Chapter 64

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A fine and subtle spirit dwells in every little flower, each one its own sweet feeling breathes with more or less of power. There is a silent eloquence in every wild bluebell that fills my softened heart with bliss that words could never tell. Yet I recall not long ago a bright and sunny day, 'twas when I led a toilsome life so many leagues away; That day along a sunny road all carelessly I strayed, between two banks where smiling flowers their varied hues displayed. Before me rose a lofty hill, behind me lay the sea, my heart was not so heavy then as it was wont to be. Less harassed than at other times I saw the scene was fair, and spoke and laughed to those around, as if I knew no care. But when I looked upon the bank my wandering glances fell upon a little trembling flower, a single sweet bluebell. Whence came that rising in my throat, that dimness in my eye? Why did those burning drops distil – Those bitter feelings rise? O, that lone flower recalled to me my happy childhood's hours when bluebells seemed like fairy gifts a prize among the flowers, those sunny days of merriment when heart and soul were free, and when I dwelt with kindred hearts that loved and cared for me. I had not then mid heartless crowds to spend a thankless life in seeking after others' weal with anxious toil and strife. 'Sad wanderer, weep those blissful times that never may return!' The lovely floweret seemed to say, and thus it made me mourn.

-Anne Bronte

"(Y/N), will you please tell me another story?" Sidon pleaded, as my feet skimmed the surface of the water. I looked to him, with kind eyes and a small smile.

"But I have told you all the stories about Hyrule's history! What more can I possibly tell you?" My light chuckle brought a small blush to Sidon's pink cheeks. It took him a moment to answer my question.

"T-There has to be a story you haven't told me! Please?! It doesn't have to be realistic!!" Sidon stood up from his spot and started to pull on my shirt sleeve. I didn't understand why Sidon liked my stories so much. I told them terribly and I would constantly stutter my way through the plot. But how could I say no to his pleading, amber eyes.

"Okay, how about a story called..." I thought about all the fairy tales I knew. Which one is fitting for a young Prince? I decided to go with my default fairy tale, "Cinderella?" Sidon sat back down and looked at me intently, showing me he was ready to hear it, "Alright, once upon a time there was a kind girl named-"

"(Y/N)!" The Zora Prince interrupted, making me a little flustered. I knew for a fact that I was no Princess; Nevertheless, I went with the Zora Prince's request.

"Okay, after (Y/N)'s mother died, her father remarried. (Y/N) had gained a stepmother and two stepsisters. When (Y/N)'s father died, her stepmother and stepsiblings started treating her horribly. She was forced to do all the chores without gaining an ounce of gratitude. The two stepsisters deemed her 'Cinderella,' since she would fall asleep near the fireplace and wake up covered in cinder and ash. A couple of years pass, and the Prince of the kingdom is of age to marry. Every girl in the kingdom was invited; However, the stepmother wouldn't allow Cinderella to go. Cinderella tried making her own dress so she wouldn't be a burden on her family, but the stepsisters ripped it apart and went on their way. As Cinderella cried, her fairy godmother appeared before her and granted her wish to go to the ball. She was given a beautiful gown, a fancy carriage, and a pair of glass slippers; However, the fairy's magic could only withstand till the stroke of midnight, so everything would disappear. Cinderella went and met the Prince. Both of them fell in love with one another, but before the Prince could ask for her name, the clock stroke midnight. Cinderella ran home, but not before losing her glass slipper. The Prince found it and searched the kingdom for his beloved. He remembered what Cinderella looked like, so he based his search off of familiarity and shoe size. At last, the Prince made it to Cinderella's home. Both stepsisters tried on the shoe, but it didn't fit. When Cinderella tried on the shoe, it fit perfectly. The Prince and Cinderella got married and lived happily ever after. The end." He had listened thoughtfully, taking in every word like a sponge to water. I expected him to grow bored with the story, since boys his age were more drawn to battle and adventure; Nevertheless, Sidon liked the story. More than I originally thought.

