Chapter 135

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"You... want to go shield surfing again?" I asked him, as we both stood at the edge. Our shields were out, but only the very edge touched the pearly white snow. Link pulled out his Sheikah Slate, showing me a closeup of the Hebra.

"You see this?" He pointed at a small, square pool of water in the upper part of the slope he was so insistent on surfing down. "I think it might be a shrine. It's a pretty bizarre shape in the middle of nowhere. I want to check it out in the very least." He was correct, there is a shrine there. I remember finding that door for the first time. I thought it was so cool, that I wanted to do anything but knock it down. However, unless you want to break the game, you were forced to knock down the door. I nodded at the blond's request, before he took the lead.

It was smooth sailing, as I watched him fondly from the back. He was smiling like crazy, anytime he would turn around to look at me. Everything from the first day I came to Hyrule felt worth it in a single moment. Reaching the miniscule body of water. He stared down at it, before turning his gaze to look at the door. Frantically, he climbed up towards the snowballs, rolling one up to the best of his capability. Once it was the preferred size, he used Crynosis to freeze the water upward. After that, all he had to do was place the snowball on the edge. It rolled off, getting bigger, before it rammed into door. It fell down revealing a beautiful cave. Blue and purple swirled in the ice as I stared in awe. I've never seen anything like this before. "This is incredible!"

"It is..." He wasn't referring to the ice. His attention drifted to the shrine and the Hebra Great Skeleton right above it, almost protecting the shrine with everything it ever had. I continued to watch the still scene with a bizarre satisfaction, before Link managed to snap me out of it. He took my hand in his own, before walking me to the shrine. I waited at the step, not expecting it to take long. After all, To Quomo was a blessing. When he came back out, he got the flower Korok on the spine before we made our way back out. It had begun to snow.


Making our way back up to Selmie's Spot, we would tread upward to the technical top of Hebra Peak. Through Vah Medoh's misfire. Coming across an Ice Wizzrobe, I shot two arrows in its face, before it disappeared into smoke. The blond collected the rod, remembering the promise he made to a certain Korok in the farther reaches of the Lost Woods. He put it away, before we continued forward. Link got Goma Asaagh Shrine, once stored in the ice, before we continued to go down. Throwing our shields down, we raced down the slope. Snow went flying as I tried to inch forward. Anytime I would though, Link was put into the same position, wanting to inch a little forward. Eventually, he let me pass, which exhilarated me. Link, on the other hand, watched with a certain distance in his eyes. He couldn't be this lucky, right?

Making it down to Pikida Stonegrove, I put away my shield, before wandering through the strange rocks. Link followed me, before a familiar orange light glowed. Link ran past me and toward the shrine, before going inside. Rok Uwog Shrine was a trail shrine, under the name of Power of Reach. I didn't remember this shrine all too much. All I did know is that it was fairly quick to get through. "There's a shrine that way. You want to get it?" He showed me his Sheikah Map. A pin was already placed on Kopeeki Drifts, which definitely made my life easier by the single click of a button, but whatever.

Shield surfing down the slight slope, Link and I passed through some iffy areas, before finally making it to the mess that was the Drifts. I hated the build up to this shrine. It always drove me up the wall. Link, however, had a plan.

He saw the door, and with that, he knew that it needed to be knocked down. Staring at the slopes, he understood that he had to pick the right path in technical terms. However... this would waste time and opened up more possibilities of failure. So, by result, he grabbed the nearest snow, made a packed ball out of it, rolling on more snow until it was starting to get hard to lift. And then, he found the right path. With that, the snowball rolled down, gaining mass, before ramming into the set of stone doors. They fell, revealing another shrine. "Link! Do it the right way!!"

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