort and a talented knight fitting of such a title." I introduced, smiling softly at said knight. The blond hero pulled his hood down before looking back at Angus. Angus just stood there in great awe. "Are you headed out of Outpost Town, Angus?" I asked, before said male was snapped out of his thoughts.

"Yes, I am actually. If you don't mind, I'd like to travel with you for as long as I can. I do have to head to Castle Town to submit a report, but I would be happy if you joined me." Angus stated, as he rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. Of course, being the dunce I was, I didn't understand the meaning of his flustered actions. Snapping out of it, I analyzed what he said.

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