Chapter 39

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We sat there in complete silence. No words were spoken between either of us. Urbosa held a Noble Pursuit in her hand, as I looked around the bar for any conversation topics; However, there was none to be found. Even though the room was bustling with customers, wildly drinking their booze, it felt silent. "Chief Urbosa!" One woman slurred, obvious buzzed from all the alcohol she had drank, "Why are you here so early in the afternoon? Shouldn't you be chief-ing??"

"I finished all I needed to this morning. I had to make room for my new friend here." Urbosa answered briefly, smiling at both the buzzed woman and myself. The drunk Gerudo woman looked me up and down, as she inspected me. I quickly became uncomfortable with the woman; Nevertheless, I persisted before she moved away from me and looked at Urbosa again.

"She's a pretty little vai. How did you get out to Gerudo Town without getting hurt?" I've met drunks before, but never had I met a philosophical drunk. The woman pinched my cheeks and sloshed it around like I was a mere toddler. Of course, I wasn't going to fight with a woman who was most likely not going to remember this event, unless she did some serious thinking later. Urbosa sensed my discomfort and sent the intoxicated woman back to her seat. Even when she wasn't on the job, Lady Urbosa was still a trailblazer. I guessed that she had to do this. Even though she was kind and hardworking, she couldn't let anyone see her in a weakened state. If that was the case, then why did Urbosa not hide her feelings well when we were talking about Zelda and Her Majesty? Perhaps she couldn't hide those emotions, or maybe she allowed me to see her emotions.

"Sorry about that, (Y/N). She always goes to the bar around this time. My last wish is to make you, or anyone else, uncomfortable." Urbosa apologized, taking a seat across from me once more. I twiddled my thumbs under the table, trying to think of something else to say. The atmosphere became disturbingly mute once more, "Why so shy all of a sudden, (Y/N)?"

"No reason. I just never been to something like this before. Where I come from, I don't have many friends..." I answered, playing with the fabric of my sirwal. Urbosa remained silent, so I decided to continue, "You just seem so popular with everyone, and that kind of terrifies me."

"You know, when I was about your age, I was just as insecure as you are right now. I realized I was about to become the chieftain of all the Gerudo and that scared me, but I overcame that fear and rose to new heights. I'm sure you will do the same once you are older." She took a sip of her cocktail, "And on your note about not having any friends... It's a shame that you don't have anyone to really depend on back where you're from; However, you have friends now right? After all, you and Zelda seem to get along well. And you aren't as bad as I thought you were, so you can count me as an ally." The Gerudo Chief was right, I had a surplus of friends! I had Revali, Daruk, Angus, and Zelda. Urbosa was then added to the mix. A smile softly appeared on my features, as I looked up at Urbosa. A smirk had appeared on her softened expression as well.

"Lady Urbosa? Could I ask you something?" I requested. Urbosa nodded slowly before I continued, "Have you seen anything strange fall from the sky recently? I'm working with the Sheikah to restore ancient technology, and one of my probes went berserk and fell somewhere in Hyrule. So, now I don't know where it is. I've been asking around, but no one has seen anything, so I am hoping that you may be able to help me." A white lie never hurt a soul. Urbosa thought about my question for a moment before answering.

"Actually, now that I think about it, there was something that fell in the desert a couple months ago. I passed it off for a shooting star, but it just might be your 'probe;' However, it landed in Toruma Dunes. Only a dead man would tread there." Urbosa warned.

'The Molduga was in that area in the game, so it must still be there.' I thought, weighing my options, 'If I go, then there is a large possibility that I will be eaten alive. If I don't go, then I will never know what the unidentified object was and there is also the possibility that the Yiga Clan will pick it up and use it to destroy Hyrule. What to do...?'

My internal debate was interrupted by Urbosa, "How important is this item to you? Couldn't you just make another one?"

"Sadly not. This probe is far too important to be left in the desert. Besides, if the Yiga Clan get their grubby hands on it... then who knows what they'll do with it. I must go alone. If there are too many people, then they will know we're looking for something." I answered, still debating in my head. Urbosa asked what the 'probe' could do. I answered, "It can... tell the impending future." Urbosa practically spit out her Noble Pursuit before looking at me with astonishment.

"I-It can do that?!" I nodded, in response. Urbosa regained her composure, before saying, "Then you have no choice. The Yiga Clan will most certainly use your device for evil. But are you sure you want to venture alone? Though the Yiga Clan are a large threat, the Molduga is a fierce and dangerous creature. It will not hesitate to kill you."

"Yeah... I'm sure." I decided. Standing up and throwing my bag over my shoulder, I looked at Urbosa. There was concern in the Gerudo Chief's eyes. Those emerald, green eyes were begging me not to go, but I had no choice. I had to get the switch before anyone else, "Goodbye, Lady Urbosa. I am certain we will meet again." I smiled before walking out of the bar and to the east sand seal rental shop.

"Sav'otta, young vai! Would you like to rent a seal?" A peppy woman asked kindly. Only an idiot would tread through the desert alone, without a sand seal, or any other form of transportation for that matter. The sand seal was promising, so I paid the required amount of rupees and went out of Gerudo Town. I thought I would be right back. I thought I was going to be in and out of Toruma Dunes. However, I was naïve of the consequences of doing things by myself. I strapped the rope around my waist and placed my feet through the rings on the back of my shield. With that, I looked back at Gerudo Town before leaving.

Passing the occasional palm trees and bones, it was a straight line to the strange sighting. I knew better then to leave my sand seal behind and paraglide to one of the rocks. I have died as Link like that a plethora of times. I knew I had to rush to one of the rocks and then kill the Molduga. I went down the side and directed my seal toward the closest rock formation. The Molduga sensed my presence and hastily came over to me and my rented sand seal; However, I made it to the closest rock before I could be eaten alive.

'Now all I need to do is use Remote Bombs to kill... this thing...' As one could rightly see, I was an idiot. I had forgotten that I didn't have the Sheikah Slate, and that I couldn't use it even if I did have it. The Molduga was circling around the little land formation my feet were quivering on the rock. Checking my bag for anything useful, I couldn't find anything. No bomb arrows were in sight, or any other colorful arrows. Just regular arrows, more than enough luminous stones, clothes, and some foods, 'No. No! NO!!' Adrenaline was flowing through every crevice of my body, as my brain worked overtime, 'What should I do?! What can I do?!!' I knew the Molduga didn't sleep and that if it did, it would hear my movements anyway.

I knew I could have thought of something better! I knew that I had enough materials and equipment to kill it!!

But there was nothing else swimming through my mind... My instincts were taking over... and my fight or flight response decided what to do in a moment. I chose to run.

The Molduga sensed my footsteps and swam after me. At that moment, I tripped over nothing in particular. The Molduga buried itself deeper into the sand and leapt out, high in the air. My life passed before my eyes. 'This is it... I'm going to die. Has my life really been obsolete? If I was only to be used as cannon fodder, then I should've just died in my universe. I wish... I would've said goodbye to Revali and Zelda one last time... Goodbye, cruel world...' As the Molduga dipped toward me and opened its ugly mouth. I put my hand over my eyes and awaited death.

Death isn't that easy however... as ironic as it seems. Apparently, life had bigger plans for me, and it wasn't going to let me go that easily...

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