Prophet [Lams]

729 29 2

Alexander stumbled through the heavy forest, clutching his bag tightly. Just a few more minutes of walking. He was sure that the temple was close. He could feel it.

He pushed away some vines, eyes lighting up when he spotted a run down looking building.

"Finally!" He whispered. He grabbed his sword and ran up. He pushed aside some more vines and entered the discarded temple.

"Hello?" He called cautiously. There was no response. He continued on, grabbing a lit torch that was on the wall to guide his way. Suddenly, something grabbed his wrist and he let out a shriek.

"Woah! Chill! It's just me!"

Alexander shined his torch in the direction of the voice, staring with wide eyes as a young man's face came into view.

The man grinned and gave him a small wave.

"Howdy." He said cheerfully. "What brings you to the temple?"

Alexander lowered his sword. "I'm here in search of the prophet."

The man's grin widened. "Congrats. You've found him."

Alexander squinted, taking in the man's appearance. He was wearing a dirty white tunic with muddy sandals. His hair was a rats nest and his face was littered with dirt and freckles.

"You don't look a like a prophet." Alexander said bluntly.

"Hey!" The prophet said. "You wouldn't look the best if you were stuck in some stupid temple with no freaking running water!"

"You're trapped here?" Alexander said in surprise. To his shock, the prophet flushed.

"Uh. I'm a little um, lost..."

"You're lost in your own temple."

"This place if huge okay! You would be too!"

"You are the strangest and worst prophet I have ever met." Alexander said, sheathing his sword and shaking his head.

The prophet pouted, sticking his tongue out. "I'm not giving you a prophecy. Your attitude is shitty."

"You can't do that!" Alexander protested. The whole reason he'd come here was to get a prophecy and guidance. It was on George's orders, but still.

"Too bad!"

Alexander scowled. He was tempted to threatened the stupid prophet, but decided against it.

"What if I made you a deal?"

The prophet glanced at him. "What kind of deal?"

"I'll lead you out of the temple, and in return you give me a prophecy or whatever."

The prophet stared at him blankly for a minute, before grinning widely and sticking out his hand.



"Alexander. Who is this?"

Alexander grinned. "This is the prophet, John Laurens!"

George sighed heavily. "I know that Alexander. But why is he here?"

Alexander shrugged. "I made a deal with him. He was lost in his own temple, so I told him I would lead him out of it in exchange for a prophecy."

George frowned. "Why did you need to make a deal in the first place?"


"He was very rude." John interrupted.

George sighed again. "Of course he was. Anyways, you are welcomed to stay here as long as you wish Mr Laurens."

John grinned, squeezing Alexander's hand. "Sweet! I won't be leaving any time soon. Gotta keep my hero safe."

He winked at Alexander who flushed with embarrassment and ducked his head.

George groaned. Great. Now he had two trouble makers to deal with. Fantastic.

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