Chapter 112

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"While the laughter of joy is in full harmony with our deeper life, the laughter of amusement should be kept apart from it. The danger is too great of thus learning to look at solemn things in a spirit of mockery, and to seek in them opportunities for exercising wit."

-Lewis Carroll

Nearing Kakariko Bridge, Link rode toward the mountain, not focusing on the road that was obviously set for us. I knew where he was going. He had marked one of the shrines on the peak of the Dueling Peaks and wished to get them while we were still here. There was an 'easier' way up the mountain, but Link wouldn't know that. After all, we would have had to pass through Kakariko Village again and go through the west entrance. As he started to climb the rocky mountain face, I followed behind him. A couple of my fingers bled before we made it on top of Mable Ridge's shelf, near the Talus. I felt a little more than winded, however, Link seemed perfectly fine. Staring over toward the Talus's location, I opted to go kill it. Tapping Link's shoulder, he stared back to me in questioning.

"There is a Talus right over there. Along with that, just above that ridge, three Guardians are stationed, wondering around freely. We have to be careful. Climbing won't be an option soon, so we should make it up the mountain as soon as possible." Link nodded, before I took out my hammer, Revali's bow, arrows, and a few bomb arrows. Running up to the giant rock, I jumped on its engraved head, waiting for it to wake up.

This Talus was special. Instead of the ore being on its head, it was on its back. I hated these Talus without Urbosa's Fury, mainly because they took longer to eliminate. Luckily, I pretty much learned the trick. Let it throw its fists, then get on its head to shoot down upon it. That, or one could circle around it, to shoot at the ore that way. Either way, that was the most effective without using runes.

When it rose from the ground, I stumbled, having to kneel down to gain some balance, when the ore was revealed to me, I jumped off the rock's head, before sending out a flurry of regular arrows. Dodging its projectile arms, I ran behind the boulder before firing a few bomb arrows. The Talus was falling apart before I delivered the final blow. Jumping onto the oversized rock, I drew my sword, before plunging into it with all my might. It was defeated and disappeared in a fog. Collecting the ore, Link came up from behind me, before patting me on the shoulder. Giving him a large grin, I stood up, before we walked toward the small, forested area along Mable Ridge.

We peaked our heads over the rocks, seeing a Guardian roaming around. There was barely anywhere to hide, beside the one lone tree in the middle of the field. There didn't appear to go around the Guardian, without exhausting ourselves. With its back turn, I urged Link toward the tree, before we hid behind it. Taking a glance toward the machine, it turned to face the tree, before I secede my stare. "What's the plan?" Link whispered, as I dug in my bag for my one Ancient Arrow.

"I'm going out to distract it. What I want you to do is use Revali's Gale and shoot this arrow into its eye. You only have one shot, so make it count." Handing it to him, I grabbing my shield and sword, I took in a big breath of air. With newfound determination, I ran out from the tree, before striking the thing's legs. That way, it would become disoriented. As I fought it off, it would occasionally see where I was around it before I chopped off another leg. However, the Guardian soon grew done with my antics, finally finding my figure before taking aim. Before it could shoot, Link shot it in the eye with a regular arrow, before proceeding to kill it normally. I collapsed on the ground, feeling paralyzed. The blond knight, after sheathing his weapon ran over to my figure, making sure I was okay. Offering a hand to help me stand, I hesitantly took it. "Why didn't you use the Ancient Arrow?"

"We might need it for an actual emergency." He spoke, saying all he needed to. Stuffing it in my bag, I witnessed Link climb the tree before finding another Korok. All went on as normal, as Link and me transverse the tall grass. "Do you know where we can receive more of those arrows?" I nodded my head.

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