Chapter 31

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"I'm..." I had no clue what to say! Impa is onto me knowing something that I am not supposed to. I would have said something like, 'I heard of you before I came here,' but I admitted to thinking she was Paya. I had to remain calm, but what was I supposed to say?! It might get me kicked out of Kakariko Village, but this was my only answer, "I'm a seer."

"You are a what?!" Astonishment was laced into the tone of her voice, meaning that she believed my claims. Covering her mouth, I tried to shut her up. Who knows who was listening in on the conversation we were having?

"I know it is hard to believe me, and I don't expect you to trust my claim, but I want you to trust me. I can even promise you that I won't come back to Kakariko Village again, but I swear on my life that I am no threat to you or the people of this little village. Please, trust me." I finished waiting for any sort of recognition of my information. I wondered if it was the right thing to do, telling Impa the half-truth. Seconds that felt like minutes passed, before she sighed.

"I guess I have to trust your claims. Don't go around just telling anyone about your ability though. You can be put into serious danger... I was hearing from Lillia that a merchant sold her quite a bit of precious stones yesterday. That was you right?" I nodded, "I have no choice but to believe you. Besides, you didn't even notice your little wound until the danger had passed... so I guess you can't be a threat." Impa truly was strange. I didn't know how to feel about her. She attacked me, but she did it to protect her village's livelihood, so she had a reason to do so... I guess...

"Thank you, Lady Impa." I spoke, wondering if I could walk around normal. Luckily, the wound wasn't too deep, so I could continue on my journey toward Hateno Village, "Am I in able condition to get moving? I really have to get to Hateno Village, and I want to get there before the sun sets." I couldn't help but say what I said coldly. Me from a month and a half ago would have literally broke down in tears, due to this stressful situation, yet I changed. Impa stared at me blankly.

"You should be fine. Besides, it was just a scratch anyhow." A scratch?! I wanted to go berserk, but I calmed myself. I didn't have to come back to Kakariko Village again, so I stayed cool. There was no point in getting angry. Packing up my things, I stretched out my hand for her to shake. Taking a moment, she put her hand in mine. I firmly shook her hand, "I know you probably don't want to hear this but come back will you. I would like to apologize to you properly in any way I can."

With that, I set out toward Hateno Village. Walking along the road, with my horse's reigns held in my hand. I looked at the Pillars of Levia. Then toward East Lake Siela.

Despite recent events, I was feeling pretty happy. So much so, that I pulled out my worn shield and placed it idly on the ground. Shield surfing was my main source of transportation, in the game, so why not try it for real? I left my horse off to the side and motioned my hands like I was training a dog. Putting my feet in through the large rings, I started to move down the hill. My laughing echoed through the miniaturized canyon. Taking a sharp turn, a large group of horses and people were only a couple of feet in front of me! A girl around my age, with long blond hair and green eyes, steered her horse away. I was screaming, "Out of the way!" Jumping to improve my chances of not hitting anyone, I spun out of control, which caused my old shield to break. I continued to hurtle down the hill into the tree where Link will first meet Hestu.

Everything hurt; After all, I did go tumbling down a hill and into a tree. "That was..." I grumbled rubbing my throbbing head, "Awesome!!" Out of nowhere, someone came up beside me and offered me a hand. Looking at the owner of my helper, I stood frozen. The same blonde-haired female, with glistening green eyes, was the very girl I insulted. Princess Zelda.

"Are you alright? You took quite the tumble." At least she was nice. Taking her hand, I raised myself onto my feet and dusted off my dress. My eyes kept wandering toward the Princess. 'Did she hear what I said about her?' I questioned myself internally.

"Yeah, I'm alright, but are you okay? I almost hit your face with my shield, after all!" Without wanting to, I tried to laugh off the situation. Zelda giggled into her uncoiled fist. The scholarly Princess seemed to not hold any ill will against me, "Sorry by the way, I lost control while taking that last turn..." I felt ashamed that I almost took out royalty while having fun. That is a situation I never thought would happen to me.

