Chapter 34

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Suspicion, the strong spirit that destroys love, is usually the brew of a lonely heart. Deeper than an abyss, concoction of strange imaginings and absurd cravings. Dashing to and fro like a devil, desirous of selling some cheap bloody wares. On the thoroughfare of fanaticism, patronized by only souls besotted with affection. Suspicion, a recurring mental mirage. Creation of vaporous random thoughts, bent on protecting porous devious dreams. Hatched in the incubator of personal desires that run contrary to reason and so must we debar ourselves from entering. This torture chamber, for true love believes all things.


"So if you had to choose between having Purah as a wife or smelling from your backside forever, which would you choose?" I asked, trying to hold back my fits of laughter. Robbie looked at me disgusted before answering,

"What type of question is that Cherry?!"

"It's hypothetical Robbie... You have to choose one, otherwise I'll pick one for you~" I was supposed to leave Hateno Village in the early morning; Unfortunately, Robbie held me back to spend more time with him. I just couldn't refuse. It's like we have known each other for years. The genius eccentric was the only one who understood my situation, so I was happy to spend more time with him. We were on the tech lab's roof, gazing upon Mount Lanayru.

"Fine... I would rather smell from my backside." He answered begrudgingly, which made me let out a forced chuckle.

"It would be really bad if you sneezed-" I muttered, making sure I was loud enough for him to hear me. Robbie instinctively flicked my forehead out of retaliation. A small whine escaped from my lips after he did so, "Robbie~ That hurt! What did I do to deserve that?!"

"Sorry, sorry! I didn't mean it... entirely." I was about to talk back to him, until he grew a little more serious. I knew it was time to shut my mouth, "Cherry, do you know where the Royal Laboratory is?" I thought for a moment, trying to remember the map in my head. I nodded, remembering the soon to be ruins were near Irch Plain, "Great, because that is where you are going to meet me in three months. I will try to work on your game card as much as I can, but it will take a while. After all, if I break it, there may be no way to get you home."

"I really appreciate it, Robbie. Thank you." I thanked. I wondered how many times I have said 'thank you.' Probably more than that was needed, but I had nothing else to say. Robbie, Purah, Revali, Angus, and Daruk never had to help me, but they did. They stood up for me and are working so hard to get me back to my unforgiving world. Hyrule isn't forgiving either, but it made me appreciate my safe and stable life, "I'll try to find my switch. My next leads are the Gerudo Desert, Zora's Domain, and everything in between. If it's not there, then... I guess I have to really start remembering where I last was, if that is how it works..." The breeze hit my face and allowed my hair to blow idly in the wind. I had a moment of blankness, before Robbie took my hand and gently kissed my knuckles. Turning to him, I blushed furiously as he looked me in the eyes.

"I'll get you home (Y/N)... and that is a promise." The air was quiet, as I analyzed what he just said.

"Hey, that was first time you said my name." I commented softly, slowly withdrawing my hand from his. A pink blush formed on his cheeks, as he scratched the back of his head. Suddenly, I realized it was passed noon and that it was time to depart, "Oh Robbie, I have to go! I'll meet you at the Royal Tech Lab, okay?" Before he could say anything, I slid off the roof and landed on the stairs. Not long after my brief recovery, I continued downward. Robbie was right behind me.

"Cherry wait!" I stopped to hear what he had to say, "Stay safe. The monster spawn rate has been on the rise lately. The Yiga Clan have also been out and about."

"I will. I don't know what the Yiga would want with me, so I doubt they'll do anything. Oh! Before I leave, do you have a spare shield I could have? Mine broke." Robbie nodded, before running into the lab. After a moment, Robbie reemerged with a knight shield in hand, "Thank you, Robbie... I have to go, so... I'll see you in three months." I gave Robbie a hug. It was a little weird because he was taller than me, but it was still soothing, nevertheless. I waved goodbye before making my way down the hill.

For some odd reason, the journey was much longer than I first originally thought. It was long in the game, but for Pete's sake, it took forever! I wished I could just magically teleport there, but I couldn't. It was just me and my elegant horse. I got into the Outskirt Stable at three thirty in the morning. I was tired and could feel my body forcefully shutting down, so I slept until five in the morning. Sleep still gripped my brain, but I had to get moving. My goal was to get to Gerudo Canyon Stable. If I went further than said goal, then I would count myself lucky. The scenery around me was beautiful sure, but I was too tired to really notice; However, I was awake enough to notice the lack of travelers. No one was around me and the stone walls were silent. In the game, people weren't really in this canyon as well, but that was one hundred years in the future. I would have thought that there would be tons of traffic like most of the other villages and settlements I have been to. This was an almost deafening silence.

I had finally come across another traveler. A Gerudo woman to be exact. She was tall, tanned, and had a glistening red ponytail upon her head; However, she did not look happy. 'Is she a traveler?' I asked myself, wanting to know more. I decided to ride up to her. "Hello Miss! May I ask where you are headed?" I asked, wanting to seem friendly; However, instead of the beautiful woman returning my greeting, she pulled out her Gerudo Scimitar and pointed it at my throat. After a moment of anxiety and a constant silence, she put her scimitar away.

"Sav'otta. Sorry for doing that, it's just hard to trust anyone around here nowadays. You must be a traveler, yes? Well, I must caution you. The Yiga Clan have infested the place lately and are trying to cut off the Gerudo trade routes. Please be wary of anyone you meet. After all, it might lead to you losing everything you own. Including your life." The Gerudo warned, as I nodded at her statement.

"Thank you for the warning, and I understand the whole... um... 'about to kill me' thing. I have been in a similar situation before, so it is okay." I smiled, wanting to be on her good side. The Gerudo smiled back at me.

"Good, I am glad that you forgive me. I shall be off. Be careful, little vai." I waved goodbye to her as I watched her walk away. 'If I had a nickel for every time someone tried to kill me...' I thought as I continued on my voyage. At the last, I made it to the Gerudo Canyon Stable and fell asleep right when I hit the bed. I decided to both take in and ignore the Gerudo's warning. I should have turned back when I had the chance...

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