French Braid [Burrfayette]

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It was a peaceful day. The weather was lovely, the sun was out, no cloud in sight, children were playing outside and the grass was a perfect lush green, ideal for sitting.

So of course, Aaron spent the day inside working on his computer.

He sat at his desk with squinted eyes as he stared at the tiny text that appeared in front of him. He'd been working for almost five hours straight and he was beginning to develop a migraine.

Across the room his boyfriend Lafayette lay spread out on their sofa, texting on his phone. Every so often he'd look up and glance at his lover, brows furrowed. While he knew Aaron's job was, is, important, he didn't like watching him work himself into a frenzy.

"Aaron." He called gently, but the man in question didn't even acknowledge him. Lafayette's frowned deepened and he tossed his phone aside, sending a brief text to Hercules that he had to go.

He stood up and walked over to his lover. He stood behind him for a moment, waiting to see if Aaron would realize he was directly behind him, but Aaron's typing didn't cease. Lafayette let out a small huff before placing his hands on Aaron's shoulders, gently messaging them.

"Laf!" Aaron startled, jumping slightly under his hands. "You startled me."

Aaron looked up just in time to be captured in a gentle kiss. "L-Lafayette..." He mumbled between kisses.

"Mon cher, take a break." Lafayette murmured, leaning his head against Aaron who sighed tiredly.

"I wish I could. But I've got a deadline coming up and I'm nowhere near finished and honestly, I don't want to give Washington anymore reason to hate me." Aaron rambled, cut off with another kiss.

"Let us go outside. It is a magnificent day." Lafayette said, stroking Aaron's cheek. Aaron shook his head.

"I can't Laf. Later." He promised before turning away and returning to his work. Lafayette grumbled, walking back to the couch and picking up his phone.

Aide moi! Aaron will not leave his work!!!

Have you bribed him?

Non! Of course not. Aaron won't listen to that.

Unplug the computer?

If I did that, Aaron would not speak with me for weeks!

Dude, bribe him with your hair.




Aaron loves your hair man. Say he can like I dunno, braid it or some shit.

I will attempt this.

Good luck


Tell Aaron that we're working a case together!

Why can't you tell him yourself?

He blocked me. ;-;

Ha! Get reckt!

Lafayette turned his phone off once more, staring at Aaron for a couple minutes. He finally stood up and walked over. He flung his arms around the shorter male and buried his face in Aaron's neck.

"Laf..." Aaron said, warning in his tone.

"Aaron, you need to take a break." Lafayette said, placing gentle kisses on Aaron's neck. He grinned slightly when he felt a small shiver go down Aaron's spine and how he titled his head just so to give Lafayette more access to his neck.

"Fifteen minutes." Lafayette bargained. "And you can do whatever you want with my hair."

Aaron froze. He'd never gave any hint about just how much he loved Lafayette's hair. He'd only ever told...

"Alexander." He moaned. Lafayette giggled, nibbling on Aaron's neck.

"That's right mon cher." He giggled again. "Come, let's go outside. It is so beautiful."

Aaron groaned, but pushed away from his desk. "Fine." He conceded.

Lafayette let out a small cheer. He grabbed Aaron's hand and pulled him out of the chair, dragging him towards their backdoor. They got outside and Lafayette smiled brightly at the warmth on his face while Aaron squinted from the brightness.

"Why did I agree to this?" He grumbled, crossing his arms like a child. Lafayette rolled his eyes before entwining their fingers together. He lead Aaron over to a oak tree before plopping down, dragging Aaron with him, who gave a startled cry.

"Give me a warning next time." Aaron said glaring playfully at Lafayette. "Turn around."

Lafayette blinked in surprise, but complied. A shudder went down his spine as Aaron threaded his fingers through his curly hair. Purrs started to come out as Aaron pushed all his hair back.

"W-What are you-"

"Hush. Stay still." Aaron quickly shushed him and continued with whatever he was doing. Whatever it was, it felt nice. Several minutes later, Aaron's hands lifted making Lafayette whine at the loss.

"All done." Aaron said quietly. Lafayette lifted a hand and ran it over his head, instantly recognizing the feel.

"Aaron! I did not know you could french braid!" He said in astonishment, turning to face his boyfriend. He was surprised to see that Aaron's face was flushed and he looked a bit embarrassed.

"Sally couldn't style her hair even if her life depended on it, so I always did it for her." Aaron explained. "And then after she went to college a lot of girls at my school would ask me to style their hair for them..."

"You should've told me that my boyfriend was a hair stylist! Now I can get any hairdos I want for free!!" Lafayette gushed.

"Absolutely not." Aaron said.


"I happen to charge for my services Mr Lafayette. A kiss for each do."

Lafayette giggled, before leaning over to peck Aaron on the lips. "That's a price I'd pay any day."


Look at my wonderful hairdo!

TheFrenchiestFry has sent a photo

Best boyfriend ever!!!

Did you tell him about the case?

I don't think he did Alex


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