Chapter 148

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I said goodbye to Numar when we came back, much to Link's dismay. He wasn't keen on letting me do so, however, I had to. It was important that Numar and I end on good terms. Especially after Link's outburst. I guess, in some way, it was my own revenge for Link being such a lady's man all the time. Nevertheless, this was my goodbye to Lurelin, the village I love so much. Despite nothing being there, something about it brought me joy. Probably the tropical atmosphere.

As soon as my final wish was granted, we left Lurelin, and traveled right, following the main trail to the top of Cape Cales. On Dunsel Plateau, two Bokoblins on horses made themselves know. One was silver and the other was blue. As Link pulled out a spear, I pulled out Revali's Bow. In quick work, we gathered more gemstones from the Sliver Bokoblin. Before continuing up and past Mount Dunsel. Making it on the cape, Link and I charged ahead, taking down the Bokoblin base. Let's say it was pretty easy, however, Link was disappointed with the Knight's Halberd as a reward.

Muwo Jeem Shrine sat above everything before Link went inside. As he did whatever he had to do, I was behind the shrine, staring at the ocean. It was a beautiful sight. Hearing the Sheikah elevator begin to move again, I got up and met him at the entrance. "Ready to go to Hateno?" Link nodded, before we mounted our horses once more.

Down Dunsel Plateau, and past Keya Pond, we continued to straight up an elevated area. I would hardly call it a mountain. Passing a Blue Hinox, we continued upward, before reaching a strange area for Link. There were three shrine pads and a stone engraving shaped like a diamond. Link looked at his surroundings slowly, before reading the engraving out loud.

"'The ancient orbs guarded by the giants of Mount Taran lead to the shrine.' Okay... I think I understand. Let's go this way first." Going left, a Red Hinox made itself known.

The Hinox (Youngest Kin) is located to the northeast at the Hanu Pond, which was easy for Link to defeat. He used Urbosa's Fury, which is kinda like cheating, but whatever. Up Mount Taran, Link placed the first orb in its respective pedestal. This time, we went right, to deal with the Blue Hinox. The Hinox (Middle Kin) is located to the southeast at the Uten Marsh. I watched as he got attacked by bees and such. It was hilarious all things considered. All he attempted to kill the Hinox, he was actively running. Nevertheless, he placed the second orb in its place. Lastly, was the Hinox (Oldest Kin) which is located to the west at the Rabella Wetlands. Making it there, I took care of the Bokoblins, as Link went for the Hinox. Unfortunately that fight didn't last long because he used up his Urbosa Fury limit.

Collecting everything, the blond noticed a submerged chest, crushed from the Hinox's intense weight. "(Y/N), can you help me with getting this chest out?" Confused I wondered why he didn't want to pull it out with Magnesis, however, I let it be. He could have forgotten that he had the ability. Approaching one end of the chest, he matched the same process, except on the other side. Gripping the handles, we began to pull, before the earth released it. Link scrapped hardened rock and mud off the lock, before opening it. Three hundred rupees were in there. "No too shabby, huh?" He chuckled, as I shook my head. Taking the last ball to its pedestal, Link dropped it in, before Tawa Jinn rose from the ground below. "I'll be right back." Waving him away, I waited for his speedy return.


Entering Hateno Village, the first and only destination was the house, completely furnished as we had left it, with flowers and trees in the yard, just as I had paid for a month or so ago. Everything was perfect, "Welcome back, lovebirds~" Okay, maybe not so much. Bolson and Karson were still in the yard. I could sense Link's frustration, so I decided to not match it. I waved at Bolson politely, before I entered the house with the blond. Closing the door, Link began to speak. "Do you know why he is still in the yard?"

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