Chapter 149

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Baby birds chirped away in their nests, begging their mother for food, while the grown ones collected their bearings. Villagers of Hateno Village started to rise from their beds and go on to do their morning activities. Smoke came from every chimney, even my own. I had bought essentials the day before, such as eggs. I already had a fair amount of meat in my bag. Sizzling could be heard from the other side of the house as sunny-side ups and bacon sat next to one another. As the food simmered, I cut up fruits, before putting the sliced bits in a large bowl. I even had time to make apple juice. I set my plate; however, more food lay in the pan, waiting patiently for the knight's return. As I sat down, the door opened to reveal the blond. "Welcome back, Link! I made breakfast if you want it." Link agreed, sitting in the seat across from me. Placing his plate in front of him, he placed a small bit of egg in his mouth. Flavor washed over his taste buds as a pleased hum washed over him. "I'm glad you like it. Now, tell me how everything went."

"Well..." Piles of food were stuffed in his mouth before he swallowed all of it in one gulp. "It was something. I went there, gave Hudson a ton of wood, and then I got Fyson, a Rito, to join everyone in Tarrey Town. Oh! Hudson got engaged."

"To Rhondson, right?" I spoke, taking a sip of my apple juice.

There was a moment of silence, before he muttered, "I hate your seer powers."

"Being a seer and being someone who has seen are two different things. But I have to admit, I saw Rhondson and Hudson getting engaged." I chuckled, as he continued to eat, "Anyway, did you do anything else?"

"Nope. I came right back here. What did you do?" He asked me, as I tried to collect all my thoughts.

"I went shopping, sold some precious stones, and bought you a couple things." He asked me what I bought him before I got up from the table and ran over to my bag. Pulling out two outfits, I showed him the first, "This is the Hylian Set. Go on, put it on." I urged, as I went outside to let him change. He knocked on the door when he was ready. Entering the house again, I gasped softly at how he looked. The cloth was woven using traditional Hyrulean methods. It's made from a sturdy material to protect travelers from the harsh sun and weather. "What do you think? Does it fit good?"

"It's comfortable." Link smiled.

"Now we match. And this is the second one." Pulling up the Soldier's Armor, I showed it to him. The day prior, I had bought it and paid money to dye it all white. This was a common outfit I would wear... except for the hat. On the head, I bought another cloak for him in white.

"Armor?" He questioned, I nodded, before I stepped out of the house. In little time, he knocked on the door again, before I was let in. Upon seeing him, I couldn't help but freeze. 'He looks... amazing...' Reminiscence flooded my brain, like nothing before. My face turned blood red, as Link watched the shift of color transpire. "(Y/N)? Is everything alright?" He asked, before I finally got a grip on myself.

"Yeah... You look great." A moment of silence. "Well, that's all I bought for you, so... I'll be waiting outside." Closing the door quickly, I caught my breath, before taking another moment for myself. When all was said and done. Link opened the door to meet me again. He was back in his Champion's Tunic, which brought me some relief. Entering the house, we finished our breakfasts quickly, before setting out to Kakariko Village.


"So, this is the place, huh?" Link questioned, staring at the pedestal on Pierre Plateau. The area was heavily forested, and small flowers grew around the area. I nodded, "What do we need to do? Where even is the orb?"

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