Chapter 33

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We remained silent. He lead me to Lake Sumac and sat me down on the dock but didn't dare say a word. This was unlike Robbie. As far as I was aware, he was upbeat, loud, and occasionally obnoxious; Yet he was quiet and held a poignant aura. The only possible explanation for his unusual persona was that he carried bad news. I decided to deliver my bad news first, "Robbie? I, um... have bad news..." I told, taking in a deep breath, "I... don't have my switch. I have looked in in Northern Hyrule, but there was no sign of the device we need to get me home. A friend of mine looked around the Hebra Mountains but couldn't find anything. I have searched Rito Village, Goron City, Kakariko Village, and all the little villages in between. I haven't found any leads. I'm sorry Robbie..."

"It's okay, Cherry. In fact, I have a confession as well... I also haven't made any progress on your chip. I can't do anything until I get your larger device. But once I have your switch, I can make more developments." Robbie admitted, as he gently hugged me from the side. He sensed my bubbling sorrow which would've made me feel better; But in that moment, I was broken and torn down into tiny pieces, "Don't cry Cherry!" Robbie urged, struggling to pull out his handkerchief. I hadn't even realized the tears running down my cheeks and chin. Snapping out of it, I took Robbie's handkerchief and rubbed every moist area of my face, "Cherry... I am sorry."

"It's okay. I thought that would be your answer, I just wasn't prepared for it to actually be true... Are you sure that you can't make any progress?" I asked, giving back his red hanky.

"There is a possibility that I can make some minor progress, but there is a larger probability of messing something up that causes me to no longer be able to work on getting you home-"

"I'll take my chances Robbie. More than anything, I want to return to my world, but I can't do that without progress. I'll leave today to look for my switch, so I shouldn't be in your hair for too long." I smiled at him warmly, even if it was semi-fake. No progress had been made in the last two months, on either side of the spectrum. All I had to do was stay calm and continue looking. That was all I could really do anyway.

"Cherry..." Robbie whispered, knowing full well of my saddened state. He looked around the area, presumably looking for something. I looked into the water, watching the fish swim contently as I tried to maintain what was left of my locked away emotions. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Looking behind me, I saw Robbie reaching his hand out for me to take. I took his hand and he led me into Hateno Village. 'Robbie's hand is so warm~' I cooed mentally, pondering where the genius eccentric was taking me. The town was still as busy as it was when I walked up to the lab. The bustling village had eased a smidgen, but people and carriages still strolled about, bumping into one another every now and then.

"Where are you taking me, Robbie?" I asked, trying to not trip over my fumbling feet. Robbie certainly was one to get to his destination quickly. Being the enigma he is, Robbie smiled back and didn't say another word. Back into the general store we went.

"Ah, Robbie! How are you? I haven't seen you down here in days." The old man from before smiled. The aged grey-haired male glanced behind Robbie to look at me. A large laugh exploded from the older man's lips, "Sorry for my burst of laughter! I just thought you two looked like a beautiful couple." My cheeks were as red as ripe cherries in July. My embarrassment showed brightly on my face, as I speculated about the old man's words. What he said and his actions made little to no sense whatsoever. If I looked at Robbie, his expression would have been very similar to mine; However, he snapped out of it quicker than I ever could.

"Some pastries would be nice, Durrom. We'll take whatever is fresh..." Their conversation went on for as long as I tried to calm down my face's intense heat, which was a while. I would have known what they were talking about if I was listening, but my brain zoned out from the situation. They continued conversing with one another, even after I forgot about the embarrassing event. I looked to the closed door, then back at the two gentlemen. 'Maybe I'll just wait outside for Robbie. Besides, I need some fresh air.' My reasoning convinced me to just leave the older building. Silently opening the door, I carefully made my way outside. The door shut behind me and I breathed out a sigh of relief.

