Chapter 124

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Keep a guard over your eyes and ears as the inlets of your heart, and over your lips as the outlet, lest they betray you in a moment of awareness. Receive, coldly and dispassionately, every attention, till you have ascertained and duly considered the worth of the aspirant; and let your affections be consequent upon approbation alone. First study; then approve; then love. Let your eyes be blind to all external attractions, your ears deaf to all the fascinations of flattery and light discourse. - These are nothing - and worse than nothing - snares and wiles of the tempter, to lure the thoughtless to their own destruction. Principle is the first thing, after all; and next to that, good sense, respectability, and moderate wealth. If you should marry the handsomest, and most accomplished and superficially agreeable man in the world, you little know the misery that would overwhelm you if, after all, you should find him to be a worthless reprobate, or even an impracticable fool.

-Anne Bronte

Time went on, and it was time to continue forward. When it was all said and done, I mined all the Luminous Stone I could find as Link found the Korok behind a pile of rocks. After which we went on. Feeling frivolous, Link and I continued to tread through the glass-like sea. "I'm glad to be out of there. It was driving me insane." Link stated, surprising me in the process.

"Yeah, those mazes are a handful, huh?" A pause. "Oh, there are two other mazes like this. One is near the Hebra, and the other is near the desert." The male remained quiet. I blamed it on his generally shy nature, however, the real reason was something close and yet so far from that truth. He wanted me to keep talking. "There's also one made out of thorns, which is kinda stupid, but whatever. You have Revali's Gale now, so the thorn maze doesn't really matter." Before the conversation could go any further, Link ran off into the water. He swam towards an awkwardly placed Korok, which was under a slab of rock. I watched from a distance as Stasis was activated and put to use. When the slab went flying, the blond lifted the small rock underneath to find exactly what he was looking for. When he came back, he showed me his find.

"I would have preferred treasure. What even is this?" I knew exactly what it was, considering the reward for finding them all. I decided to shrug as a response, before he put the seed away. And then his attention redirected again towards yellow flowers. I watched as his child-like wonder leaked through his usual stoic exterior. He no longer was the impassive knight I knew before. Link, the Hero of Hyrule, was acting his age, perhaps younger. To this, I smiled.

As he did the puzzle, my eyes were focused on the Guardian Stalker not too far off. There were two moving ones on this beach, and I knew Link was intending to kill them considering that teleporting wasn't an option because of me. Focusing back in, Link was using Cryosis to lift the dead Decayed Guardians for parts. "Link?" I asked, gaining the blond's attention, I directed his gaze to the Guardian in the distance. It moved around randomly, as if it didn't have any orders to follow. Perhaps it was guarding the beach to prevent people from fleeing Hyrule. Ganon wouldn't even allow that, huh? The blond walked towards the machine, before gaining its attention. Perrying all three attacks, the Guardian exploded and left its parts behind. Putting everything in his personal bag, we kept walking. "That was amazing, Link. Truly it was." A small pause is all it takes to change the subject, "There is another Guardian up ahead."

With a nod, Link didn't hold any interest, as we continued to walk along. Our bare feet continued to clamp onto the sand as the small rocks stuck. The sand was just the perfect temperature. Not too hot. Not too cold. Just perfect. Perfect enough to not disrupt the tranquil atmosphere that was created. "After Akkala, where do you think we should go?"

"Why are you asking me this? This is your journey after all. I'll follow wherever you go." Link seemed adamant about hearing my opinion, before I thought a little more about the topic. The silence reminded me of the very thing that is so important. I had almost forgotten the Master Sword as being part of his mission. And he did mention it before not long ago in Goron City. "Well... I think it is important to find the Sword that Seals the Darkness. It is of great importance."

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