Chapter 114

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"Who decides limits? And based on what? You said you worked hard? Well, maybe you need to work a little harder. Is that really the limit of your strength? Could you of tomorrow beat you today? Instead of giving in, move forward."


I didn't have a nightmare that night, which was unusual, but not completely impossible. Link and I spent the morning just scavenging and gathering more materials. Nothing special. He didn't wish to explore the Faron, which I found somewhat strange, but after some thinking I realized why he had no interest in the current moment. That being: He wants to conquer another Divine Beast and his next target was Divine Beast Vah Rudania of the Goron. The volcano has never been a special place for me, but I was adamant about going where Link goes. I would follow him to the ends of Hyrule if I had to... That sounded creepy. In any case, we were headed northeast to Horwell Bridge.

"Link. Let's just follow the river. We'll get there faster." I told Link, pointing past the old ruins of the East Post. He nodded, before riding past Red Moblins, who cried out in anguish. I guess they were upset that they weren't worth the fight. "Hey, Link, you want to race to Riverside Stable?" I queried happily, which made him pause.

"(Y/N), I don't know the way there. Besides, we need to maintain our horse's stamina. What if we get into a squabble?" He spoke. We stopped our horses entirely.

"Oh, it's fine Link." Pointing to a large hill, I explained, "Once getting to Owlan Bridge, we ride left to get to the stable. It's close by, I swear! Our horses won't get too tired. Besides, even if they do, there is a shrine there, so that is plenty of time to catch a breath, right?" He was thinking about it, "If you win, I'll make you pizza~" Nodding his head, with idea of food in mind, the male beside me held great amounts of determination. Lining up our steeds, I started counting down. "Three... Two... One!" Cracking the reigns, we both went at high speeds. He pulled ahead first, but I was aware of my horse's true speed. Turning left, I managed to pull ahead, however, I didn't maintain it. Link won. 'Damn Horse Guru...'

"So, pizza?" He queried, with large sparkles in his eyes.

"Yeah, about that... I'm kind of out of ingredients..." I spoke sheepishly, before I received an annoyed expression, "Oh come on! I made you pizza yesterday, give me a break!!" Blue continued to stare daggers, which made me give in. I should have known that whining wouldn't work on this man. "Fine! I'll make you one tonight, okay?" Nodding, he trotted over to Wahgo Katta Shrine. 'He really does have me wrapped around his little finger, huh?' As if the horses were reading my thoughts, they practically snickered at me while showing their teeth. "You guys are mean, even if you are horses... but I guess you deserve a carrot, huh?" Snapping the Endura Carrot in half, I gifted each horse a piece. After they finished one of their favorites, I gifted each an apple. Once the top of Wahgo Katta Shrine lit up, Link walked out with a scowl on his features. "Did you have fun?~" I cooed out making him grimace. "That shrine sucks, doesn't it? Well, I guess that is a little payback. But if it makes you feel better, Hestu over there, if you want to talk to him."

Like the child Link is, his mind drifted from his painful experience, to the big, sentient tree holding large red maracas. I didn't bother to follow, knowing it had nothing to do with me. Instead, my eyes trailed over to Death Mountain. I remembered Daruk and the brief memories we shared. But they were everything but brief. Though I didn't know Daruk as long as Revali, I still felt somewhat connected to him and I wished for him to pass on peacefully. That's all I want for him. When Link came back, I was swiped away from my thoughts, before focusing on the task at hand.

We rode along the beaten dirt road, that I once remember was bustling and lively. However, it appeared that it was just Link and I. Maybe a couple travelers here and there. Before I could strike up another conversation, he sprinted off past Horwell Bridge and toward the flooded trees. Racing after him, I watched him get off his horse and Crynosis himself toward Hila Rao Shrine, where the fifth Blight waited. Following after him, I managed to cross the river, even though I fell in after one of the blocks broke from under me. Link had watched the event with amusement. 'Oh... this is punishment for not making him pizza in under two seconds...' I thought, before Link started to talk to the middle aged woman.

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