Chapter 101

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A week passed without a single peep from the Shrine of Resurrection. I had managed to calm myself down quite a ways and cool my head in preparation of Link's awakening. To avoid the King, whenever possible, I would station myself in the Forest of Spirits. After all, that was the one place Rhoam didn't like going in, unless he absolutely had too. I had managed to survive with what I had, however, I opted to eat as little as possible in fear that Link will descend from limbo and come out to the Great Plateau. I wished to be thoughtful about his hoarding issue.

I woke up in the middle of the night, after having a horridness dream about Ganon. He had been the only thing on my mind since the moment I woke up. I always used to laugh at the very idea of him, but when he actually became a threat, I cowered away from the thought. The beautiful land of Hyrule wouldn't receive the sun's embrace for another few hours. The moon and stars greeted me handsomely before I decided to head up Mount Hylia. The crisp, morning air bit at my skin as I ascended to mountain. Most of the monsters were taken care of since they obstructed my path before. In all honesty, the Great Plateau was filled with monsters. I was doing Link a favor.

On the mountain top, I sat next to the old man's grave. Eventually, he popped up next to me, as we gazed upon the distant Dueling Peaks. "Any day now... the Hero of the Wild will wake up... and when the day comes, he will defeat Calamity Ganon, ridding the world from him once again... though... I can never be sure if the King of Darkness will never return." Glancing back at his ghost, I gave him an uneasy, yet genuine smile. "Your Majesty? Do you think... Link will ever forgive me for all of this?" I had told the King everything a couple days prior. I told him about my rocky start with Link. My relationship with all the Champions. My relationship with Zelda. And the last words I had told Link before 'dying.'

'I hate you!' I told him, before all of this happened a century ago. The King put a ghostly hand on my shoulder reassuring me that everything was going to end up all right, even if the start is a little more than challenging. As the sun started to peek over the mountains, the King disappeared, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Standing up once more, I decided to carry myself a little further down the mountain, to find a large piece of a Hyrule banner. Happy to see it, I folded it the best I could before continuing to carry myself down.

The snow was freshly laid that morning and the only imperfection for miles were my own footprints. The birds were chirping and all I could think about was when Link would wake up. I felt more tired than usual, however, that wouldn't stop me for a second. 'Maybe, I should have went back to sleep... Oh, well. Too late now.' I told myself, grabbing out my husk of a paraglider. It wasn't much, but since I was blessed with some fabric, I could finally complete what I was doing. Sewing it tightly to the wooden frame, I looked it over again, to find no flaws. 'Now, I just need to test it...' Since I was still near Mount Hylia, I ascended again to find myself petrified. 'What if this doesn't work?' I asked myself, gulping away saliva. Sucking it up, I took a leap of fate. Instead of firm rock, my feet dangled on air. Opening my eyes, I gasped at the sight. Never before have I been in the air like this. "It works!" I celebrated happily, just in time for the sun to completely rise. Landing back in the Forest of Spirits, I felt happy, knowing that I finally did some good for once, however, my peace was suddenly ruined.

Unexpectedly, rumbling emanated from under my feet. Attempting to interpret what was going on, a large boom sent me tumbling to the ground. 'Is today the day?' I questioned, before running toward the unearthed Sheikah Tower. When my eyes laid upon the sight, I hitched my breath. There it was, in all of it's glory! The tower had risen above the Plateau, as well as everywhere else. And there he was... from a great distance, I could see Link looking toward the north. Following his far off gaze, my eyes landed on the castle.

Ganon's mutated form circled around it in great anger before a golden light made the monster disappear. I hid myself away in the trees as he descended the tower. I would have greeted him. I would have hugged him tight and would have never let go... However, I was terrified to see him again. Just looking at him sent shots of guilt into my sore heart. Everything I have done up until then had failed me. I could not trust myself to approach him. Not yet anyway. He conversed with the old man, as I watched from afar. My eyes soon became blood shot and watery before I attempted to rub my tears away. 'No, don't cry!'

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