Chapter 130

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"How long have you been watching over Hyrule through your device?" His question threw me off a little. It did much more than surprise me. After all this time, I was still in a mindset of keeping all my secrets to myself. However, Link knew the circumstances and it wouldn't do any harm to tell him.

"Well, not long I guess. But I understand Hyrule's timeline. Well various timelines. I won't get into it since it's kinda confusing but-" I was interrupted.

"No, please continue." I could hardly believe it. 'He must be really interested in the past, huh? Makes sense. After all, he would want to know as much as he possibly could.' This was what I thought initially, however, that wasn't the case in the slightest. Link's true reasons were much simpler than that. The blond enjoyed it when I talked. And he knew that I enjoyed talking about what interested me, so he wished for me to continue. We started to make our way back over to the mainland, as I decided to go on.

"It all started when three goddesses created the world. Din, the goddess of power, created the land. Nayru, the goddess of wisdom, created order. And lastly, Farore, the goddess of courage, created life. Before they left the world they created, the three goddesses created the Triforce—a magical object made up of three golden triangles—and entrusted it with the goddess Hylia. The Triforce is fabled to grant a wish to those who possess the three virtues of the goddesses: power, wisdom, and courage. If one doesn't have the proper balance of virtues, the Triforce will split into three pieces. Only by reuniting all three pieces can the true power of the Triforce be obtained. Now, it all started when with the Great War against an evil Demon King named Demise. In order to seal him away for good Hylia devised a plan in three different aspects. First, as defense, she rose humankind up to live in the sky, on floating islands. Second, she created an ancient sword. At the time it was called the Goddess Sword, but it soon became to Master Sword through different transformations. With this sword, she swore that a Hero, with great courage would wield such a weapon to defeat Demise. Thirdly, the goddess had herself reincarnated, she could seal Demise away for good. However, Hylia didn't anticipate that once Demise was on the verge of defeat, he would put a curse on the soul of the Hero and the blood of the goddess, swearing that this struggle of good and evil with always be in perpetuate motion. That's why you are here. The hero and the goddess incarnate have been reincarnated time and time again in order to defeat Ganondorf, Demise's reincarnate..." I then proceeded to explain up to the Hyrulian Civil War... well, the second one, before we made it back up the cliff. Before I could even dream to get started on the Era of the Hero of Time, Link shushed me a little, pointing towards the Hinox a little ways away.

Instead of running up and taking many stabs before the Hinox rises from the ground, the Hero of the Wild decided to sneak up on the monster. Said monster remained asleep. With a steady movement, Link got onto of the monster's hand, before said being rose up its mighty hand before Link landed on the monster's stomach. He gave me a thumbs up, before taking the weapons strapped around its neck. They were top quality Royal Guard weapons. With a swift throw, I caught a golden bow, before Link got ready for his attack. A sudden plunge of cold, sharp metal awoke the beast, before it attempted to get up. When it did, Link was back at my side, aiming an ice arrow at the Hinox, I followed suit, shooting an electric arrow right into its eye. It fell to the ground in pain before made quick work. He ran. Ran faster then I thought possible. With a quick launch, he fired about twenty arrows before landing back on the ground. The Hinox was defeated. And left a feast behind.

"I hate doing that, but hey, at least it had good loot." With a bite of a smoked fish, I almost puked. Link watched on with confused concern, as I proceeded to make more gagging noises. Disgusting. Completely revolting. He remained clueless, only because if I told him... who knows what would happen.

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