Chapter 52

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I was awoken by Sooga. He signaled me to keep quiet as he undid the ankle bracelets, weighing down my legs. From what I could tell, it was early morning. No one was up, except for a couple of guards and apparently Sooga. Wedding preparations were going to start in an hour. After he took them off, I rubbed my bare ankles tenderly, "All your stuff has been moved to the stable in Gerudo Canyon. Once you're there, retrieve the bag and ride out of the canyon. Do not look too suspicious, otherwise you will be caught." I nodded at Sooga's statement. Sooga grabbed both of my hands and lead me out of my cell. He took of his mask and smiled at me fondly. With that, the stoic ape slapped something on my back. I felt a surge of energy rush through me before it stopped. Opening my eyes, I saw that I looked like any other Yiga Footsoldier, "I advise you make your way out of the hideout as soon as possible. Also, if anything touches that talisman, you will revert back into yourself so be wary of that. Be safe, (Y/N)." Sooga then disappeared. Following the map inside my head, I went down the intended path, but things were already starting to go off the rails.

Mychel and Hew were sent to start preparing me for my wedding. They babbled to one another about how beautiful the event will be and the conspiring rumor that Master Kohga will allow everyone to have an unspecified amount of bananas. Once they got to my cell, they noticed my disappearance, "Oh no dude! What do we do? What do we do?!" Hew freaked out, before Mychel slapped the hysterical Footsoldier's face.

"Calm down Hew! Um... we'll just tell Master Kohga!" Then Mychel envisioned a furious Kohga that would most likely have them killed, "Uh... w-what about we tell Sooga!" He revised, then he remembered that Sooga would just tell Master Kohga anyway, "Okay... let's... make a decoy until we find the real (Y/N)?" It was more of a question then anything else; Nevertheless, Hew agreed. What was their plan? Hew was to dress up like a girl, until Mychel could find the real me. As Mychel left to go search, the unlucky Footsoldier bumped into Master Kohga.

"Hello, Mychel! How is my lovely bride?!" Master Kohga greeted warmly, much to Mychel's confusion. He had to lie, there was no way around the situation.

"Uh, well... she could be better..." The Footsoldier responded.

"What?! What's wrong?!!" Master Kohga started to freak out. Not in the 'fiery rage' way, more like the 'I left the stove on' way. Mychel decided to intervene.

"She's fine! She's just... uh, a little under the weather." Mychel fibbed, hoping that his Master would just leave.

"I hope she feels better before the wedding. Maybe I should go see how she is doing." Master Kohga was about to walk past Mychel before he got in his Master's way again. Kohga started to grow suspicious.

"Wait!! Before you go in, I have to warn you that she is so sick, that she may not look or sound like (Y/N), but I can guarantee that it is indeed (Y/N)!" Mychel elongated, before Master Kohga shoved past the fibbing Footsoldier and into my cell. Hew, with a lot of makeup and a mop on his head, looked at Master Kohga.

"Oh~ Who interrupts my slipper?" Hew mused, not even trying to sound feminine, much less like me. Mychel walked beside him to aggressively whisper into his ear, "Oh! Yes~ Right, slumber! Sorry." Hew voice had transitioned back to masculine. All Master Kohga could do was let his mouth hang wide open. He was too dumbstruck to be angry, for a whole three seconds.

"What is the meaning of this?!! Where is SHE?!!!" Master Kohga screamed, his face going beet red. Mychel and Hew fearfully scrunched into shivering, shaking forms.

"We went on banana break for like five minutes when she was here, and then when we came back, she was gone!" After a moment of tense silence, Kohga asked how long it took them to formulate this plan, "A-About an hour." They spoke fearfully, as smoke started to come out of Master Kohga's ears.

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