Chapter 30

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Kakariko Village is a settlement in the West Necluda region of Hyrule, north of the Dueling Peaks. During the Great Calamity, Kakariko Village avoided damage from the Guardian's assault. The settlement contains several houses, gardens, and a selection of stores, including High Spirits Produce, a general store where travelers can purchase locally grown food and supplies; Shuteye Inn, which allows travelers to rest and regenerate; The Curious Quiver, a store that specializes in arrows; and Enchanted, a boutique that sells armor. Kakariko Village is considered Hyrule's most capable stronghold.

Walking around the village felt so surreal. I have been here too many times to count yet have never stepped foot in the village not once in my life. I brought trusty (H/N) to the fenced edge near Telta Lake, so (he/she) is out of the road and away from mischief. I walked around Kakariko Village, admiring the simplistic, yet underrated magnificence of the scenery around me and others.

"Good morning, young lady! Are you looking for something?" An old man queried kindly. I never knew how polite the Sheikah Tribe was, until that very moment. I shook my head.

"No, I am just admiring your village. I've never been here before, so... I'm just getting lost in the atmosphere." I knew I didn't have to say what I said, but I felt like someone had to know how I felt about this experience. Even though my switch was still missing, and I had a fatal deadline, my heart and mind felt at peace with one another. Daruk had managed to calm me down. The old man smiled at me, happy to hear my answer.

"Hm, yes. I'm glad that you enjoy my home as much as I do. Of course I live here, but you seem like that coming to Kakariko Village is more than it is. Almost like... there wasn't a way to come to this village before," His statement freaked me out a bit. 'What did he mean by that?!' I yelled internally, passing off the man's conversation as an uncomfortable one.

"Um... okay? I have to sign in at the inn so... farewell." I bowed politely, before walking toward the inn. Just then, I realized that I had no rupees. So I took a small detour toward High Spirits Produce, the general store across the way. Sliding open the door and shutting it, I walked up to a kind woman.

"Welcome to High Spirits Produce! What can I do for ya?" Her energy was almost as large as Purah and Robbie's. Taking a moment to process what she said, I took off my bag and started to rummage my hands through the pockets.

"I'm a miner you see..." I began slowly, pulling out sapphires, rubies, and amber. The woman gawked at the precious stones, "And I was hoping I could sell some gems and such, after all my back is getting pretty sore carrying around such a haul." I groaned pulling out my expensive gems. The woman looked at the variety, looking at me with some sadness in her eyes. I feared that I couldn't sell the rocks before she spoke again.

"Look, I would love to buy all of these from you, and I would gladly do so right now; However, you can sell most of this haul for a better profit somewhere else, if you know what I mean~" She winked before continuing, "The Gerudo are more into precious stones and such, and the Zora are pretty interested in luminous stones. If you sell the more expensive ones to them and sell the amber, flint, and opal to me, it will be better profit."

"Strange, I thought you were a business owner. I would have thought that you would just buy everything from me without a word of... you know? Better profit margins." The woman laughed at my claim, giving back my more expensive stones and gems, while counting the ones still on her desk.

"Well... it may be bad for business, but I don't want someone to just sell everything they have to one person, you know? It is not smart." I nodded in understanding, looking around the shop, "Alright! Thirty-six ambers, twelve opals, and sixty pieces of flint will come to a total of two thousand one hundred rupees." Adding up the total in my head, I knew it was legit, so I took the rupees and bid farewell to the friendly shop owner. Going across the dirt road, I rented a bed to rest on until the next morning. Sitting on the bed, I instantly felt comfort. The Rito bed was made like an old bed, filled with straw and the occasional feathers. The Goron bed was too hard, after all it's made of rocks. The Kakariko bed felt like the one in my own world. Writing a little in my writing journal, I waited for the sun to set and for the moon to rise over the strange looking mountains.

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