Homophobia [Laflams]

525 33 8

Requested by: WatashiWaTenshida


John sighed and glanced over at the clock, frowning when he saw that it was past ten. His lovers were supposed to be home almost a half-hour ago, so where were they? He sighed again before going back to reading his book. They'd probably gotten stuck in traffic or something.

A few minutes later, there was a knock at the door. John frowned. Who could that be? It definitely wasn't Lafayette or Alexander, why would they knock? They both lived here and had keys.

Pursing his lips, John stood up and walked over to the door to open it.

He stiffened when he saw who was on the other side.

"What are you doing here Henry?" He asked, trembling.

Henry frowned at him. "I ain't Henry. I-I'm your father..."

John scowled, feeling his chest tighten and his breathing quicken. "You are not my father. You lost that privilege when you disowned me!"

"Yeah because you were being a faggot!" Henry yelled and John flinched. His breathing quickened further and his vision started to blur. No, no no. He couldn't have a panic attack now, not in front of his asshole of a father.

"I... I am not a-a f-fa..."

"Shut up!" Henry yelled and it was then that John smelled the alcohol. He wrinkled his nose and took a step back, trying to retreat into the comfort and safety of his home. But his father stepped forward, entering the house.

"G-Get o-out." He stammered, a tear slipping down his cheek.

Henry scowled and opened his mouth to yell again, but all that came out was a startled shout.

"I suggest you leave."

John nearly sobbed in relief when he saw Lafayette's furious face.

Henry glared up at the taller man, but seeing as Lafayette was larger and more muscular, he backed away and stumbled down the road.

"John, John hey, can you hear?" Alexander asked, staring at him with concern.

John nodded and sniffled.

"Mon coeur..." Lafayette whispered. "May I hold you?"

John let out a sob and nodded. He collapsed into Lafayette's arms, finding comfort in his scent and familiar body. He buried his face in Lafayette's chest, trying to control his sobbing.

Alexander hugged him from behind and kissed him gently on the nape of his neck. "It's okay love, you're safe." He murmured.

John fell asleep cocooned in his lovers arms.

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