Chapter 2

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A cold breeze hit my face as the sun's rays rested on my face. Strands of hair covered little portions of my peaceful expression. Birds were chirping quietly, and everything seemed rather serene; However, something seemed off to me. A little detail that I barely even noticed was missing from the equation. A couple little details. I lived in the city, which means the chirping of birds was heavily drowned out from the sound of cars making their daily commute. Secondly, I didn't have a window in my bedroom and the direction of the faint breeze couldn't possibly be coming from the door. Finally, what I slept on was not a bed. It felt like a cold rock formation, with absolutely no padding. Opening my eyes, I was met with a room that seemed all too familiar, yet not so. As I thought before opening my eyes, I laid in a rock bed with a strange bulb-like structure above me. Sitting up, I looked around the room to see bizarre sandstone whirls and curves adorning the considerably dark wall. Orange constellations also stuck out, offering some sort of faint light. It was the one room, and it only had one way out, a long, straight hallway. Light emitted from the end. Suddenly, a large headache overtook me. I couldn't see or think straight! I knew I wasn't in my apartment, and I knew I was awake, so why wasn't I in my room? Putting my feet on the floor, I felt the feeling of plastic under my foot. Lifting my feet, I saw a small game card that looked all too familiar. Grabbing it, I flipped it over to find something I'd never thought I see.

'The Legend of Zelda; Breath of the Wild,' it read. I graced my fingers over the familiar item before looking to the hallway. Before leaving the room, I looked for anything else that might give me comfort. There was nothing. I looked down to see myself in a plain looking white dress. I was wearing a gross shirt and some sweatpants when I fell asleep. Fear and confusion ran through my very veins, as I walked out of the room and into the hallway. The longer I walked, the faster I went. I started out walking, but then went into a sprint until I was out. The light blinded me for a second, before my eyes adjusted to the brightness. A gasp escaped my lips as I looked upon my surroundings.

A castle stood in the distance along with a volcano and beautiful scenery. Turning to the right, I saw a large church with a large pathway leading up to it. People freely walked in and out of the large church-like building.

"No. No! No!! I cannot be here! It is absolutely impossible!!" I murmured to myself, pulling on the roots of my hair, "This is crazy! I am going to wake up any minute!! Wake up! Wake up!!!" I pinched myself as hard as I could, but it was to no avail. I was still looking to the land before me. Not knowing what else to do, I curled into a little ball and tried to calm myself down, "It's only a dream... It's only in your imagination..." My muttering and denial kept me from my surroundings to an extent. I was scared. Nothing in this world was my own except for that stupid game card. I opened my eyes in realization. 'What if I could stop the Calamity from happening? After all the game ends once Calamity Ganon is defeated. What if that is my ticket home?!' Dusting off my snow-white dress, I looked to the Temple of Time. I had always wondered what it looked like inside. Unknowingly but without restraint, I walked down the stairs.

I couldn't believe that I was in the game! Just the thought of it makes me anxious. Shaking my head, I continue on my way to the front of the large structure, until I stopped again. It was the land formation that the old man sits in when someone first starts the game. It was empty. No flickering fire. No baked apple. No torch sitting ideally on the wall. Placing my hand on the cool rock, I hoped that Link wouldn't ever have to go through what he did. Stepping away, I continued to the front of the Temple of Time. Three other buildings sat before it in a triangular shape, representing the Triforce. I walked up to the first building, which symbolized the Triforce of Courage. The room was adorned with green tapestries and a circle like symbol, engraved on the floor. There wasn't anything of note in the room though. Walking out, I continued up the stairs, until I saw the second building, which was for the Triforce of Wisdom. This room was the same as the first building, but the tapestries were a beautiful royal blue. The symbol engraved on the floor symbolized the Zora's Sapphire from Ocarina of Time. Deciding to see the next building, I hastily made my way up the stairs and into the center room. Red curtains and tapestries hung loosely on the walls and on the floor was the symbol of power. Even though all the rooms looked the same, this room held a menacing aura.

"Ganon..." I muttered to myself, before leaving the room and walking up to the main building. The Temple of Time looked like an intricate English Church. I looked up at the Triforce just above the entrance before walking in. Unlike the experience while playing the game, the church wasn't in rubble. The Temple of Time was even more beautiful than I had ever imagined. Some wooden benches sat, but the large chamber was pretty empty. Without thinking about it, I found myself standing before the Goddess Statue. About to put my chapped hands together to pray, I froze. She wasn't my god. This wasn't my religion. I brought my hands down to my side. Dropping to my knees I started to speak to no one in particular.

"Oh, whatever god is above me, answer my questions and prayers. Why am I here? My life was fine. Perfectly fine before this, so why? Why am I being subjected to such a predicament?! If it is to save Hyrule, then why not anyone else?! I am not meant to be put under such pressure... So, answer me!! Please!!!!" Realizing that I was yelling, I turned around to see a couple of random peoples' eyes on me. I got up and ran as fast as I could. I was freaking out in public, which is a bad thing to do. I was taught so after all. Catching my breath, leaning against a great twisted oak, I looked to my surroundings. Oman Au Shrine sat a little ways away. I was directly facing the way off the Great Plateau. I had daylight to burn, so I slowly walked down the slope and into the further land of Hyrule.

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