Rito Ending

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Their souls disappeared as well as King Rhoam's. Into the afterlife they went, or anywhere their hearts desired to go. Link's eyes shifted from nothing to a slight movement. He snapped his gaze down to notice that I was breathing. I was just in a coma. My stomach had sealed itself back up, the gap being replaced by an almost white tissue.

I was alive.


All was dark. Had it been months? Years? A couple days? I couldn't tell. Everything was empty. But even then what was true emptiness? Even black isn't devoid of nothingness because it is something. From what most classify as nothing, a light shined from the distance growing ever closer. It was a shining green. When I got close enough, I noticed that it wasn't completely green. No, there was a silhouette in the middle. A bird, with familiar braids swishing in the nonexistent wind. 'Revali...?' I thought, reaching my hand out toward the light. When I was able to touch it, I woke up, falling out of bed.

"(Y/N)! Oh, goodness, are you hurt?!" Zelda queried, coming to my side rather quickly. I was shocked for a moment, not believing my eyes. It was really her. Encapsulating her in a tight hug, I began to cry out tears of joy. "I'm glad to finally see you again as well... (Y/N)." She then proceeded to explain everything that happened. That my wounds healed out of nowhere, that Link and she took me back to Hateno, and that I've been asleep for close to a week. I could hardly believe it.

"That's a lot." I admitted, making her laugh. "Zelda?" She hummed in affirmation before I continued, "Um... There... I have somewhere I need to go."

"Oh? And where would such a place be?"

"Rito Village. Something is drawing me there. Just before I woke up, I saw a Rito reaching out to me... I think... I believe it was Revali." Zelda, at first, seemed shocked, however, a soft smile slowly decorated her features as she understood everything she was told.

"Once you are healed up, then you are able to head to Rito Village. I would feel better knowing you were traveling at your best, rather you still being injured." In two weeks, I would begin my journey to Rito Village. In the time of healing, I realized my true feelings. I couldn't wait any longer.


After making the familiar journey, I jumped off my steed, before walking up the bridges. A cold breeze danced through my hair and across my skin. It felt good and I finally felt at home. I was greeted by familiar Rito as I walked, before making it up to the elder. "Ho ho... (Y/N). I see you made your way back after such time. Pray tell, what have you and the Champion Descendent been up to?" We had a long conversation about what took place. Everything from Princess Zelda to the events at the castle. I even told him that I was the Seer of Hyrule from all those years ago. I expected him to not believe a single word, however, it seemed I was wrong. "Yes, yes. Teba and Kass told me everything." Surprised, my expression slowly calmed into a smile. "So, what brings you to Rito Village, Seer?"

"I would like to make a request. You see, one hundred years ago I... I fell in love with Revali." The elder let out a 'ho.' I didn't know what it could have possibly insinuated, however, I continued, "He's gone now... and I don't believe I'll ever see him again. However, my request is that you let me live in Flight Range and live with the Rito." The elder laughed, as my heart broke into pieces.

"Dear girl, of course you may live amongst us. Dear Revali wouldn't have wanted it any other way." Smiling at the elder's kindness, I thanked him before running to my second home. I cleaned as soon as I arrived, making sure everything was spick and span. When all seemed to be the case, I lit the fire, before cooking a stew. 'Oh, Revali...' I thought, "How much I miss you..."


"So like this, Miss (Y/N)?" Tulin questioned holding the bow rather awkwardly. I chuckled before getting on my knees to help. Fixing his position, he shot the arrow straight into the center of the target. "Hah! I did it!!"

"Want to try it all on your own?" I questioned, as he eagerly nodded his head. I turned to the Updraft Pit, before leading him forward. "Alright, shoot fire targets in thirty seconds. Remember to use your feet, alright?" He nodded, before flying off. One after another, he was getting them with ease. Obviously, Tulin was better with his feet than his wings, which was understandable. All my young students were good at either one, but usually not both. In twenty seconds, Tulin flew back. "Wonderful job, Tulin! As a reward, you can be done for the day."

"Thank you so much Miss (Y/N)! I'll see you tomorrow!!" With that, he hugged my legs before disappearing into the sky. Winds from the mountains ran past me, sending a chill up my spine. However, this shouldn't have been happening. Flight Range was completely closed off, and the chill was not coming in the direction that it should have.

It's been a few months since I moved to Rito Village and became an archery teacher for the young Rito children. It was all wonderful, but there was always this feeling that someone, somewhere was watching me. It wasn't in an eerie sense, but it certainly could feel that way at times. Day turned to night, as I sat by the fireside, watching my meat turn from red to brown. That same wind brushed from behind me. Having enough, I looked over angerly, only to see someone I never would have guess. A ghost. And not just any ghost, a familiar Rito. "R-Revali?" I spoke, as the ghost stared.

"Hello, you stupid girl." Getting up from my spot, I attempted to embrace him, however, I passed right through. "Careful, I'm not tangible."

"Are you real? Or am I hallucinating?" I spoke mainly to myself. Wishing that this was all real and I wasn't dreaming. The ghost stepped toward me as I took a step back. This continued until I hit a wall. With nowhere to go, I stayed where I was. Though he was tangible, a certain heat radiated on my lips. Opening my eyes, there he was.

"I'm real." He assured, as a light pink tinted my cheeks, "Thank you, (Y/N)... for setting me free. I was supposed to pass on... However, I didn't wish to leave you so haphazardly. When you pass on, so will I. Even as a spirit, I will stick to my student and the love of my life." A kiss on the head, and he was gone.

I live to die, however, that doesn't mean I'm not happy. He would visit me multiple times a day. We'd as we used too all those years ago. I wasn't sure if I really was hallucinating, but I was happy to see him again. Once I die, I'll join him in the afterlife, where we can be with each other until time itself ends.

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