"You're that girl from before." A voice spoke. The speech was sharp and matched the tone of someone who didn't speak in days; Nevertheless, this tone of voice was masculine and most likely belonged to a male. Turning to the speaker, I gazed upon the same male I have played for years. Link. The world stopped around me, and not in a good way. Being the sheep I was, I felt like I was to blame for everything I have done. This included speaking to Princess Zelda without referring to her by her royal title, talking to His Majesty with little to no respect, and lying to everyone about my upbringing into this beautiful yet treacherous world. Link's usual cold, distant stare was even colder when he looked at me. It truly was a parallel between my world and his. I wasn't like Link. I wasn't as smart, good-looking, or courageous as he was. It was bound by fate that we wouldn't get along.

"O-Oh... um... Hello, again..." Silence befallen the silent knight and me. The street was still the heart of commotion and random chatter here and there; However, it felt like I was in the empty void of space. Not a single sound echoed through my ears, "So... are you the knight that Durrom was talking about? I mean, you must be! What other knights come from... Hateno Village?" He nodded suspiciously.

"I know you're the girl that insulted His Majesty and Princess Zelda." He said blankly, causing me to sweat from the intense exposure to the sun and to Link's burning gaze, "King Rhoam may have let you off easy, but I don't believe that was the right call. I am very wary of you, 'seer,' and I don't intend to trust you anytime soon." Was all the blond hero said before walking inside the East Wind General Store, leaving me all alone once again. Tears threatened to fall from my eyes, but I had to hold them back. This day was filled with events and scenarios that I thought I was prepared for. I felt tired and all I wanted to do was lie down. Robbie walked out the door and gifted me a large smile and a paper bag filled with pastries.

"There you are, Cherry! Sorry we couldn't leave sooner, but you'll forgive me once you see the beauty of a nearby spot." Like a puppy seeing his owner for the first time in a couple of hours, Robbie's excited energy radiated off of him. The genius eccentric stretched out his hand for me to take. I took it and let him drag me a little ways out of town to Firley Pond. Sitting down near the water, Robbie reached for the bag I was holding; However, I didn't give him the luxury of taking the bag from me. Instead, I took a random treat and stuck it in his gapped mouth. I laughed so hard that the sides of my stomach ached terribly, "Hey! That was uncalled for, Cherry!!" He chuckled, trying to swallow the remains of the treat I shoved into his mouth. Pulling a pastry out of the bag, I noticed it was a Danish.

"Back in my world, they call this a Danish." I commented to Robbie, taking a bite the berry center. My taste buds danced at the sweetness.

"Why is it called a 'Danish?' I'm not sure I know what that word implies." Robbie asked, looking at his pastry with confusion written into his sharp features.

"There is a country from my world called The Kingdom of Denmark, and their people are referred to as the Danish. But I don't think the pastry was even Danish; Nevertheless, it's called just that." I explained, taking another bite of the sweet pastry. Conversations just as random as this one continued on through the rest of the day. The glistening moon shone brightly in the sky when I realized it was late, but I had no intention of ruining the moment Robbie and I were sharing, "Hey Robbie, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, go ahead." He answered briefly.

"What do you look like without your goggles? They always cover your eyes, so I'm just wondering what you look like without them. You don't have to if you don't want to, but-" Right then and there, Robbie gently placed his index finger over my lips. Knowing I was quiet, Robbie moved his hands toward his goggles. I thought he could just simply take of the spectacles off from his eyes; However, the white-haired mechanic started twisting and pushing at the thing covering his eyes. Like an intricate puzzle box, Robbie's eye covering loosened considerable. Robbie took the goggles off his eyes. Even though it was dark out, the moon did Robbie's eyes justice, "They're... beautiful." I commented, not even noticing I said it out loud.

"Thank you, Cherry." Robbie spoke softly. A large, deep colored blush covered my cheeks at his words; However, Robbie started to feel for something on the ground. His hands wandered all over the place, which confused me for a moment, until I realized that the genius eccentric's eyesight might not be the greatest, "Please help..." Of course, I assisted the dork, before going back to the inn I was staying at. The next morning, I was headed to the female populated settlement in the desert. Gerudo Town.

I hoped that nothing unfortunate would occur during my travels, but I was too naïve. I should have known better...

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