Chapter 48

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Time passes, people move. Like a river's flow, it never ends. A childish mind will turn to noble ambition. Young love will become deep affection. The clear water's surface reflects growth. Now listen to the Serenade of water to reflect upon yourself.

-Sheik, Ocarina of Time

I was in an unfathomably deep sleep, but I knew I was alive. The only thought to go through my head was my defeat against Sooga. As much as I didn't want to care, I couldn't help but beat myself up for such an embarrassing fight. Sooga and Kohga played dirty, which I should have expected; However, I was once from a world that played fair. Why didn't I expect this before? This was the Yiga Clan, the glorified cult that was giving the headstrong Gerudo a run for their money. I should have known better.

From outside my dreamscape, I heard faint noises coming from all around me. My eyes beckoned me to wake up, which I agreed. Opening my eyes, I looked at my newly bandaged hands, then around my cell. When I did this, I saw a sleeping Sooga with a tea tray right next to him. I wanted to smile. I knew he was evil, but he respected me as a person, and he wasn't as crazy as his boss. I got up from my position on the ground before scooting over to the unconscious male. He still seemed to be asleep. I looked to the Asian-like teapot before putting the back of my hand near it. The water had long grown cold. Sooga had been here for a while. I was about to wake him up before I saw his mask slip a little off of his face. Curiosity killed the cat, but I didn't mind.

Gently taking off the mask, I got to look at his face. Though his hair was still in that ridiculous hair style, Sooga could be considered quite handsome. His hair shifted from white to black, which told me that he was most likely a Sheikah. He had a distinguished jawline and cheekbones, but the scar over his face kept my attention. The scar matched perfectly with the large scar-like indent on his mask. As I looked at his face, Sooga started to stir, but I was too mesmerized to look away or to try to find an excuse. The silent ape opened his coffee brown eyes to gaze upon my captivated (E/C) ones. As the seconds passed, Sooga became more and more frantic as he looked at me to his mask over and over again. Handing it back to him, he immediately took it and covered his face. Silence hanged heavily in the air.

"Let's call it even." I smiled, not bothering to move away from Sooga's flustered figure. Tilting his head to the side, I started to giggle at him, "You played dirty in our fight, and I got to see your face. I think that is pretty fair, for you at least." Another wave of silence crashed into the both of us, as we tried find anything else we would like to say to each other, "Anyway, what are you doing here Sooga? I saw the tea, but that just brings about more questions."

"I-I was worried that I might have knocked you out too hard, so I came to watch over you." He explained, looking away from my form and toward the wall. I had to admit that I was a little shocked that Sooga would abandon his duties to just watch over me, even though I was most likely breathing. Strangely, I found it a tad sweet, "I was also concerned about your hands, so..."

"Hey, Sooga, can you fill me in on some Yiga Clan stuff for me? I've had some questions, but I was too scared to ask you before and I doubt that Kohga will give me a straight answer, so do you mind?" I asked, taking one of the Japanese-like teacups and pouring myself some cold tea. Sooga was both weirded out by my tolerance for cold tea and my bold question; Nevertheless, he allowed me to do what I wanted, "Great! So... about Master Kohga. How long has he been the leader of the Yiga Clan?"

"About five months now. It is customary for the leaders to pass down their roles as 'Master,' once they die. My Master has trained most diligently in the last fifteen years. He worked hard to become as strong as his father, the previous leader of the Yiga Clan. Once the role is passed down, our Master's main goal was to destroy our closest threat, the Gerudo. We were coming close, before you resupplied Gerudo Town." Sooga explained, as I almost choked on my tea. I asked Sooga how old Master Kohga was, "He's only in his early twenties."

"O-Okay enough of that!" I urged, covering my ears momentarily, "So... how old are you then, Sooga?" I asked, feeling genuinely curious. To my understanding, Calamity Ganon lets his minions use his immortal life force, so the Yiga could really live as long as they wanted, but there is the price of one's freedom.

"I am older than Master Kohga by five years." He told briefly, not willing to give any more personal information, "I have been helping Master Kohga since. It has been quite the honor to serve him." Sooga said, smiling behind his ridiculous mask. I huffed, "So let me ask you a question. Why do you hate Master Kohga so much?"

"Just the fact that he serves one of the evilest beings ever is enough for me to hate him. Sooga, I need you to understand that ever since people lived in the sky, Ganon has harassed the people of Hyrule. As far as I'm aware, Ganon only cares about himself. He's not something for mortals to control... Sorry! I'm getting off topic, huh? Well... I guess you could say I'm rooting to stay alive and free, which Kohga hasn't really reached upon. He's also VERY unpleasant! I guess that's all my complaints that aren't just insults." I explained, as Sooga patiently waited for me to finish my miniature rant. He neither agreed nor disagreed with my statement.

"Let me ask another one. How did you get in that cave, and what is said cave?" Sooga asked, as I rolled my eyes at his statement. He really thought I was going to tell him a straight and believable answer?

"I woke up in there, and the cave must be Sheikah technology from ten thousand years ago. I wouldn't know." Just like how I knew that Sooga was being the opposite of clever, the stoic ape knew I was lying, but he didn't push me, "Anyway, you should probably get back to Master Kohga before he starts freaking out about where you are." Before Sooga could open his mouth to respond, high-pitched yelling could be heard from the other side of the base. Sooga looked at me with amazement, as I 'predicted' the future; However, it was just coincidence, "Thank you for spending time with me Sooga. It means a lot to me that you wanted to make sure I was okay." After that Sooga looked down bashfully before disappearing. Once again, I was left alone, as Sooga and Master Kohga had another secret conversation.

"So?! What did you get out of her?!!" Kohga bellowed, struggling to sit up.

"I don't believe she will tell the Yiga Clan about her appearance in that cave. She stated that it was a piece of Sheikah technology from ten thousand years ago, but we already knew that. She didn't give up any valuable information, but she gave up some information regarding yourself, Master Kohga. (Y/N) finds you to be very unpleasant." Sooga explained, feeling bad that he was extorting information out of me; Nevertheless, his main focus was appeasing Master Kohga... for the time being.

"The Seer finds me unpleasant?!!" Like an angry monkey, he ran about the room knocking over anything that he didn't find important. His temper tantrum lasted for a couple minutes, until he calmed down, "Hm... I guess she did insult me yesterday about something along those lines. I'll try to be nice to her later."

"Good idea, Master Kohga. That is the end of my report, so I will take my leave." Sooga then disappeared once again, leaving only a couple of talismans on the ground. Something in Sooga yelled at him to inform me, but why? Sooga didn't realize it at the time, but the stoic ape was waning on his moral views. He had known Kohga for years and he was his loyal dog; However, I had an expanding influence on the Yiga. Confliction. Confusion. He never had to doubt his Master before, so why was he doing it at the worst time?

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