Chapter 43

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I stood by my Master's side, wondering where the two Footsoldiers I had sent out to find information on (Y/N) were. It has been a week and Master Kohga has been itching to kill the girl; However, I still think she would be useful to the Yiga Clan and its many members. She has proven to lift up the mood for anyone who is around her that she trusts. Mychel and Hew reported that she has gotten more friendly with the both of them, as she patiently awaited her death. As if on cue, the two I have sent out teleported into the room, before Master Kohga and myself, "Master Kohga! We have returned."

"Well, spill! Is the girl of use to us?!" Master Kohga bellowed, sitting up on his pedestal. I wasn't sure whether or not he was expecting (Y/N) to be of use to the Yiga Clan; However, at the time, I didn't question these things. I just looked ahead at the two Footsoldiers.

"We had originally looked all over Hyrule but couldn't find any data on her; However, we decided to ask around the Yiga Clan for some information. We didn't figure out her age or her background, but what we did figure out was that she was a large part of an incident about two and a half months ago." The speaking Footsoldier continued, "Master Kohga, do you remember the strange Great Plateau report from that time?"

"Of course, I do! Some girl mysteriously walked out of that weird cave." It took a minute for my Master to connect the dots. Once he figured it out, a large gasp escaped his lips, "You're telling me that the girl is the one who walked out?!!" The Footsoldier nodded, watching Master Kohga pace around the room, "Sooga, I guess your intuition was right once again. The girl is of use to us after all, until she tells us everything we need to know. Then we'll kill her!!" His cackle resonated off of the stone walls and all throughout the base, as I silently thought to myself. 'If she is indeed the girl who came off the Great Plateau, then how did she get there in the first place? If I remember the report correctly, it said that she just walked out and went to the edge of the cliff. Once there, she curled up in a ball and started crying. This definitely goes deeper than my Master thinks it does.'

"Thank you Footsoldiers! You're dismissed!!" And with that, they were gone.


"Hey (Y/N)! How are you doing today?" Mychel greeted sitting on the pillow to the left of me. I gave him a weak smile before looking down to the ground beneath me. Hew and Mychel seemed to notice my sadness, "It's okay (Y/N). We still have a couple hours to do something fun and we're allowed to give you whatever you want, besides your freedom of course!!" With that Hew elbowed him to get his attention. They engaged in a silent conversation that I couldn't even comprehend. After all, I still couldn't see their expressions under their stupid masks.

"Um..." I got both of the male Footsoldiers' attention, "I know it's a lot to ask, but can I make a request? I-I don't want you to burn my stuff. If you don't mind, can you drop off everything near Rito Village? This is my friend's weaponry... and I wouldn't want him to lose more than one thing in one day." At the moment, I was looking at the ground, holding Revali's Kite Shield tightly against my chest. When I looked up, I saw Mychel and Hew rubbing their masks with their arms. I believe they were crying, and I wondered why they were. Maybe it was out of pity? Maybe they were genuine tears? I would never know for sure.

Suddenly, out of the newly created silence, Sooga appeared in my cell, as he stood before the three of us. "I will be taking the girl now, stay at your posts until you are given new orders." Sooga looked down at me, before grabbing one of my shoulders and teleporting me to another room with a large pedestal in front of it. 'Seriously? How many of these rooms does Kohga have?!' The only difference was the lack of Master Kohga. As if reading my mind, Sooga stated, "Master Kohga will be here any minute." Ten minutes passed before Master Kohga appeared. He looked sluggish due to his worsened posture, so my guess was that he had just awakened from one of his many naps, "Master Kohga! The girl, as promised."

"So, girl-" Master Kohga was starting to speak, before I interrupted him.

"I've told this to Sooga and now I going to tell you that I have a name! It's (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N), and you will treat me with at least a little respect!! It's the least you can do since you're going to be the one to kill me..." My booming voice quickly became a mutter as my words flowed out of my mouth. Sooga didn't try to stop me, so I knew I would be fine. Kohga grumbled under his breath.

"Fine... (Y/N). And on that note of 'killing you,' I'm not going to do that yet. First, you are going to give me all the information I need, and you will do it with haste." I looked at Master Kohga confused. 'Information? What does he mean by information?! I know a lot of things, but he wouldn't know that, right?!' Deciding to keep up the façade, I looked to Sooga for some form of direction; However, he didn't say a word or even spare me a glance, "You came out of that cave on the Great Plateau! And I want to know how you got in there!! My Footsoldiers had been outside that cave for months and then you just come waltzing out of there like a weirdo!!! That was almost three months ago."

"Cave? What cave?! I have never done such a thing! I came all the way from Greyham to visit Hyrule, so I don't know what you're even talking about!! Besides, no one is allowed on the Great Plateau, so-"

"Don't lie to me! I am the great Master Kohga, and my men told me that you came off of the Great Plateau and out of that cave!! They wouldn't lie to me!!! Sooga!!!" With a snap from Kohga's sausage fingers, Sooga drew one of his samurai swords to my neck. Unlike some people in Hyrule, I wasn't as strong-willed. I feared death just the same as everyone else. Besides, if I died then I couldn't go home, but if I told them everything they needed to know, then I would still be put six feet under; However, I didn't realize this at the time.

"O-Okay fine, I did wake up in that cave. That much is true." I answered, watching Sooga lower the sword back into his sheath. I looked to Master Kohga with disgust. He truly was a sickening man child that used others for his own gain. In that moment, I vowed that I would never allow another person to be entangled in his snare. Oh, I wish I would have never thought that.

"Good girl, and how did you get in that cave?" The Yiga leader asked slyly, thinking I would actually give him the answer. He wouldn't believe the truth so, why not lie and drag this out as long as I can.

"I woke up in there." Was all I said. The room grew incredibly quiet as the two stared at my figure, expecting more words to come out of my mouth.

"And..." Kohga urged, still feeling hopeful that I might tell him the answer he wanted. I wouldn't give him that satisfaction. I shook my head, ending the story right then and there. Kohga was not pleased by this, "That can't be it! What about before?! You couldn't have just magically appeared inside the cave!! You had to get in there somehow!!!"

"That's it. I just woke up in there." It went likethat for a while. Master Kohga advising me that I didn't just miraculouslyteleport into the Shrine of Resurrection; However, that excuse wasn't too farfrom the truth. In fact, it's the closest scenario to the truth without makingsomeone question their existence in the universe. Let's just say Master Kohgawasn't happy with my answer. He was so unpleased that I wasn't allowed to haveany bananas. Of course, this didn't really affect me since I never ate thehalf-eaten banana that went with my meals anyway. I was put back into my celland silently wished for death. I was acting confident to hide what I was trulyfeeling. Fear. If I showed any more weakness, they would surely take advantageof that. Even though I was not strong-willed like Urbosa or Link, I had to staystrong. Otherwise, I wouldn't have a chance at surviving. 

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