Bad Dream [Mullens]

468 22 3

Requested by: PowerDream4You


Hercules hummed softly as he carefully sewed a pattern into the dress. He glanced up, sneaking a peek at the clock. He frowned when he saw that it was almost midnight. He pursed his lips, before deciding to pull another allnighter. John would understand.

He was nearly finished the pattern when a scream cut through the air. He immediately scrambled to the bedroom.

"John?" He yelled, bursting through the bedroom door and rushing to his lover's side. His eyes softened and he carefully approached John, who was crying curled up under the covers.

"John..." He said and John peeked out from under the covers with tears in his eyes.

"Another nightmare?" Hercules asked softly. John nodded and sniffled. Without a word, Hercules climbed into the bed and wrapped his slightly larger form around his boyfriend.

"You're safe John." He murmured, pressing kissing against his head. "Everyone is safe."

"The screams, t-the noises of t-t-the..." He trailed off with a sob.

Hercules pursed his lips and squeezed John tightly. "John, we're not in the war anymore. The war ended years ago."

"I can still remember it," John whispered. "T-The bullet. It... I can still feel it h-hitting m-my-"

Hercules swallowed, blinking back tears of his own. "You're safe now." He repeated. "We're all safe now."

It took time, and lots of cuddling, but eventually John calmed down enough to slowly begin drifting off to sleep. Once Hercules thought he was asleep, he carefully released his boyfriend and tried to leave the room, but John grabbed his wrist.

"Please stay." He whispered. Hercules stared at his pleading eyes, before nodding and crawling back into bed.

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