Chapter 161

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Dawn of

The Final Day

- 5 Hours Remains -

When Link returned, he said that he went to go speak with Impa. She told him about the last memory in the middle of a field not far from Kakariko. Apparently, it took a while for Link to find the spot, before finally remembering everything that his brain deemed most vital.

We remained at the Docks for a while, recuperating our strength and bearings. Making it back to the library, we began to raid again, breaking pots for rupees and arrows. As Link mainly did such things, I was pulling out the books on the shelf. They were old, but they weren't ruined just yet. The text was written beautiful that I couldn't help but turn each page. "(Y/N), come on. We can come back once Ganon is defeated." Knowing this to be the case, I closed the book before running back to the southern staircase. Going right, Link made a makeshift bridge out of a door before we made our way out of the large room. There in another larger room was a Great Frostblade. Link obviously took it before entering a hallway. Shushing him, I lowered myself, shotting an arrow at the ground. A Black Lizalfos came out, as I snuck up behind it. One shift dive and the lizard was dead. Pulling out all of its bomb arrows, I placed it in my own quiver.

"There's another one up there. It has a spear, so you should do fine." Link agreed to taking care of the Lizalfos, as I remained behind, waiting for him to conclude fighting the monster. After that, we crept inside the next room. There, a Black Moblin grasping a Royal Claymore. Link made quick work of the monster, collecting more weapons. Link smashed open crates to reveal useful supplies. However, now we had nothing to make an updraft with. Well... that's not true. Placing down multiple bundles of firewood, I set it ablaze creating an updraft. Spiraling upward, we made it to the top floor. Link exploded the breakable wall to the right of us, finding a Korok. Further down the hallway, we turned left to see two breakable walls. Link exploded the furthest one away. Looking inside the room when the dust settled, Link was pleasantly surprised to find a Royal Guard Sword. It was in pristine condition and didn't even have a chip in it.

"What a beautiful sword..." Link muttered to himself, before we exited the room. He had completely forgotten about the other breakable wall; however, I didn't dare say a word. Making it to the Dining Hall, Link went to take care of Moblins, while I went down the stairs to the Observation Room. I defeated both Moblins and rid the rooms of Ganon's eyes, before making my way up the second set of stairs and to a chest. Opening it, I was met with three Ancient Arrows. Stuffing them in with my numerous amounts of other arrows, I retraced my steps back to the Dining Hall. Link had just finished killing the last of the Moblins. Collecting the weapons, I sat down next to the cooking pot. "(Y/N), we have to-"

"You need to rest up first." I asserted, taking his dominant hand in mine, before showing him the abrasion. His hands were red, covered in scraps which had bled at some point in the last few hours of being in Hyrule Castle. "At least, let me put some medicine on, so they don't get worse. At least for a little while. He seemed unsure, however, eventually, the knight gave in before sitting beside me. Lighting the fire, I tended to his wounds as we sat there in silence.

"Why do I feel a pit in my stomach?" Link questioned, either to himself or me. That, I wouldn't know for sure. Staring up at him, small fragments of worry were apparent on his features.

"A pit in your stomach?" I queried back, gaining the blond's attention. He nodded his head in affirmation, as I contemplated what to even begin to tell him. I understood the feelings he was experiencing. After all, I felt the same stone. My stomach ached anxiously for relief. I had to remain strong, and I'm sure Link felt the exact way I did in that moment, "Honestly, it isn't unnatural to feel that way, Link." I admitted, "We're about to fight a monster after all, but I promise when this is all over, that pit in your stomach will go away. Remember, courage isn't an absence of fear. Rather it's the conquering of it." The Hero of the Wild smiled at me softly. Spending a couple hours preparing for battle, we finally exited the Dining Hall before turning right. From there, we ascended the slope. Firing an arrow at the eyeball, Link and I nodded simply, before running to the Second Gatehouse. We each took care of one Guardian Turret, before making it inside the building. I took the chance to shoot both eyes, as Link began to fight the White-Maned Lynel.

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