Chapter 42

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Too many steps in the wrong direction. Running just to find protection. My mind full of memories, like a collection. Wrong choices, the wrong selection.


My Master and I watched as (Y/N) was taken away from our view. Her screams reverberated through the hallways and bounced back to us, until they finally ceased. I looked to Master Kohga for an answer, but he looked just concerned and confused as I. "Sooga," he started, "Who told you, you could die?"

"I haven't yet- I mean I won't, Master Kohga!" For the first time, I was incredibly flustered. (Y/N)'s words were still in my brain as I tried to think what she meant, "Master Kohga, I must urge you to not kill the girl. As much as I want to think that her words are a bluff, I believe that she is telling the truth."

"How could you think such an inexplicable thing, Sooga?! She threatened me!! You should be on my side-"

"And I am Master Kohga; however, I ask this because it didn't seem like she was threatening you in that way. I think she is telling the truth about our impending deaths, which are by another's hands." Bowing down to my Master and taking his hand, I looked down to the dirt floor for the words I wanted to say, "Master Kohga, if you would allow me to conduct some research on the girl, I would be most grateful." Master Kohga thought about my proposal for a couple seconds before spitting out a 'fine.' Nevertheless, I was happy about this. I didn't know why, but I had a strange feeling about the very girl that stood in this room. Perhaps she could be of good use to the Yiga Clan.

As I walked out the door, I looked upon (Y/N)'s precious bag. She seemed so attached to it. I took the bag with me. I couldn't give her back all of her equipment, however. The only things I couldn't give back were a few arrows and her Feathered Edge. I wondered what she was doing with Rito weaponry, before leaving my Master in peace. I snapped my fingers to call for four Footsoldiers. They had appeared as quickly as I had blinked, "You two find some information about the current prisoner. I want everything. Any records you can find will be most beneficial, and you other two need to guard the girl, until I can find someone better for the job. Also bring this stuff to her. I believe it's the girl's belongings. To your places!" Just like that, they had disappeared. I hoped they would come back with information soon.


Tears were flowing from my eyes and down my cheeks, as I tried to calm myself down. Why? Why was this happening to me?! First of all, they kidnapped me. Secondly, they took everything that I have ever owned in this world. And to top it all off, I was going to die to this cult. And here I thought my life in Hyrule was getting better. 'I guess I was wrong...' As I cried in the corner of the room, I didn't hear the faint sound of erupting smoke or the fluttering of talismans. But what I did hear was the drop of a heavy bag. Turning to the source of the noise, I saw my precious bag along with Revali's shield. I hugged it tight. I looked up to see two Footsoldiers looking down at my limp figure. I caught myself from saying thank you. Quickly, I turned around. They hadn't left, so my only guess was that they were guarding my cell. What felt like hours went by without a sigh or a sound. Occasionally, I would look back at the two guards, but they would be looking ahead.

I hoped the silence would become less awkward; However, the silence persisted for a couple of days. How I could tell was by the number of meals per day. Usually, the meal was, what could only be described as, oatmeal and a half-eaten banana. My tears had dried by then, so crying was completely out of the picture. Besides, they didn't have to feed me at all, so I ate whatever they gave me. I was grateful, for a prisoner. Day in and day out, my life in a cell was becoming boring. I would have written, but they confiscated my ink and quill. And I would have used my time to train, but they had confiscated my sword. They hadn't even given me a stick so I could draw in the dirt. On the fourth day, I went up to the bars of the cell and looked at the two guards, "Hey do you want to play a game?"

"We're not allowed to let you out of your cage." The one to my right stated, continuing to look straight ahead. I looked to the Footsoldier on my left to find him asleep. 'Not very professional, are we?' I snarked mentally, looking back to the Footsoldier who was awake.

"You don't have to let me out for this game, I promise!" I reassured from behind the bars. The Footsoldier side glanced my figure before sighing in defeat. His friend was still fast asleep. He went out of my view for a moment, before coming back with a pillow to sit on.

"Alright. What's this game you were talking about?" He asked, folding his arms to act more serious. Of course, I knew that the Yiga Clan was absolutely ridiculous, so I wasn't fooled by his façade. I was happy to have someone to talk to for a while, even though these were the people keeping me hostage.

"What about I Spy?!" I smiled, trying to get the guard to be as happy as I was, however he didn't seem sold on the idea. He tilted his head in confusion, which made me wonder if he knew what the game was. The Footsoldier clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth.

"What's 'I Spy?'" He queried, sounding more aggressive than he did before; However, I kept my cool. After all, he couldn't kill me, since I was supposed to die to another's hand soon, most likely Sooga's.

"Well, it's- Um... well- hm..." My various attempts to try to explain the game didn't seem to form in my mouth, "A person is 'it' every round and they choose something in a room by its color. Whoever else is playing tries to guess what that object is and whoever gets it, gets to be 'it.'" The Footsoldier still seemed confused, "You know what? Maybe it's easier if we just play. I'll go first! I... spy... with... my little eye... something... red!" To be clear, there was a lot of red banners around the hallway.

"But there's a lot of red things in this room! It could take hours to guess what you're looking at!!" The Footsoldier complained, leaning his head back in frustration. His little fit of rage woke up his friend which just stared between the both of us. I smiled at him before saying:

"You better guess what it is before this becomes a game of Twenty Questions!" Both of the Footsoldiers gasped at my little threat, before taking wild guesses about what I was looking at. What was I looking at? The eye on their masks. It took them three hours.

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