Chapter 155

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"Well, well! It is always nice to have a visitor here. Thank you for journeying to Zora's Domain... Wait a moment... You... You're Link! The perpetrator who forced Lady Mipha to join his crusade one hundred years ago, only to be destroyed by Calamity Ganon! As though I could ever forget that face. You should know that the elderly here who loved Lady Mipha still remember... and they still resent you. I, however, resent the deed and not the person. I also believe in allowing the mistakes of the past to wash away. Link... I have retired from my role as a priest. I am now living my life free from the material concerns of this world. However... Ever since I retired, each day is more boring than the last... Spending day after day in idleness, only to pass from this world soon... Link... As I'm sure you are well aware, the afterlife lays claim to all. We never know when it will beckon. If during your travels you meet any engaged couples, I would like you to introduce them to me. Joining two souls is a true honor, one I shall stake my life on. Just one more wedding... and I shall be fulfilled." Link had finally found his target. He had spoken to the Zora woman on the bridge, because her name had the suffix son, however, she wasn't a priest. Go figure. So Link was on a mission to find the final Bolson Construction person to finish Tarrey Town.

"Get a load of this..." Link proceed to explain the situation in Tarrey Town.

"I have been waiting to hear those words. As for the location... Hm... Tarrey Town in Akkala... Akkala isn't too far from here. It would please me to hurry there right away." Kapson commented. Link worried for the older gentleman, however, the Zora only laughed, "No need to worry about me. I have always had confidence in my fins and feet! It has been a long while since I have had work. I am eager to put my skills to good use! You should come as well. I will start my preparations in Tarrey Town in the meantime." Kapson then left the Domain. Link approached me again, smiling all the while.

It had been two days since the Divine Beast was conquered. My arm was back to normal, but not fully because of the slow healing process. I told Link that he might be able to heal me if he used Mipha's Grace. He called upon the Zora Princess's power, and before I knew it, my shoulder didn't have any aching anymore. Everything felt right, but I was still careful. I had sold all but ten of my Luminous Ore to Fronk. He took it all and gave me a great sum of money. It was pretty sad how much my bag emptied, but I was happy to get that intense weight off my back and shoulders. The banquet was held a night ago, and it went great all things considered. It was a party, one far different than the Rito celebrations. Rito celebrations were less formal than the Zora ones. Nevertheless, the food was delicious and that is all that really mattered.

"Alright, after we leave the Domain, we should head to Akkala again for the wedding. Besides I want you to see all of the work done on it. You weren't there to see all the construction." I nodded.

"Link, I think it might be best to stay in the Domain for a little while longer." I spoke, confusing the blond. He stared at my newly healed shoulder, before explaining myself, "How many shrines do you have left? Seven?" Link nodded, before I pulled out the Sheikah Slate. "The locations you need to go to are... here are here." Ulria Grotto and Tingel Island were two very remote places in Hyrule. Akkala tends to be overwhelming at times, so going to those areas aren't really on anyone's to-do lists. Understandable.

"But that's just two. Where are the others?" I marked the Quarry Ruins, the prison island, the Crenel Hills, and the Castle. "We'll get these in due time. For now, just worry about getting the last two in Akkala." I spoke.

"Wait, (Y/N), that's only six. What about the seventh?" He was right. There was one more. I glanced over the places we were just at, however, everything had been conquered. I continued to stare at it. "(Y/N), I don't think one Spirit Orbs is going to-"

"No, we need to find them all!!" I yelled, continuing to scan my eyes over every possible spot. I needed Link to be at his strongest. It's not like I didn't have faith in his abilities. It's more like insurance. I would never forgive myself if he died. One heart matters. Finally, after five minutes of us just sitting on the railing, I pinned the last shrine. The last one we didn't go to. "There we go. Luckily, it is on the way to Akkala." Tah Muhl Shrine, the bane of my existence. If the shrine name doesn't ring a bell, than the stupid little quest should: A Landscape of a Stable. "I knew we were missing something near the volcano." I huffed out, finally giving the device back to him. "Anyway, where was I... oh right! Yeah, those are the last two shrines in Akkala, and since they're so close, you should get them. Besides, we still have a couple quests to do in the Domain. For that, we'll divide and conquer. There are three quest I need you to do. One is that guy over there." I pointed at Fronk, "Another one from that guy." I pointed at Torfeau, "And the last one is for a little girl named Finley. She is at the Bank of Wishes if I had to guess. I'll take care of everything important from here."

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