Eye Fucking [Madilton]

495 24 6

Requested by: a_tack1


"Are you going to eye fuck me all night, or are you going to do something about it?"

James blinked and felt blood rise to his cheeks. "U-Um what?"

Alexander rolled his eyes and leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms. "Don't think I can't feel you staring at me." He smirked. "You're practically fucking me with your eyes babe. You're not even subtle."

James flushed even more and looked down at his textbook. "Alexander, we are in the public library!" He hissed, glaring at his boyfriend through his eyelashes.

Alexander's smirk only widened and he scooched over, leaning forward. James tensed when his boyfriend placed a warm hand on his thigh, gently massaging small circles into the soft skin.

"A-Alex..." he mumbled.

Alexander gave him a light peck, before whispering in his ear,

"Why don't we go back to the dorm?"

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