Chapter 12

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"Wait what? What did you ask me??" I was too surprised to comprehend exactly what he was saying to me. Revali's obvious scoff told me all I needed to know about his annoyance meter. He turned away from me condescendingly, failing to grasp his cold persona.

"Tch!" He tsked, "Your such a stupid, useless girl, aren't you?! I asked... what your name was, you idiot!" In that moment, I wondered how Revali could be such a cold individual. I tapped my chin in thought. As far as I was aware, Revali never had a completely upsetting childhood, but what would I know about the hot-headed Rito's past? After all, it was never explained by the game nor its developers. All that's know, is him and the other Rito, "Did you really forget your name?!"

"What no! My name is (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)!! Why would I forget my own name?! If you thought that tapping my chin was a sign that I forgot my name, then you're wrong!! I was thinking about... something else entirely..." Revali's peridot green eyes widened a bit when I told him my name. I hoped to God that the king didn't sent out an order to have me murdered or something upon those line. Revali tilted his head in confusion.

"What kind of name is '(Y/N)?' Who decided naming someone that was a promising idea?!" Without really meaning it, I hit Revali over the head with my very hand. After I realized what I had done, I slowly took my hand back and held it close to my heart. Sweat ran down my forehead, as I silently prayed for Revali's forgiveness, it just was so hard to be nice to someone like him. His pride and my own prejudice were clashing with one another. 'I am so dead!' Revali deeply glared at me as I stared back at him, fearing for my life. Maybe not my life, but he wasn't going to be happy at my instinctive action, "I'll let that slide, but if you do that again, I am going to make you a living target for the next time I train." I nodded cautiously, before getting up slowly and going back to Rito Village. Revali didn't join me, but he did return to the village when I did. When the sun set over the mountains, I went to my little camp, lit a fire, and tried to stay warm until I fell asleep.

The next couple of days were not even close to successful. I couldn't find my switch anywhere near the village. I had asked everyone, but my hopes were dashed away rather quickly. At this point, I was getting heavily desperate! I had even taken a day to ride up and down the main road from Rito Village to Snowfield Stable. There was no trace of it anywhere; However, what I could trace was Revali's constant presence. Like a hawk watching his terrified, unsuspecting prey, Revali was there. Take this with a grain of salt, but Revali hadn't said anything to me since he asked for my name. So really, he was just following me around. When I would catch him in the act, sometimes he'd conceal himself, other times he'd pretend like he wasn't following me, and rarely, he would continue to stare at me like I had not just seen him. I went from being scared to highly annoyed in the span of a day or two. I had been in the tamed Tabantha for only a week, but I was already losing faith. Buying a map, I looked upon the places I needed to search. One nearby place was holding my interest, the Hebra region. As I marked the map, I suddenly heard a deep voice.

"Pssh! You're heading for the Hebra!! A little girl such as yourself wouldn't even survive in nice-weathered regions!! Did you know that trained professionals go up to the Hebra and never return, so what makes you think that you could survive in such a cold, hostile environment?" Revali's mocking once was fun to hear, but not anymore. His constant, insensitive caterwauling was one of the many things that were driving me crazy.

"You are totally right Revali. Someone, such as myself, would never survive in such a place... without company." I smiled slyly, looking to him with a mischievous glint in the (E/C) colored eyes.

"Ask someone who cares... and likes you, because I refuse to go with you anywhere, besides, I am too busy for such a trivial activity!" Revali huffed, before a large frown crossed over my features. I was so done with his attitude.

"Oh really, the Great Master Revali refuses to go up to the mountains because I am not worth his precious time. That is so funny~ because you have been following me around for a freaking week now, you absolute pigeon!! Obviously, since you have so much time to kill, you should have room on your schedule for little, old me~ Am I right, Revali?" My snarky attitude had earned me a well-earned gasp from Revali's end. He looked everywhere except my face for an excuse, but alas, there was no way out of this situation for Revali. For the rest of that day, I gathered all the food and resources I possibly could, as the navy-blue bird whined about going the whole time. At a certain point, I didn't even want to go up the mountain with Revali or at all, to be frank. I was too tired, but I had to stay awake a little longer. The next morning, I made my way to the Rito Stable where Revali and I decided to meet up. I got there a little early, so I just sat by the fire until a large gust of wind signalled Revali's grand entrance. Which did happen! I rode (H/N) all the way to the Hebra Trailhead before I had to explore on foot. Revali had flown over my head before I stopped my horse. I remembered a couple of nights before the night I was teleported into the game, I was getting some opals and sapphires from the Frost Talus. Maybe that was when I fell asleep. I sure hoped so!

"You sure you can manage this?" Revali asked, almost sounding sincere. Almost. I nodded before climbing the latter and bidding (H/N) fair well. A little while after walking through Rospro Pass, I started to receive the urge to complain about the mega wintry weather, but I knew that Revali would say something obnoxious like, 'I told you so!' As I turned right in the fork in the road, Revali flew down to say something, "Hey, useless girl! You're going the wrong way!" I shook my head.

"I need to get to Coldsnap Hollow," I pointed my finger at the route I was taking on the map. I had played Breath of the Wild nonstop, so ridiculous shortcuts were kind of my thing, "If we go this way, we'll make it there sooner." My eyelids wanted to fall over my eyes so badly. Revali took notice of this.

"Are you sure you want to continue? You look more terrible than usual." He shrugged arrogantly, before I looked back at him to scowl. His peridot green eyes widened in shock, which was caused by my obviously dark and huge eyebags. Revali was about to say something, before I continued treading the trail. Finding the easiest way to climb the small ledge, we continued toward my goal. It was weird to not see any monsters. 'They must be in hiding until Ganon starts to regain his strength.' I thought quickly, making sure to look where I step. Once at the steep slope, I found a way down, almost slipping and cracking my head open five times. Before I knew it, we were at Coldsnap Hollow, but I hadn't realized until I heard Revali scream my name, "(Y/N)! Look out!!" I looked to see the Frost Talus almost crush me under its fist. Revali swooped me up and flew me to the top of the slope.

"Revali, I-" I was interrupted by an angry Revali.

"You could have died, (Y/N)! If I weren't here, you would have been crushed by that Talus and you would have never been able to tell a soul!! What were you thinking?!" Before I could answer him, Revali flew down to defeat the Talus. He pulled out three bomb arrows and shot them at the rock monster all willy-milly. I wanted to scream at him to fire at its ore, but I just couldn't. I couldn't say anything. My voice had left me. Revali had inflicted quite a lot of damage on the Talus, but it wasn't dead. As if it were in slow motion, Revali tried to pull a move, but the Talus was one step ahead. As Revali was about to be crushed, I grabbed my bow and shot at the ore. The arrow went shot through the thin air like a bullet. I was sure it would miss, and I would be the reason for Revali death; However, the arrow had hit its target. Instantly, the Talus died and Revali was left there awe struck. I, myself, would have been too if I hadn't collapsed in the snow.

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