Chapter 69

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"Yes, your Highness. I'm helping Cherry with something really important to her, but I am staying active in my Guardian studies." Robbie explained kindly, looking at my back in reassurance. Princess Zelda was confused for a moment.

"I'm sorry, but who's Cherry?" Zelda asked, before I stepped in.

"That's me. Robbie gave me that nickname when we first met." Zelda glanced back at Robbie, who was scratching the back of his neck in a flustered state. The scholarly Princess smirked a little before putting her gaze back on me. Instantly, Zelda knew what Robbie was feeling. It was like she knew the whole story from my words and his reaction.

"How sweet~" She teasingly cooed, making a bright red blush return to my cheeks, "So are you two traveling together?"

"For a little while, yes. We're headed to the Great Plateau to look at a possible ancient Sheikah constructed location. We believe it is something worth investigating, due to everywhere else having something to do with the old history of Hyrule." I explained, not giving too much away for the time being. Zelda's eyes lit up at the mention of Sheikah technology.

"Would you mind if I joined you? I would love to see you both in action. Besides, I am going that way anyhow." Zelda queried softly, expecting to hear a 'no.' I quickly glanced back at Robbie who lightly shrugged his shoulders.

"Sure, I don't see why not. Besides, with your knowhow on ancient technology, I pretty sure you'll know what 'it' is." I accepted, smiling at her direction. She returned the action. As she did, we entered Mabe Village. I froze up at the sight, knowing the connections to Link's Awakening. I almost commented on the subject, before I quickly snapped out of it. I was then behind Princess Zelda and Robbie, which meant I was stuck with Link in the back. This wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't so awkward between the both of us. Every now and then, he would stare at me. When I would catch him, he would continue to stare before turning away, like he wanted to tell me something; However, Zelda urged me to come to the front, which I did. As we rode, Zelda held conversations about her current research, but I couldn't concentrate on her words. I felt like we were being watched. Link felt the same way. When the Garrison was barely in sight, large puffs of smoke and talismans appeared from every direction, which spooked the horses greatly. Sooga appeared in front of Zelda and me. He quickly pulled out his samurai swords before pointing one of the tips at me. 'Why here? Why now?'

Sooga looked me directly in the eyes, then to Princess Zelda. Link and Robbie had long gotten off of their horses and stepped in front of us; However, I was only concerned about Sooga's next words. I hoped he wouldn't say anything that would lead to my downfall, "I am here to take three of your lives. Yiga Clan catch the girl and kill the others!" Mentally, I thanked Sooga for his choice of wording.

"(Y/N)," Robbie told me in a hushed fashion as the Yiga continued to surround the four of us, "I want you to make your way to Castle Town with Princess Zelda. Link and I will take care of this."

"What are you going to do?" I queried, thinking Robbie didn't have a weapon; However, the genius eccentric just sent a smirk in my direction, before shooing us off. Glancing at Zelda, I saw how scared she looked. I remembered when I was scared of this glorified cult. In fact, I was still sort of terrified of them, but fear had no place in this situation. Silently pulling out my bow, I pulled out three bomb arrows before quickly firing them at Sooga. Though the eruption of sound spooked the horses, it was our chance to escape. Redirecting the horses, we ran back to Castle Town. A couple of stray Yiga were still following after us, so I pulled out a couple of arrows to shoot. I was in the zone. Arrows were flying into the Yiga's shoulders and legs, until we were close enough to Castle Town. Zelda got off her horse, but I stayed on.

"(Y/N), you can't be thinking about-" Before I could let her answer, I cracked the reigns toward the battle. I knew it would have been more responsible to get more help, but this was personal. Taking out a couple of fire arrows, I shot them upward in order to hit unsuspecting Yiga Clan members. Most of the arrows missed, but the fire definitely didn't. As my horse sprinted through the battle-ridden field, I looked for any sigh of Link or Robbie. Through the newly made smoke, I gazed upon Sooga. A moment. Though it was only for a single second, Sooga and I locked eyes. He still had his ridiculous mask on, but I somehow knew what expression he made. It was one of kindness and pity. As I was about to ride over to him, he appeared by my side before throwing me off my horse. With one hand, he lifted me up by the collar of my Hylian's tunic.

"Pathetic." He seethed, making me flinch a little; However, I knew he was lying, "Did you really think that someone such as yourself could defeat someone like me? Look at you! Such a small and defenseless mouse with no life purpose except to slowly decay until there is nothing left of you. I will spare your life, only because you'll die soon enough." Not a second later, Robbie attempted to slash Sooga with his Eightfold Blade; However, Sooga dodged the attack before coming close to getting cut. From behind Sooga, came the blond hero with the Master Sword in hand. As Link fought the stoic ape, Robbie led me away from the battle.

"(Y/N), why did you come back? He could've killed you!" Robbie bellowed, feeling farther than enraged. I awkwardly rubbed my arm, not knowing how to answer. Gazing upon his figure, I was relieved to know that he wasn't hurt. After an entire minute of silence, Robbie broke down and wrapped his toned arms around my smaller frame, "I'm just glad you are okay, Cherry." I returned the hug, feeling myself start to break down as well. Pent up adrenaline slowly deceased, as I only focused on Robbie's warmth. He then let go of the embrace a long while after.

Eventually soldiers from Hyrule Garrison came to aid Link in his fight. My only guess was that Zelda had something to do with this, which I was thankful for. Sooga and the Yiga members disappeared in a puff of smoke, before the Hylian forces could really do anything. Link sheathed his sword before running over to Robbie and me. The blond knight looked at me in question. My only guess was that his questioning gaze was about Zelda's whereabouts. Before I could say anything, Zelda came sprinting on her horse toward the three of us. Getting off swiftly, the scholarly Princess ran over to me, soon gifting me an endearing embrace, "Why in Hylia's name did you run off?! You worried me so, (Y/N)!" This I didn't expect. My (E/C) eyes widened in complete astonishment. The feeling of being needed finally hit me, as I looked past Zelda shoulder to see Robbie and Link.

"Zelda, I'm fine. Don't worry about me." My reassurances didn't calm the scholarly Princess. No matter what I said, she wouldn't stop worrying about my safety. As she did this, I glanced back at Link, who was as monotone as ever.

"Princess, we should get back to our current agenda." Link stated flatly, as Zelda let out a grunt in frustration; Nevertheless, she knew the blond knight was correct. There was no time to waste. As Zelda went to tend to her horse, Link took one last glance at his Princess before walking over to me. Placing a hand on my shoulder, his baby blue eyes stared into mine, "Thank you, and I'm sorry for not trusting you earlier." Then he walked away without another word. Even though his words were swift and to the point, I couldn't stop my heart from fluttering inside my chest.


'He... apologized.'

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