Chapter 70

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Poor restless dove, I pity thee; And when I hear thy plaintive moan, I mourn for thy captivity, and in thy woes forget mine own. To see thee stand prepared to fly, and flap those useless wings of thine, and gaze into the distant sky, would melt a harder heart than mine. In vain ­ in vain! Thou canst not rise: Thy prison roof confines thee there; Its slender wires delude thine eyes and quench thy longings with despair. Oh, thou wert made to wander free in sunny mead and shady grove, and, far beyond the rolling sea, in distant climes, at will to rove! Yet had thou but one gentle mate thy little drooping heart to cheer, and share with thee thy captive state, thou could be happy even there. Yes, even there, if, listening by, one faithful dear companion stood, while gazing on her full bright eye, thou might forget thy native wood. But thou, poor solitary dove, must make, unheard, thy joyless moan; The heart, that Nature formed to love, must pine, neglected, and alone.

-Anne Bronte

"So, this is the Shrine of Resurrection, huh?" The genius eccentric murmured to himself, feeling the walls out of pure curiosity and fundamental wonder. Even though he was wearing opaque googles, I could metaphorically see the sparkle in his eyes.

"Yeah, this is the place I woke up in. I think the reason for my awakening location is due to the card." Robbie looked at me in questioning, urging me to continue, "Usually you pop the sucker into the device I'm currently looking for, then when you start it up, the first thing you'll see is this room, one hundred years in the future... When everything is destroyed..."

"Cherry, I swear the future you saw will not come to pass. You just need to believe that it won't." Robbie reassured, giving me a warm smile; However, I knew it wasn't completely genuine. I decided to focus on something else for the time being, since I didn't want to bother the Sheikah male any more than I already have, "So... the intended purpose of this 'shrine' is for healing and preservation purposes? Of a person I may add?" I nodded, not wanting to say anything else, "This is very interesting, Cherry. I'm surprised no one found this place yet. I sure am lucky that you found it, so I have more time to work on it."

"It was my pleasure showing this to you, Robbie." His smile was contagious. I couldn't help but feel the corners of my lips lift upwards, even if my situation wasn't the best. Days were flying by at lightning speed, and I was still no closure to getting home. Robbie and I stayed at the Eastern Abbey for the night, which both quelled and disturbed me. The Eastern Abbey didn't survive the Calamity and was left to decompose along with the rest of the Great Plateau. Fear kept me up the entire night. When the night was overcome by the bright morning sun, I got up and stretched my aching muscles. Let's just say, I didn't feel like a fresh picked daisy. A couple hours passed, and I went on my merry way, leaving Robbie alone with the Shrine of Resurrection. As I rode off the Great Plateau, I suddenly stopped.

'Where should I go now?' I wondered. Not paying too much attention, I just let (H/N) go whatever way they wanted, as I pulled out my notebook to look at my makeshift map. Scribbles were drawn all over the pages as I tried to make out what was there. Some of the childlike map had a basic outline of where I went in Hyrule, but it wasn't enough. My switch could have been anywhere, which was one of the problems with Breath of the Wild being an open world. After about fifteen minutes of not looking at my surroundings, I noticed that we were nearing Satori Mountain. (H/N) passed over Manhala Bridge and was making (his/her) way up the hill. Eerily enough there was no one around, which was never good. Coming up to Dalite Forest, I saw a glimpse of red. Slowly turning my gaze toward the color, I saw a poorly hidden Sooga, which made me let out a small chuckle. Steering my horse into the forest, I immediately got off my steed before poking Sooga on the shoulder. He turned to face me, was I continued to smile.

"What are you doing in the bushes, Sooga?" I asked sarcastically, placing my hands behind my back. I gave him a smug smirk as the stoic ape was struggling to let his words flow properly.

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