Chapter 11

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While on my lonely couch I lie, I seldom feel myself alone, for fancy fills my dreaming eye with scenes and pleasures of its own... What raptures in my bosom rise, those earnest looks of love to see, to feel my hand so kindly pressed, to know myself beloved at last, to think my heart has found a rest, my life of solitude is past!

But then to wake and find it flown, the dream of happiness destroyed, to find myself unloved, alone, what tongue can speak the dreary void? A heart whence warm affections flow, creator, thou hast given to me, and am I only thus to know how sweet the joys of love would be?

-Anne Bronte

Hearing movement from all around me, I opened my crusty, tired eyes to see the cold, green grass. Little blue flowers were in complete disorder, but it wasn't that important to me. Looking at my other surroundings, I noticed I was still below the pillar city, which only means one thing. I still wasn't home. Rubbing my eyes, I hoped that I was hallucinating and was actually in a warm bed, under a roof, back in the universe I once called home; However, my old life was nowhere to be seen. I sat up from my spot on the grass and looked around idly. I sat there for a moment, picking out the pieces of grass out of my messy, unkept hair, trying to organize my thoughts. It was early morning, but the Rito were already going about their day like it was no big deal. After a minute or two, I sat up and walked toward the entrance of Rito Village. Upon entering through the main entrance, I am met with friendly banter from a group of Rito.

The atmosphere around the village was so calming, that it brought a tired like smile to my face. As I walked up the stairs, I looked around for any clues, but there just wasn't anything. I asked more Rito if they have seen anything foreign, but it was the same as the day before. No one had seen anything like I described. I looked around Rito Village until it was the late afternoon. Even though I wasn't doing anything energy consuming, I still felt mentally drained from searching. I had searched as far as the Rito Stable and upon that radius. Nothing.

Passing by one of the rooms, I saw a familiar shade of blue feathers. Walking backwards a bit, my eyes instinctively looked to the owner of such radiant plumes. There stood a little blue-backed parrot with a vibrant red feather sticking out of his flowery head piece. The young Rito held a new accordion near his chest as he ran out towards my direction. He stopped when he gazed upon me with large amber eyes. His almost invisible smile had instinctively made my mouth do the same. I was about to leave before the small Rito stopped me.

"Hello there! My name is Kass, what's your name, miss?" Kass greeted kindly. I felt my heartstrings being plucked. 'He's so cute~' I cooed internally, while I bent down to his level.

"My name is (Y/N). It's very nice to meet you Kass. I see you play the accordion. Can you play something for me sometime? I would love to hear it." Kass started to jump up and down excitedly as he circled around me. A couple seconds after his energy being everywhere, he gasped.

"Why don't you come with me to my practice?! You can watch me, and my teacher play the accordion together!!" His offer seemed interesting, after all he never really explained who his mentor was. Ever since Breath of the Wild came out in 2017, I have always wanted to know who taught Kass to play so well. I nodded briefly, before Kass started to pull me down the stairs. Before I could ask where we were going, he answered my unasked question, "The lesson is at Warbler's Nest and since you can't fly, I thought we could walk together!" Kass had dragged me all the way the Warbler's Nest, but I didn't see any other Rito in the area. I had wondered if I made Kass late for his lesson, until a large gust of wind came from behind me. Like a deer in headlights, I stood perfectly still, hoping the danger would pass. After a moment, I noticed there was no more wind, instead I felt a pair of piercing eyes on the back of my head. I turned to see Revali angerly glaring at me. Before I had the chance to say anything, I heard Kass's cheers, "Master Revali! Thank you for coming!! I brought a Hylian friend along with me today!!"

"Make sure your accordion is tuned. I have to talk to your... friend about something..." Yeah, he seemed super pissed. Technically, I was supposed to be out of Rito Village and out of Revali's sight by yesterday afternoon; However, my switch is more important than Revali's ego. Kass shrugged his shoulders and went out of range to hear what Revali was going to say next, "What are you still doing here? I told you to leave and you still haven't left, you useless girl!"

"You said I needed to leave Flight Range! You didn't say anything about leaving Rito Village, so here I am! Near Rito Village!" I sassed. Honestly, I was surprised what came out of my mouth. I guessed the stress and culture shock had made me into a tired and snappy troll. Revali's eye twitched as I looked away from him haughtily. The haughty navy bird took an impossible step towards me, and then I realized that he was a little taller than me. 'Oh no!'

"How dare you sass me?! Do you know who you are talking to, you useless girl?!!" Revali scoffed loudly. I hadn't realized how close he was until I snapped out of my egotistical state. Our chests were practically touching. Something in me wanted to touch his soft looking feathers, but I refrained myself, by taking a step back, "Why haven't you left yet?"

"I told you already, I'm looking for something that is REALLY important to me! Maybe you have seen it? Have you seen a strange looking rectangle that has a screen and buttons? It has the words 'Nintendo Switch' on the back." Revali looked at me like I was crazy, and I couldn't blame him for thinking such thoughts. After a moment of silence, I decided to make up an excuse for what the switch was, "Um... It is a piece of technology that the Sheikah Tribe is working on for the upcoming Calamity and it may save the people of Hyrule."

"Nope." Was all he said, before walking over to his pupil. I couldn't help but say one word in my head, 'Ass!' Kass was smiling widely as he saw us walk over to him. Revali took out the accordion on his back and sat next to Kass. I had listened in on Kass's lesson, but I had other things to worry about. The Calamity. Revali's ego. King Rhoam's anger issues. Sometimes I would just drift away from this world and into my thoughts, "Your blue friend already left. What are you still doing here?"

"S-Sorry... I got lost in thought." I stuttered, still looking to the ground. I wondered if I had met Revali under better circumstances, if it would have been any different. After all, it seemed like I was always doing wrong in this world, "Revali! Um... I wanted to say sorry a-about going into Flight Range without any sort of c-clearance. I promise that I am only in Rito Village to find my belongings."

"What's your name?"

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