Chapter 26

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Goron City is located west of Death Mountain in Eldin Canyon. A winding road leading from the entrance to Eldin from Trilby Valley paves the way to the settlement. The Gorons built a little town surrounding a pool of lava, which is crossed by bridges. The Gorons live and commerce inside of stone shanties. The road passing through Goron City continues to the North Mine, where a tunnel further ahead leads to the Stolock Bridge, a long bridge that crosses overhead Goron City before continuing to Death Mountain. An unfinished statue of rocks in the likeness of Daruk, the future Goron Champion, stands near the Bridge overlooking the City, accompanied by a statue of Darmani III and the Elder's Son, both of Termina, and the once head elder Gor Coron. In the game, the Gorons are known for having immense strength and larger optimistic personalities.

I should have been thinking about these thing, but it was so damn hot! My sweat was evaporating once leaving my burning pores. After a couple of minutes, sitting on the bed made of rock, I decided there was no use in wasting the day away. I remembered that there was an armor shop in Goron City that sold helmets and protective gear. Begrudgingly, I got up and ran out of the inn; However, I almost immediately ran into a Goron, "Are you alright, sister?" They asked, outstretching their hand to me. I nodded before accepting their help.

"Y-Yes... I am fine thank you. Sorry for running into you! I wasn't looking where I was going!" I apologized, bowing at a ninety degree angle. The Goron in front of me laughed heartily.

"It's all right! Thank you for the apology anyway!" The Goron smiled fondly, passing by me, and resuming his journey to wherever he was going. I continued my short journey to Ripped and Shredded, the armor shop. Walking in, the first thing I noticed was that it was empty, besides the Goron behind the counter. They gasped happily at my arrival. Why were the Goron so much more welcoming than the Rito? Oh... wait... Never mind...

"What can I do for you, sister?" The Goron asked loudly, causing me to grow nervous again.

"Um... b-by any chance... do you have any Flamebreaker Armor? I-It would be very h-helpful..." Why was I so nervous talking to one of the most welcoming and kind people in the entirety of the Legend of Zelda games? I had no clue; Well, I guess I was kind of scared of them. As kind as the Goron were, I never seen anyone so large and tall. They were so huge, that if a Goron fell on me, I would probably die! I don't mean this in an offending way! I was just intimidated by the Goron.

"Of course! Right over there to be precise!" They answered, pointing there finger toward the left wall, where all the mannequins were. I felt slightly embarrassed, before thanking them quietly and looking at all of the armor. 'Why is it so expensive?' I thought to myself, 'Two thousand rupees for a helmet?! That's all the rupees I have left!!' I wondered where I could get more money, without doing something too rash. 'How did I get money in the game before? Usually, I would sell everything I own. Like monster parts and gemstones- wait a moment! That's it!! That is the solution to all my problems!!' After my brief moment of thought, I put Angus's bag of rupees on the desk before grabbing the helmet off the mannequin. The kind Goron sifted through the rupees and gave me back about two hundred of said currency. I was a little disappointed in myself. Angus gave me so much, so I could take care of myself, yet I spent it all in a month.

The Goron smiled at me, signaling that I could leave if I had nothing else to buy. Thanking them, I left without another word. Feeling the heat eat away at my face, I put on the Flamebreaker helmet. I had instant cooling effect, yet my curiosity started to eat up at my brain. 'How does that even work? It's just a helmet!' Weird how the brain can go from 'guilt,' to 'magic helmets.' 'Enough of this now! It's time to look for a free hammer, so I can start collecting my fortune!' But where was I going to find a hammer? I remembered in the game, there was always an untouched hammer a little behind the statues of the Goron Warriors and right next to Golow River. I started to make my way over to the small cave. The hammer was there and in perfect condition. I wondered what story the hammer held from each thrust to the hard rock. From every scratch that was dented in the head. The large sledgehammer was in my possession. I hoped that I would make my fortune quickly. After all, I couldn't stay near Death Mountain for long. Robbie and Purah were working diligently on getting me home. I couldn't find my switch, so the least I could do was get to Hateno Village on time to meet them.

So much ore was to be unearthed from the ground, and I couldn't wait to sell my rations... Except my rations weren't worth more than sixty-five rupees. Why was mining so much easier in the game than now?! No need to answer! The hard work only gave me enough money to pay for another night at the inn. I hoped that things would change. That I would get better at harvesting gems and such, but days went by without a large profit. The largest salary I received was about two hundred rupees, but that was only because I sold all my flint that I received throughout all my time in Hyrule. 'This sucks!' I cursed mentally, starting to lose hope slowly. As I mined some luminous stone near Goron Hot Springs, I felt a presence watching me. Looking around, I saw nothing. This started to happen lately. An eye was watching my every movement, with malice and greed. Before I could get even more uncomfortable, a deep and strong voice called my name from above. It was Daruk.

"Good morning little Hylian! You look super tired. Are you alright?" Daruk asked, rolling down the steep cliff, just to talk to me. Before I could nod instinctively, I became confused. My expression must have also confused Daruk.

"W-Wait... is it morning already?" Daruk nodded cautiously, before I put down the large, iron sledgehammer. I sat down on the nearest rock, taking off my helmet, before rubbing my dirty face. 'I've been working all night... and for what?!' About thirty luminous stones, ten ambers, one ruby, and a truck load of flint. Daruk sat down next to me. It seemed like he was about to say something various times, but he would stop himself. I wondered what he wanted to say. What he wanted to tell me. Eventually, he did speak.

"You know little Hylian, I have been watching over you for a couple of days now, and... you don't seem like you are doing too hot," There was another moment of silence. The uncle-like Goron was correct, I wasn't doing well at all. Did you know that all the beds in Goron City are made of rocks?! Even the ones in the inn?!! Neither did I!! I was tired. I was sore. And most importantly, I was hungry. Speak of the devil, my stomach started to rumble. Daruk definitely heard it. Holding my stomach in embarrassment, Daruk started to speak again, "Oh, you must be hungry! You know what, I know just the thing to take care of that!!" Without another word, Daruk grabbed my wrist and started to drag me back to Goron City, and soon after, dragged me into what would be Yunobo's home.

The kindhearted Goron sat me down on a chair shaped rock, before ushering to his teapot. I looked around the room. It was much neater then it was in the future. Giving me some tea, I whispered a quiet 'thank you,' before taking a sip. It wasn't bad, but it could hardly classify as tea; Nevertheless, I felt honored. Daruk grabbed something from the corner of the room before leaving the building. He came back a small while later with his grilled rock roast! 'T-There is no way I c-could eat that!' I yelled at myself internally.

"It's my famous grilled rock roast! Now I don't want to brag, but everyone who has ever tried my rock roast has fallen in love with it! Go on, you must be starving!!" Was I really going to say no to the Goron Champion?! I was about to, but my subconscious stopped me. The burly Goron made this for me even though he didn't have to, "Is something wrong? Do you not like rock roast?" He asked. 'What do I do?!!' Before I could do anything else, my hands grabbed the edges of the roast. It hovered over to my mouth, but I was hesitant to take a bite. Did I take the bite? Of course, I did. What did it taste like? It tasted like rocks.

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