Chapter 145

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Instead of dropping down onto Oseira Plains, we followed closely to the cliffs edge. The land was incredibly dry; however, it brought a certain ambiance. Making it to the end of the cliff, I pointed down to Taobab Grassland. There was quite a distance, but Link say the creature well. "That horse is huge..." With that as my warning, he glided down, before jumping on the large beast. As for me, I found my own horse to tame in the meantime. When all was said and done, we headed through Oseira Plains, running past two Blue Lynels and through Nautelle Wetlands, we made it over Darybon Plains, nearly being shot about ten times. As Link conversed with a drowsy Straia. After being gifted one hundred rupees, Link rode over to me, before we set off across the land bridge across Menoat River.

"So? What are you going to name your horse, Link?" He shrugged his shoulders. There were millions of possibilities, even if you could only name the horse a nine-letter name or less. Despite all of that, there were thousands of choices. "Well, don't take names from my book. They were all pretty awful." He asked what some of them were, "Um... I only really named the big horse Big Chungus, but you shouldn't name your stead that." There was a certain glint in his eyes that concerned me greatly. "Link, don't you dare-"

"I'm going to name him Big Chungus."

"Please Link. That is a terrible name-"

"Your name is Big Chungus. Big C. for short." I should never told him. Making it across the land bridge, I stopped Link.

"There is another shrine that way. We can't miss it." Turning to Puffer Beach, we ran past Harfin Valley and towards a very strange NPC Turning the corner, Link eyes first met the shrine pad, but then they trailed down to a woman lovingly rubbing a ball as if it were her lover. Her name was Loone, and it fit her... VERY well.

"Your skin is so smooth and gorgeous, my little Roscoe... Hm? Someone's watching us? Oh, my sweet Roscoe! You're so shy, aren't you? YES, YOU ARE! Why not proudly show off your beaming beauty, my darling? You really MUST come out of your shell. Hm? The person watching looks like he wants something? Maybe he's after..." Suddenly her coos turned into a hearty gasp, making me jump a little, "Is he after you?! Don't you worry, my sweet Roscoe! I would never ever EVER let you go! I'm head over heels for my special friend who's been around since ancient times! You're so ancient and special, Roscoe! YES, YOU ARE!!" A pause, like she was rethinking her words and their meaning, "Sorry, my sweet Roscoe, but I fibbed a little... The truth is... I wanna see Guardians! Flying ones! Small ones! Ones that walk around! I wanna see all the Guardians in all the world!! Not the ones around here that have rusted away, either. I wanna see fresh and lively Guardians! If I ever do get to see them... I may just have to leave you, my friend. Oh, but don't you worry! Getting near a Guardian is too dangerous for me. Flying ones, small ones, ones that walk... I'm afraid seeing Guardians like that is nothing more than a dream within a dream for me..." Carrying Link away, he seemed determined. Way too determined.

"Okay, calm down. Don't get too hyped so you teleport away without thinking. Take you horse, get 'em registered at Highland Stable, and then you can teleport away to your hearts content." Link nodded slowly, before getting on his horse. Riding off, I yelled at him, "And don't you dare name that horse Big Chungus!" He rode anyway and deep down; I knew he was going to name his horse the very thing I didn't want him to anyway. In the meantime, I walked along Puffer Beach, at least until the active Guardian nearby came into view. I got a few Korok seeds for Link, knowing that he needed them desperately for more weapons. Shields and bows were less of a problem, so weapons were key. After mining some more ore, I decided to head back to Loone and her ball. I waited on the shrine pad a little longer, before Link came racing around the corner, on his new favorite horse. I approached him and the obsessed.

"My sweet Roscoe... Don't you worry, my special friend! I would never ever, EVER let you go... Unless, of course. I find a way to see a flying Guardian, and a small one and one that walks around." She reminded.

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