Chapter 49

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"He's going to try to do what?!" I questioned loudly, almost thinking Sooga was lying; However, the stoic ape never lied, "S-So... you're actually telling me that the crude and manipulative Master Kohga, is going to act pleasant and serene, with me?" I suddenly burst into a large fit of laughter. My laughing died down when I knew Sooga was being serious.

"(Y/N), I am practically begging you to be nice. He is going to try to make an effort, so if you can just meet him three quarters of the way, that would really make his day." Sooga admonished, but I just couldn't take the situation seriously. For Hylia's sake, I knew full well that I was going to be forced to be nice to someone who won't even try to return the favor, "I'll do anything, just be nice."

"Anything you say~" I mused, knowing that escape wasn't part of 'anything,' yet humor was the best way to temporarily escape the situation. Sooga was definitely glaring at me, even though I couldn't physically see, "I know, I know! Um... I want all of my stuff back. That includes my sword, my journal, everything! You give me back the rest of my gear and I'll be nice to Kohga... once. Do we have a deal, Sooga?" A sly smile was drawn on my features as Sooga thought about for a minute. To me it sounded fair, but to him it sounded far-fetched. He reluctantly agreed, before disappearing. As he did, Master Kohga walked in and stood in front of my cell. The awkward atmosphere suffocated me. I couldn't even speak a word or look at his direction.

"Hello." He said, uncomfortably.

"Hi..." I responded, wishing that I asked from something more than the rest of my belongings.

"I brought you this." He grabbed a banana peel from his back pocket, before placing it on my outstretched hand. For some odd reason, the peel was extremely slimy.

"Thanks, but why is it only a peel?" My question was answered after another brief moment of uncomfortable silence.

"I got hungry on the way." I put the banana peel away from me, not bothering to say thank you again, "Bye."

With that he left. I looked back at the banana peel to feel completely disgusted. Sooga appeared in front of me again, which almost made me scream; However, he clasped his far larger hand over my mouth. Once he knew I calmed down, he took his hand back and reached for something on his back. The stoic ape pulled out all the stuff the Yiga Clan took from me. Like a child on Christmas, I was overflowing with ecstasy. I finally had all of my stuff back. 'Now it's time to plan my escape, but how am I going to do it?' I thought, before thanking Sooga.

"You're welcome (Y/N). And thank you for remaining pleasant with Master Kohga. That was the nicest I have ever seen him! I am almost positive he will meet with you again, between the next couple minutes to tomorrow morning." Sooga commended, with a small, yet genuine smile on his features. I couldn't physically see it, but I knew it was there; However, I was the opposite of thrilled.

"Are you kidding me?! That was one of the most awkward conversations I have ever had, and that's saying a lot! I refuse to speak to him unless I absolutely have to!! And why on Earth would he want to come talk to me again?!" I ranted, trying to comprehend why Kohga would even consider speaking to me without an insult thrown in. As I paced around the smaller cell, Sooga watched in silence.

"(Y/N), you seem to forget that you are an incredibly attractive woman that has information that we still need. Master Kohga wishes to converse and befriend you, so you'll be on our side. He's meeting you halfway, and we all expect you to do the same." I was about to get angry, or throw of sarcastic comment at the stoic ape, but all I could do was heave a mighty sigh. They didn't seem to understand that I didn't want to be around them, so there was no use arguing with someone who doesn't recognize the whole picture. Suddenly, realization hit me.

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