Chapter 97

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"This is really astounding research, (Y/N)! Count me impressed!!" The scholarly Princess commented, smiling in my direction; However, a certain sadness hung in her eyes. At the moment, we were riding toward Lake Kolomo to have a nice lunch. After my last journey to Akkala, I followed Link and Zelda back to Castle Town. That night, I decided to spend time with the both of them. Acceptance was what it was. I had accepted my inability to go back home and opted to spend my supposed last moments in Hyrule with the people I had grown so close to. With the people who understood me the most.

Denial... the tears I shed, not believing that I was Hyrule. Anger... me lashing out to the King of Hyrule, prompting my banishment from the Castle. Bargaining... my year long journey to find my fabled switch. Depression... the emotion I had faced all too many times before. And acceptance, which was the moment I was currently in. Though my chances at survival were slim, I wanted to spend as much time with Link and Zelda as I could. Their game, being my favorite in the whole universe, would be the death of me. It was ironic, wasn't it? I would remain happy. For him. For her. For Hyrule.

"Yeah, to bad I won't get to use it. That was the only information I was able to get, and I don't believe it will be any use to Hyrule's cause. Though it's nice to have. It was really fun researching all of that stuff, you know?" I smiled, as Zelda happily skimmed through the pages. Link rode behind us, peaking over his horse to see the notebook. Grabbing it from Zelda and giving it to the blond hero to look at, the Princess pouted jokingly. I let out a soft chuckle, as Link read the entries that interesting him the most. "Your horse is really pretty, Zelda! What's her name?" Zelda seemed surprised for a moment, before she brushed the back of her fingers against her horse's mane.

"I haven't really thought about it before." Zelda commented anxiously, before she lightly scratched her cheek out of embarrassment. This shocked me greatly.

"What?! How can you not name your horse?!" I queried loudly, as Zelda giggled from my outburst. "Every horse needs a name! My horse's name is (H/N), a fitting name for (him/her). And Link's horse is named Epona for reasons I'm not all too sure about. Naming your horse is fundamental to establish a serious bond. If you want, I can name your horse." Zelda thought about it for a moment, as if she wasn't sure. A moment later, the scholarly Princess nodded her head in affirmation as I thought of a fitting name. "What about Zelda II?"

"Is that the best you have?" Zelda joked, trying to hold back extra laughter in her tone. I rolled my eyes playfully, seeing the name 'Zelda II' more as a joke than anything.

"I was only kidding. What about... Tetra? That's a strong name for an able horse." I told, thinking about the head strong pirate from Wind Waker; However, Zelda didn't seem all that impressed with the name.

"That's an... odd name. I like it! But I'm not sure it fits her well." Zelda replied, being more polite than anything. After a moment of thoughtful silence, I came up with a name I thought she would like.

"I know! What about Nayru?!" I introduced, with stars in my eyes. Zelda paused at the name, as if she was shocked. The name was perfect. And I knew the scholarly Princess thought so too.

"Nayru..." She spoke, thinking about the name with great thought. Giving me a thoughtful smile, she gazed at my direction, "I'll think about it, alright?" Zelda stated, as a soft pout covered my own features. I huffed exaggeratingly, before continuing to look ahead. Without my notice, Zelda slipped forward, as Link and I rode side by side.

"You're rather quiet today, Link. What are you thinking about?" I asked, giving him a friendly smile. Link glanced at me with his crystal blue eyes; However, a second later, he looked to my notebook once again. He had been like this ever since the Faron. Usually quiet and methodical, Link was even more reclusive than usual. But, at the same time, the blond hero listened and paid attention to me greatly. I had no idea what was going through his head. "Not going to tell me, huh?" My query was met with more silence on Link's part. I didn't mind the silence all too much. In fact, I really appreciated it. Reaching our destination, I set out a blanket and the prepared food items from the basket. 'It's a beautiful day~' I cooed mentally, feeling at peace with myself. "Link? Would you mind coming over here for a second?" As Link came over, a grin was still present on my face, "Is... there something you need to tell me? You have been quiet for weeks. I don't mind, of course, but I just want to know if something is bothering you."

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