Chapter 24

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Diary Entry #6

30 Days

My training with Master Revali is coming to a close. For a final exam, Revali is going to pin me against a White-Maned Lynel in the Tabantha Tundra. I have fought there many times (as Link of course.) It was sort of shocking to find out that this was the final test, but it makes sense. If I could defeat a Lynel in this world, I could defeat anything... Except Ganon obviously. I am going to miss Master Revali once I pass, but I guess I might not pass the final exam. Anyone would bet their money on me not surviving this fight. That took a dark turn quickly! In a couple of hours, I fight the Lynel. I wish myself luck.

Closing my journal, I looked out to the starry sky. This was something I never saw in the city. The night sky was slowly transferring into morning, yet the sun had not risen. Sleep had escaped me as my heart pounded against my ribcage. Fear held a death grip on my conscious. I knew I needed sleep. I knew that being tired would get me killed, but how could I sleep when death was possibly at my front door? Before all of this happened, I would usually soothe my stress by listening to music; However, that was impractical. Lying back down on my bed, I closed my tired, (E/C) eyes, hoping for sleep to overcome me, but I tossed and turned until the sun came up.

"Seriously (Y/N)?! You couldn't get the littlest morsal of sleep?!! Stop wasting my time like this!!!" Revali scolded, lightly slapping my head. I knew he would do this. After all, the last time I couldn't get sleep, I was almost killed by a Frost Talus. I felt ashamed that I couldn't sleep. Revali sat next to me and put his feathered hand on my farthest shoulder, giving me a side hug, "I guess we'll have to do it tomorrow-"

"No! Revali, I am ready to face that, Lynel!! I may look tired, but I guarantee my safety. After all, we trained together all day yesterday! I can do this, so please?" Revali was about to say something, before I spoke over him again, "What if I give you the ability to intervene if you feel like the fight is getting to intense for me to handle?! That way, it is guaranteed that I won't die!" There was a moment of silence, before Revali sighed in defeat. He grabbed his things and motioned me to get on his back. Grabbing my things as well, I got on Revali's back and then he took off. From the last time he took me up in the cold air, his speed had greatly improved. Even though he was training me and some of the other young Rito, he still made time for himself. Revali landed northeast of Pikida Stonegrove, right next to North Tabantha Snowfield, where the Lynel would be waiting. My surroundings were barely visible. It was going to be difficult even finding the undefeatable creature.

"Are you sure you want to do this? You can always do it another day, (Y/N)." Revali urged, looking at me with genuine concern. Trying to look confident, I gave Revali a meek, yet large smile. I stood up to meet his gaze.

"I-I'm sure. W-Wish me luck!" I stuttered before grabbing out Revali's Kite Shield. After a moment of silence, I jumped from the mountain and started to glide over the large, empty field of powdered snow. As I scanned the surroundings beneath me, I prayed for my safety and success. Once the White-Maned Lynel came into view, I scanned its appearance.

This White-Maned Lynel looked the same as the rest of its kind. If I remembered the Hyrule Compendium correctly, it said the fearsome beast had lived in Hyrule since ancient times. Their ability to breathe fire makes this type of Lynel among the toughest of the species; each one of their attacks is an invitation to the grave. There were so few eyewitness accounts of this breed because it is not one to let even simple passersby escape with their lives. Gulping away my fears, I moved in closure. Taking out my bow, I aimed two bomb arrows toward the Lynel's face. If I was going to win this fight, I had to be mean. Releasing the string, I continued to fire arrows at the Lynel; Most arrows hitting their intended targets. Once I landed, I put away my bow and took out my Feathered Edge and another, less important shield. The Lynel stood much taller than me.

I originally thought my fears would get the best of me, after all, I was no brave soul; However, in the moment, I was a brave soul. I stood before a furious Lynel with not a speck of fear. Something about this new gained confidence reminded me of Link's. Pulling out my sword, I faced the Lynel with determination stricken on my face. Whether this is a tough battle or not, I will win. For Revali and for myself.

The White-Maned Lynel roared furiously, raising its Savage Lynel Sword in attempt to release a whirlwind of flames. I ran to a comfortable distance before the Lynel's flames had a chance to engulf my skin. Taking a moment to breath, I ran up to the White-Maned Lynel and targeted an arrow at his eye. The ferocious beast ran up to me and attempted to swoop the sword to trip me over; However, I was already one step ahead of the Lynel. Like it was in slow motion, I backflipped and performed a flawless flurry rush. Quickly taking my bow out again, I shot an arrow into the Lynel's left eye. The beast roared in immense pain, which made me pause.

This was far more gruesome than it was in the game. Before I could analyze the situation anymore, the White-Maned Lynel came running up to me again and almost took my arm. I got out of the way and performed another flurry rush. After a moment of one-on-one combat, the beast jumped about fifty yards away. Drawing a large breath, the Lynel was about to spew fire. Using this to my advantage, I put pile of wood down and waited. Once the fire reached the wood, an updraft formed. I took the chance and started to elevate upwards. I had enough airtime to fire some bomb arrows. Arrow after arrow, the Lynel roared in agony. There wasn't anything I could do, however. My relentlessness mirrored the Lynel's. As long as he was determined to fight, I would be willing to continue.

Once I landed, the Lynel's eyes darted in various directions before landing on me; Though, I knew he found me with his hearing. The Lynel's left eye had various arrows stuck in the socket, while his right eye was blinded by the explosions. The Lynel took a running start toward me, lifting its deadly sword in the process. I shot another bomb arrow at the Lynel's face before it stopped running at me. As the beast was catching its breath, I took the chance to take out my Feathered Edge. With it, I struck the weapon through the White-Maned Lynel's heart. The beast roared in agony once more, before falling to the ground in its lifeless state. Grabbing its blade, I stuck it in the ground and started to pray.

"Please find your way to peace and may all agony and malice be put to rest." Seconds later, a bright purple light flashed from the Lynel. Squinting to see what was going on, I saw what resembled a darkened and evil soul. I was about to touch it before it vanished with a bang, causing me to fall backwards.

Next thing I knew, only materials were left behind. No body. No blood. No death. It was all gone. Only the weapons remained and a single beating heart.

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