Chapter 108

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With a single poof, I was drawn away from Revali's spirit. There, a voice came to me. "(Y/N)..." She uttered, "Thank you for staying with Link, and protecting him, even when he was being difficult. Continue to guide him. That is all I ask... Seer of Hyrule..." With that, I emerged on Revali's Landing. Link stood a little ways away. His eyes stared toward Hyrule Castle, along the beam of ominous red light, before his gaze quickly shifted to mine. Tears still cascaded down my cheeks. And a pink hue coincided with said tears. 'Revali...' My eyes stared to the pinnacle of Rito Village, where Medoh sat, aiming at the structure that Ganon inhabited. The sun finally rose in the east.

Standing up I felt the same amount of pain, however, it was overshadowed by my festered state and thumping heart. My fingers gingerly ran over my lone lips. Link, at first, didn't say anything. He was as silent as I remember. A kindness hung in his gaze, as he continued to stare. Approaching him, I gave him a curt nod, however, he caught my wrist and stared me right in the eye. We were so close, that if I accidentally moved an inch, our lips would have touched. His strong hands were placed on my lower back and wrist. Slowly, yet suddenly, Link released my body, looking back to the rising sun. He turned around and started to walk up the stairs, toward the elder. I followed behind him. "I was..." He started, making me stop in my tracks, "... concerned that you wouldn't come back. That you were stuck on Medoh... I'm glad that you made it down fine." My eyes widened considerably, as I watched Link's back. "What took you so long getting back?"

"I was... talking to Master Revali..."

"Master?" Link questioned, turning to stare at me.

"One hundred years ago, I arrived in Hyrule, feeling lost. I went to Rito Village to find the very thing that would allow me to get home... however, I never found it. I can elaborate about it later if you wish." He nodded, before I sat on the railing gingerly, "I met Master Revali at the Flight Range. At first, we didn't really like each other... but he still taught me how to defend myself. Mainly through the bow... I think... Revali fell in love with me... and I fell in love with him. I didn't realize it until he was gone." With newfound information, Link glanced to the ground, continuing to make eye contact with me whenever he wasn't. Before he could say anything else, I hopped off the railing, "Come on, let's go talk to the elder." Continuing to walk up the stairs, my eyes immediately trailed to a familiar Rito warrior. "Teba!"

Catching his attention, he opened his amber eyes to stare at the both of us, "You two... I really owe you both for what you did."

"Are you hurt?" Link asked, walking up to said Rito warrior.

"It's fine. Thanks to my wife and (Y/N), I've recovered to the point where I can stand. Actually, my wife told me something about you. She says you're a descendant of the Champion." Silence, "Hahah! Go on. There's nothing to hide! Your bowman-ship... the way you move through the air. There's no doubt about it, you have the blood of a Champion. What? You look like you've got something else to say." Teba laughed, as Link's expression soured.

"Actually..." Link spoke, before getting cut off.

"Don't tell me... You're the Hylian Champion?!" Silence on Teba's end, "Hahaha! Good one, pal! Everyone knows that all of the Champions were wiped out by Calamity Ganon one hundred years ago. And even if they survived that, they'd be old geezers with canes instead of swords! I let the elder know about what happened with Divine Beast Vah Medoh, but you should probably go talk to him." Before we could walk out, Teba called again, "(Y/N), I need to speak with you for a moment." Jogging back to the Rito, I sat across from him in questioning. It didn't seem like he figured me out, but I wouldn't be surprised if he did, considering all the proof that I knew him when he was a child. Suddenly, something was tucked into my hair by said Rito. It was Revali's feather, "You forgot to take it back. Knowing your grandmother, she wouldn't be happy if you lost it." Before I could excuse myself again, he continued, "You look exactly like her, you know. Identical almost."

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