"So... if Cinderella and the Prince lived happily ever after, than... do you think I will too?" Sidon asked, before I giggled into my slightly coiled fist. I picked up the young Prince and held him against the side of my waist.

"Of course, you will. There may be some ups and downs, but in the end, you'll live a fulfilling and happy life. I promise you will, my little Prince." I answered, spinning him around. Our laughter echoed through the East Reservoir, as I eventually put Sidon down. We sat by the water, as I told stories about anything that popped into my head. Who knew that Sidon would finally trust me after three weeks? He was so quiet and shy, but after the Lynel incident, Sidon started to open up about his feelings and his interests. The Zora Prince voiced his new fascination about archery and heroism.

"(Y/N)? Is it true that you're leaving the Domain tomorrow?" The young Prince questioned, solemnly looking at his rippled reflection. I looked away for a moment, deciding my next words. I knew I had to leave. After all, my only goal was to find my elusive switch, which no soul has seen. I couldn't stay in the Domain forever. My eyes drifted back to a distraught Sidon.

"Look Sidon, I need to go. I wish I could have stayed longer, but I can't stay in Zora's Domain forever. I am leaving early tomorrow morning, so I won't be able to say goodbye, but this isn't that last time you'll see me, my little Prince." Sidon was unassured by my words, as tears threatened to fall from his piercing amber eyes. An idea appeared out of the blue. Getting up from my spot, I ran over to my bag. Rummaging through it for a couple seconds, before pulling out the whistle I was gifted in Gerudo Town. I had learned to whistle during my imprisonment, so I didn't need the metal trinket anymore, "Sidon, this is a whistle. This is a guarantee of my return. I want you to take good care of it now. It is super important, but I think you will watch after it nicely." The young Zora Prince held the trinket to his chest, thanking me more than a couple times. As the sun set over the mountains, Sidon fell asleep on my lap. Footstep could be heard behind me. Looking over my shoulder, I saw a smiling Mipha.

"I thought I might find you both here." Mipha stated kindly, looking down at Sidon lovingly, "You two have been inseparable the last week. I'm a little jealous." Mipha admitted, before sitting down next to my figure.

"Don't be jealous! He loves you so much Mipha, you don't even know!!" I whisper-shouted, trying my hardest to not stir Sidon from his slumber. Mipha let out a small chuckle before gazing at the bright moon. I gazed down at Sidon, softly petting his head in reassurance.

"You know, if you keep doting on him like that, he's going to fall in love with you. I am almost positive that he already is." Mipha commented, looking at the both of us, as I became a flustered mess.

"T-That doesn't make a-any sense! He's a c-child a-and he would not think something l-like that!!" Pulling myself together, I continued, "Besides, even in the slim possibility that your brother does fall in love with me, I would be long dead when he's of age." Without my knowing, Mipha side glanced me knowingly. She let the conversation drop, and a calm atmosphere surrounded the three of us, "You should probably take him back to the Domain. I have to get moving."

"Thank you everything you have done (Y/N). The Zora people are truly in your debt. Me and my father specifically." Mipha thanked, bowing her head as a sleeping Sidon was held in her arms.

"You really don't have to thank me. It was my pleasure. If anything, I am in the Zora's debt for helping me. Thank you for letting me stay in the Domain, Princess Mipha. I hope that I will be back soon. Farewell, and good luck to you and Divine Beast Vah Ruta." I bowed respectfully, before grabbing my things and leaving. It was fun while it lasted, but I had somewhere else to be. I went back the same way I came, feeling empty and uncertain. My switch was not in a town or settlement, which left rural Hyrule. I hoped that the Deku Tree would have answers. I also felt uncertain about leaving Sidon so abruptly. The next morning, he would wake up to know that I'm gone. Making a promise to myself, I vowed to come back to Zora's Domain eventually to see him again. I just didn't know when. Shaking my thoughts out of my head, I continued to walk on the dirt road, feeling guilty.


'Sidon, I made you a promise and I intend to keep it.'

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