Chapter 15

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"E-Everything hurts!" My whining did nothing to calm my aching muscles or Revali's throbbing veins.

"It's your fault for being so weak! I mean seriously, have you ever done anything to your body before?!" His statement made me flinch, but I couldn't really do anything to get rid of his sour attitude. Revali was nothing more than an enigma to me. Beyond his arrogance and assertiveness, was a caring and hardworking soul; However, I came no closure to understanding the navy-blue Rito. So much about him baffled me! One moment he was rude, and another he showcased his locked up golden heart. If I knew that Revali would be this confusing, I wouldn't have claimed him as my favorite character, "Man, you're such a weak, useless girl!"

"That's not very nice you know..." I was laying on the wooden floor at Flight Range. The sun had started to set, yet I didn't feel like moving a single muscle. Revali sat by the burning fire, fixing the string on his bow. 'He works so hard... I'm surprised he doesn't burn himself out more than he does... I wish I could be more like that, more determined. That is my only wish...' A lone thought popped into my brain. The thought of not being able to go home before the Calamity. If I didn't try my hardest with Revali, then I was never going to find what I was looking for. I sat up slowly and pulled out my Feather Edge. It was such a beautiful piece of weaponry, that I was surprised that there was a limited amount of these short swords in the game. Grazing my fingers along the cold metal, I could only think worrisome thoughts. Little did I realize that Revali was looking upon me with concern in his eyes. He was worried and he knew nothing about me or where I came from. I looked at him suddenly, with determination in my eyes, "Revali? I am going to get better. I'll promise you that much!"

"You better, now off you go." Revali had shooed me away without remorse. I smiled and left before I ruffled his feathers anymore. I was lucky to have him as a teacher and he knew that I was grateful. Running back to Rito Village, I was about to walk up the various bridges, but I stopped myself. The usual person wouldn't do a single thing after experiencing a major workout, but this was an entirely different scenario. My feet turned to the Korok twisting tree and I started to run. Past the tree, past the waterfall, and up the small cliff with great speed. The snow-covered area was still cold, but something told me to not focus on the harsh environment. I ran for who knows how long. It was dark, but that didn't concern me. When the moon was high in the star filled sky, I walked back to the inn and fell asleep. The moon lifted and hung ideally in the dark, star-filled sky. There were no sounds to distract. My (E/C) eyes tiredly opened, and I looked to the high ceiling. Turning to see the position of the moon, I saw that the sun was close to rising. I stood up and collapsed. My abused body was tired and incredibly sore. Every bit of my energy was depleted, and it took all my strength to stand up once more.

"Dear Hylia, what happened to you?! You look like you fought a Hinox... and lost!" Revali squawked, his eyes wider than the sun's circumference. I scratched the back of my neck in nervousness.

"W-Well... remember when I told you that I would train harder?" Revali scoffed loudly, as his feathery fingers met the bridge of his beak, "Look Revali, I... I am on a time crunch. Everything is flying past me at lightning speed, and I want to leave so bad... but you're right! I can't survive on my own. Back... where I come from, I was just as useless as I am now. I had no friends that really understood me. No family to accept me without being normal. It's just- so frustrating! Back home, no one expected anything from me... and when you said you wanted to train me, I was ecstatic! You understand more than anyone about proving oneself to those who don't believe in you."

"I do recognize that... and I never said that I didn't believe in your capability. It seems like, we are more like each other than we originally thought," He admitted, sitting next to me, "Since Kass has accordion lessons with me again today, we'll keep the supervised training short, but I want you to constantly be evolving. That is the quickest way to learn, but for the love of Hylia, don't overexert yourself again. You look like a total-" Before he could finish, I jumped up and started to run around Rito Village. My heart was racing, and it wasn't really centered around the running. I felt like Revali, and I had a heart-to-heart moment. My face was beet red, and my poor heart was throbbing painfully. I had ran pretty far before Revali caught up with me but that was still open for improvement. After my run, Revali and I worked on swordsmanship, which didn't go to well, by the way. Then my main training ended when Revali had to teach Kass.

"Can I come watch?" I asked. Revali furrowed up his brow in confusion.

"Why would you want to go to a little Rito's accordion lessons? That's kind of creepy, don't you think?" Revali snarked pridefully. I instantly felt the urging need to hit him on the head, but I remembered that he told me not to do that again. I wondered about his thoughts on 'kicking him where it hurts,' but that thought escaped me before I decided to answer.

"Relax, I just think that Kass is a really good accordion player. This might be his profession one day." I told truthfully, glad that the future did hold the music playing Rito. Revali gave me an unspecified look, before shaking his head and grabbing his accordion.

"Either way, you aren't coming. He was so distracted last time, and I know it was because of you and your Hylian ways!" I was the one to furrow up my eyebrows. There was no use fighting with such a stubborn bird brain, so I walked back to the village by myself. My already aching muscles were going to hurt even more. Before entering the inn, I heard a semi-shrill voice sing my name. Looking in the direction it came from, I saw little Kass running towards me.

"What are you still doing here Kass? Shouldn't you be at Revali's lesson? He's waiting for you at Warbler's Nest if you didn't know where to meet him." I told kindly, bending down to meet his amber eyes.

"Oh, I know, but... I wanted to hang out with you today! You're so nice and pretty for a Hylian! Please let me skip accordion lessons?!" About to say no, I stopped myself and thought of a dastardly plan. I nodded and told him we were going to hang out somewhere cool. He was all for it. When we reached the last bridge, Kass wanted me to carry him, and I had little to no choice in the matter. I walked to Warbler's Nest and there sat an impatient Revali. Revali's expressions were all over the place when Kass and I were in his view. Revali speed walked toward me.

"What's going on here?! Uh, I knew you would find a clever way to listen in on Kass's lesson!!" I put one of my hands up to refrain his speaking, I put down a tired Kass who gasped at the sight of his mean looking teacher.

"He wanted to spend some time with me and was about to play hooky. I knew you wouldn't be happy about that, so I brought him here." Kass stuck out his tongue at me and Revali before hiding behind my legs. I didn't know what to do in this situation! I never babysat a child before, so a child's nature baffled me and left me paralyzed.

"Hooky?" Revali questioned. 'Oh crap! I forgot that some words and phrases aren't used in this world! How many other stupid things have I said?!' Freaking out internally wasn't helping the situation, so I calmed myself down and decided to skirt over my slang.

"Anyway!! I am going to let you two have your lesson. I'll see you tomorrow Revali, bye!" I said before running off.


"Am I in trouble, Master Revali?"

"No... You did good Kass. You did good."

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