Chapter 111

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Passing by the East Wind General Store, I immediately turned my horse toward the new houses that Bolson and his men created. Link stared at the houses in confusion, wondering what they were supposed to be. While I found the homes sort of charming. Leading our horses across the bridge, we let them go in the small pasture. My eyes stared at Link's once home, feeling a little reminiscent about it, however, I never entered his home, nor did I dare to. I wondered if Link remembered it in anyway. If there were hidden memories that I didn't see through the game.

As Link fed the horses, I entered the small home, taking a good look around. Dirt and dust covered the floor, and the windows were covered, scratched, and dirty. It was a fairly empty space. As I looked around the place in awe, a hand suddenly placed itself on my shoulder. I let out a small shriek before turning about to see Karson, Bolson's youngest worker. Compared to most of the people in Hyrule, he was quite handsome. "Hullo there! I didn't mean to scare ya!" He chuckled.

"It's alright. I'm just not used to being touched so suddenly." I breathed out, soon giving the young man a bright smile, "What are you doing anyhow?"

"Workin', as you can see! This old house here has been abandoned. Everyone in Hateno Village agreed we should demolish it. The old owner apparently went off to the castle to report for service. Never came back, never wrote, so away it goes!" The male explained, rubbing the back of his neck.

"So you are hard at work, huh?" I giggled, gripping onto my bag, as a small hue covered the male's cheeks.

"Yep! And I wouldn't want it any other way, to be honest with ya." He laughed with me, before the atmosphere turned pretty quiet.

"Yeah?" I let out, looking to the floor. The tip of my boot swirled around the wood creating a trail of shifted dust in its wake, "It is a darn shame though... perhaps someone will buy this place before such infrastructure is lost to the ages." My fingers graced over the wall, as I explored what little there was to the room.

"Well, if ya want to buy it, I'm sure my boss wouldn't mind ya offer." He spoke, saying exactly what I was thinking. Nodding my head, I walked outside and toward the back, where Link was talking to the infamous man.

"Hey!" The male sung, staring down at the blond-haired knight in questioning, "Need something from me?"

"What are you doing?" Link asked, before Bolson turned to stare down at Link. Karson and I stared from the corner, listening in on the conversation. I obviously knew what it was, but Karson was just as curious as the next guy.

"In case it's not obvious, I'm demolishing a vacant house. Times are rough. Not a lot of buyers, y'know? So the villagers decided it was best to just tear it down." Before Link could say a word, or before Karson could stop me, I came out from my hiding spot approaching the two with a large smile.

"We can buy it!" I blurted happily, throwing Link and Bolson off by my statement. I already had the three thousand rupees, and the thirty wood. In fact, my income was around fifty thousand rupees, enough to buy the house at his first asking price. However, Bolson didn't know this, making him scoff haughtily.

"Whoa, get a load of young moneybags... Just wants to 'buy' it, huh?" Bolson murmured, mocking the both of us, before he continued, "Okey-doo... Let me lay it for you. See this house? Been vacant for years. So the villagers had a meeting, argued, voted, and decided to tear it down. The demolition costs, with associated fees, permits, and other such details... come in at fifty thousand rupees. So when you say you want to 'buy' it, you're talking about fifty thousand rupees... You got that much on you?" Link was about to shake his head before I place both my hands against his cheeks. I continued to grin toward the builder.

"I do. I'll gladly pay for it!" I offered, surprising the older man.

"Well! Who would have thought?! ...Little go-getter, aren't you? Heh. Reminds me of me back in the day." A moment of quiet thought, before Bolson continued, "...All right. All right, look. Here's the deal! Just for you two! I'll cut you a special price of tree thousand rupees. BUT IN RETURN! I'm going to need you to bring me thirty wood bundles. Building materials... You know how it is. Anyway, you understand the terms? Then get to it. And show me what you two are built out of... That a construction joke." Looking away from us, he yelled out a quick, "Hudson! Karson! Stop what you're doing!"

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