Chapter 140

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"I've been waiting for you..." Riju stated, before turning her gaze to face me, "Who is this?" She spoke with such a kindness in her tone, that I immediately felt at ease. I explained myself as one of Link's allies, as Riju patiently listened. "I recall your closeness with Lady Urbosa and Princess Zelda."

"Chief Riju, Link has the-" I started, but was cut off by the young girl I was talking too.

"Oh, you needn't say a word. As the chief of the Gerudo, I can sense the power of the heirloom flowing from you. I know that you've succeeded! I am, as you have no doubt noticed, still but a child. The people look on me with nothing but warmth in their eyes, but even this brings me some pain, I must admit... I've tried so hard to be worthy of their love, to be worthy chief... and prove to myself that I was worthy, too. When my family heirloom was stolen, I felt as though a shadow had fallen over me... Yes, your arrival in the midst of all of this must be the work of Lady Urbosa... Now, please give me the helm." When Link gave it away, Riju placed the helm on her head, showing off the final result, "Um. How do I look?"

Link's brain began to wonder. He remembered Urbosa, and Zelda's hidden frustration. This memory, along with a few others, were happy ones, that Link dearly wanted to be apart of again. However, he remembered before which. "Urbosa? Can you not tell Link about what happened today? He wouldn't show it, but he'll freak out at the thought of the Princess almost dying while he was absent." He thought, 'She protected her... even when she didn't have to, again.' He left his hiding spot, facing me head on. Link's eyes were met with mine. Something took over him. His eyes just couldn't bring themselves to look away willingly. Zelda was the only thing that drew his gaze away. After I left, even though he wanted to be with his Princess, Link couldn't help but think after so much time, 'Why did she leave?'

"What's wrong? You're just staring..." Link apologized after getting out of his own head, "Anyway, what matters now is... How... how is it?! Do I look all right?"

"It looks good!" Link smiled, as Riju became flustered.

"I see... The threat Divine Beast Vah Naboris has only grown since we began searching for the heirloom. I believe that Gerudo Town itself may be in danger before too long... As chief, and as a Gerudo, I must find some way to stop that thing before it threatens my people. Will you help me?"

"Of course!" Link spoke, with a small nod.

"Heheh, who would have thought that, just before such a momentous battle... Hearing a simple, confident pledge of support from you would be what puts me at ease? I'll head out now. Let's meet up at the lookout post south of town. There's only one way to get close to Naboris, and that's with the help of a sand seal. The lookout post isn't too far from town, but you should take a sand seal there. You can get come practice in that way. I'll be there waiting for you with my favorite sand seal, Patricia. Still...It really is a little big..." Riju headed out and I was about to follow her, before Link's hand met my shoulder. I was confused why he would do such a thing so suddenly. Turning to met his gaze, his eyes stared downward, unsure how to put his words kindly.

"(Y/N), I don't want you to go with me on this one." I asked him why he felt the way he did, "I just want you to be safe. You just got kidnapped a week ago. I would feel better if you stayed in Gerudo Town until I come back." I was close to arguing with him, however, there was a certain look in his eyes. They begged me not to follow. I had promised him I wouldn't enter another Divine Beast. He looked broken. Torn at the seams even. I agreed to stay, putting Link at ease. "I'll be back."

"Wait, Link! Here..." Digging through my quiver, I gifted him all of my bomb arrows. He seemed confused why I had done such a thing, "She'll give you bomb arrows anyway, but I would feel better if you used mine. Please take them." Putting them in his own quiver, I gave him a large smile. We didn't know how it happened. In fact, I hadn't realized what had happened until we were in the middle. I had clung to him, as tears threatened to fall down my cheeks. 'Now is no time to cry,' I told myself, however, I couldn't help but feel the tears bubble. This Divine Beast always concerned me. Thunderblight was a hard foe, and even after all my hours of play, I still couldn't get any better at killing the thing. Link wasn't me, and I wasn't Link, but something protruded through me. A large icicle of malice and hatred. Popping out of my chest as if it were nothing more than damp paper. "I want you to be safe, okay? And if you're about to die... I want you to come right back here. If you don't, I don't know what I'll do with myself." I muttered into his chest, not wanting him to leave. If he did then this may be the last time I ever see his face again. It hurt. It hurt a lot that it was a possibility. But faith was necessary, as well as sacrifice.

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