Chapter 118

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We waited by the ledge, watching the shutters close up the moment Link entered the beast. I was waiting for those shutters to open. Not only to know if Link was safe, but to go in their myself. Daruk was important to me, and I wanted to avenge him just the same as I did with Revali. I made it my mission to do. My duty. All I needed to do was wait for my chance to paraglide inside.

"(Y/N)?" Yunobo queried, as I glanced over at him briefly. "Please don't tell me you want to join Link in there too?" I would have answered him, however, the light came back into the beast which made me smile. Link really was something else. Maybe him and Yunobo were right. Maybe I didn't need to go in there. So how come I was getting this dark feeling in the pit of my heart. One last look at Yunobo gave me the courage.

"Yunobo?" I gained his attention, before giving him a large smile, "There is something that my grandmother told me once. And it has to do with courage. 'Courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.' Today, Yunobo, you proved yourself to be brave. And now it is my turn." Before he could stop me, I jumped into the volcano briskly, pulling out my paraglider at the last minute to make sure I didn't get hurt.

I landed inside. Ash covered the floor, as smoke wafted through the air. The same feelings of dread and melancholy from Medoh overcame me. I was once in this Divine Beast. Staring around the large room, I stopped looking only when my gaze found Link.

"Where are those fire arrows?" He mumbled to himself, digging into his quiver to find what he was looking for. Taking out one, I handed it to him.

"Here you go." I voiced.

"Thank you, I-" Realization hit him so hard that he was frozen for a long moment. When he gained back some control, he turned to meet my gaze, "(Y/N)?! What are you doing here?!!" Anger was evident in his tone, but did I know he was going to react this way? Of course.

"I came to help." I answered.

"Dear Hylia..." He cursed under his breath softly, hoping that I didn't hear. And oh boy I did, but I decided to not speak on it.

"I guess there isn't a way to get you outta here, right? We are in a volcano." I nodded eagerly as he gifted me a sour expression. A heavy sigh rang through the air, as he forfeited doing this by himself. "Fine, you can stay... but only because there isn't a way to get you back otherwise." I'll take what I can get, I thought, before he shot the fire arrow at the wood. It burnt up quickly, before he used Magnesis to open the metal doors.

As he did his thing, I walked over to the little hole where he was supposed to shot a blue flame at. I pondered if I should help him or not before I disagreed with myself. Link needed to do this by himself. As he activated the first terminal, I decided to walk about. The same dread I felt when walking around Medoh returned. Instead of flowers and moss, it was ash and debris from the volcano.

The sound of Link entering the small room alerted me, before I joined him quickly. He was looking around confusedly. I wanted to tell him to look up, but he was a big boy. He could figure this out himself. He must have seen my eyes go up and down before he glanced above himself. Shooting it with a burning arrow, the box fell. Now, it was a matter of him tilting the Divine Beast, which he figured out soon after. Rudania tilted vertically, making me trip and land face first. The blond only chuckled at my pain, before understanding what to do with the box. "What an odd place to put a metal container... why do you think they put it there?"

'Maybe because this world is a video game meant for entertainment?!' I thought, but I wasn't bold enough to tell him that. That was too extreme, even for me. Link tilted the Divine Beast back horizontally, before getting his second terminal. He spaced out, however briefly, before we re-entered the main room once again. However, without any warning, Link tilted Rudania again, as I let out a yelp. "Tell me when you are going to do that!" The male only grinned, before continuing forward.

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