Chapter 146

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It was around two in the morning. I had my Snowquill set on, due to it being do cold. Not only that, but Revali's scarf as well as my blanket. When screaming drew closer, I peeked behind the statue to see Link fighting for his life, scale in hand and everything. He took care of every last monster, before approaching the Goddess Statue. "Sorry for leaving you like that. I didn't realize it was the Blood Moon until I teleported. So I got that shrine, came back to Lakeside Tower, and got the scale. But my Sheikah Sensor started to go off, and... well, I'm really sorry." Telling him its fine, he shook his head. "It's not fine. I'll make it up to you." Placing the scale down in the water, it exploded into light. Not long after that, the stone door opened to reveal Shae Katha Shrine. Going in, I decided to quickly change into something more comfortable. The moment everything was on, Link walked out. He took a moment to pray at the statue, before his attention was back on me, "Ready?" Nodding, we set off for Lakeside Stable.

However, we both had different plans for getting over there. As I began to climb up the ancient ruins, Link stared in confusion. "It's faster if we go through this way. It's like a miniature shortcut." I commented, continuing to climb. Over a poor excuse of a mountain, we were back at the second Bokoblin Camp. Link stared back from where we came from, cursing himself and me for taking the long way. When we made it out, our horses whinnied in delight to see us again. "Sorry it took us so long~" I cooed. With that, we rode off. Over Sarjon Bridge and Guchini Plain Barrows. Following Floria River, Link was stopped from seeing Faron Tower. "Do you want me to come with you?" I asked him.

"No, I'll get it. I won't be long." He assured, before I told him to go. It's not like that tower was a treat to get to. From across the river and to the tower, I watched him go. And I waited to see him begin to climb. Of course, I wasn't paying attention, mainly because watching something like that was incredibly boring. I pondered, however briefly, about going to the stable. But I decided to stay and wait for his return... which took a little too long for my liking. It was past midnight. It felt like two or three in the morning, but I wasn't sure what time it really was. All I knew, was that I hoped he would return eventually before I fall asleep on the ground. Luckily, he did. Making it to the stable, Link went to get the Shai Utoh Shrine, as I decided to get some shut eye. I couldn't fall asleep in the rainforest. It wasn't an option. Resting on the bed, I finally drifted off.


When the blond came back to the stable, he could feel fatigue getting the best of him. Honestly, all he really wanted was a good night's rest. That's all he could think about. "I'm sorry sir," The current stable man spoke with hints of remorse, "But we don't have any more beds for you."

"My partner is laying in that one. I'll just sleep with them." He was drunk with exhaustion. So much so, that he didn't process what he was even saying. The stableman agreed to the Hero's request. Finding his way to the bed, he managed to make room for himself.

The body heat between two people brings nothing but comfort and joy. We gravitated to one another like a magnet to iron. As our bodies grew closer and closer, I couldn't help but feel at peace. Instead of a nightmare or nothing, I was met with something. Did I have a dream? Not exactly. But I didn't fear impending doom or dread.


'It's so warm...' I cooed mentally, 'I want to stay asleep...' It was raining outside, as distant sounds of thunder lolled me to sleep. However, all was cut short from a hot breath colliding with my face. Opening my eyes, I was met with the blond. Now, most people would scream and push the second person to the ground. However, I kept my composure. Slowly moving him, so I could get up. This by result woke him up as well. "Link, why were you in my bed?"

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