"You are excused. The only thing I am concerned about is you. Why in Hyrule were you riding down the hill on a shield?" Princess Zelda asked, struggling to keep her giggles in. I never saw this side of Zelda in Breath of the Wild. She always seemed so depressed and stressed in all of Link's memories, besides the one in the flower field near the castle.

I didn't notice before, but Princess Zelda was more beautiful in person. Her golden locks glistened down her back and her emerald eyes sparkled with curiosity. Her voice was quite pleasant, and she held the grace of a swan. I could see why Link liked her so much. Unlike me, she was perfect, but looks can be deceiving. Deep down, Princess Zelda was stressed and unknowingly filled with self-doubt. She had little to no elitism; Not an ounce of over compensated pride flowed through her. Zelda was a true Princess, "Oh um... it's called shield surfing. You never heard of shield surfing?" The scholarly Princess shook her head, "Really? I thought it would have been popularized in Hyrule by now. I guess it doesn't matter though."

"Is shield surfing a type of sport where you are from?" Zelda asked, curiously, fiddling in her bag to grab out her notebook and pen. I thought about her question. The first thing to pop into my head was sledding. In the winter, I used to go sledding with all my friends whenever I could; However, it didn't always snow and sometimes my friends were busy at home or too sick to play. I wasn't going to tell Zelda this though.

"Kind of. It's mostly a thing children play, but some sports are like shield surfing-" Before I could finish, Princess Zelda started bombarding me with questions which were too much for me to answer.

"Where are you from?! Where did you learn such a fascinating mannerism?! Is it difficult to learn?! Can anyone learn how to do it?! Is it a new technique for fighting?!" Were the first few she said before I got lost in all the queries. I never realized that shield surfing could hold such an interest in someone. Princess Zelda seemed to hold interest in anything new. I pitied her a little. Zelda was destined for greatness, but can't keep up with all the heavy expectations, and I was someone with little to no expectations tided to me, yet I yearned for it. The feeling of being wanted.

"H-Hold on! I can't answer all your questions at once..." I wondered what I could do, before I had an idea, "Do you want to try? How to shield surf I mean..."

"That is wonderful idea! You there, can you lend me your-" Before Zelda could speak another word, a slightly shorter male placed his calloused hand on the Princess's shoulder. Still with his hand placed firmly on Zelda, a young blond man in armor walked around to look at Zelda. He shook his head, a serious expression drawn on his face. 'Link...' I thought, instantly regretting everything I have done up to this point. Another knight came up the Princess.

"Link is right, Princess. You have no idea who this young woman is, and she almost killed you with the very thing you are wanting to learn so badly. His Majesty entrusted us in protecting you, Princess. If you want to learn how to 'shield surf' so badly, we can get someone else to teach you. We must be going, Princess Zelda." The knights turned to face me. Link pulled out the Master Sword and pointed it at me. I instinctively raised my hands in surrender, "As for you, you should know full well that this is Hyrule's Princess Zelda. You should do kindly to not treat her so... casually, you commoner. Be on your way!"

"Now, you just hold on a second-" Link's sword moved closure to my neck, which subdued me enough to keep quiet. I was about to say that the Princess was her own person and that no one had the right to tell her who she can and can't talk to, but the threat on my life made me figuratively disintegrate. Picking up the corners of my dress, I curtsied the best I could, "Good day, Princess Zelda. Have a nice day." After that, I ran back up the hill and tried to whistle for my horse. I couldn't whistle. "I really need to get a whistle or something..." I grumbled, jogging over to my horse. Once on (H/N), I cracked the reigns in an upset state. That was so embarrassing! But I had to forget about that for the time being. The group of Royal Guards went passed and the last thing I saw was Link's scowl.

'How on Earth did I get on his bad side so quickly?!'

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